What’s your story?

What’s your story?

We’re all storytellers. Here in Mississippi, it is practically a birthright. But seriously, what’s your story?

Because you can’t control most things that happen to you. But you sure can control your story.

Did you lose your job? Did your spouse leave you? Do you have a serious illness? Those are all bad things. Terrible things, actually. So, what’s your story? Are you a victim? Have you taken up drinking to cope? Are you completely distraught? That’s a pretty understandable story, to be honest and I wouldn’t blame you if you felt that way.

Or is your story perseverance. Are you fighting back? Do you wake up each morning and vow to overcome the obstacles sprinkled in your path? Is your story of one as a person who gets punched in the mouth and gets back up quickly? Do you inspire others? What’s your purpose in life?

What’s your story?

Is someone close to you behaving poorly? Are they hurting you and themselves? Is a relative drinking too much? Do they have a preventable disease? Are you afraid you end just like them? Your fears will only come true if you chose that story.

Stories have to have a foundation of truth. Ask Tiger Woods and Lance Armstrong what happens when you build your story based on a fib. You will end up with your wife planting a nine iron in your SUV’s back window. Or worse.

It’s like building your house on a foundation of sand.

No, your story has to be built on the rock of truth to be believable. For example, if you want your story to be “I’m a great father who spends time with his children, loves his wife and works hard to make the world a little bit better,” you can’t ignore your kids, cheat on your wife and be a corrupt business person. Once you write your story, take action every day to live your story. Then you’ll become it.

Be a storyteller. And make your story entertaining and life-changing for everyone around you.

So, what’s your story?

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