The World Needs You

Make a difference by being a bright light in a dark world.

Make a difference by being a bright light in a dark world.

Tough times require tough people.

You must be tough mentally, physically and emotionally. And you can’t allow others to manipulate your feelings and steal your joy. They have agendas and fears. Don’t play their game — you’ll lose every time.

Self-discipline, even when the world seems like it is falling down around you, is the boat that will carry you through the storm. Don’t depend on others to understand, care or support you. But do understand, care and support them. That’s what will give you strength. Pay your blessings forward. Because it’s not about what you receive –– it’s about what you give. The Universe will return the love back to you.

Train your brain, your lungs and your heart. You’ll need all three to be strong. Read good books. Learn to breath deeply and methodically. Stretch and exercise. Build a seawall to protect you from life’s storms.

It’s true the world doesn’t owe you a thing — but you can give so much back to it. Light your inner flame and be the bright spot in a dark time.

When you are strong, negative people shrivel like a salted slug.

Be strong. Be tough. The world needs you.

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