The Adventures of an Awkward Athlete: Chapter 13 — Embracing the suck.

First of all, I am thankful I workout outside on a football field when it’s dark. Why? I know I look super stupid when I’m going through the drills.

It’s the awkward part of the title of this blog. It’s a proven fact that I am NOT graceful in anyway when I workout. Or pretty much the rest of my life.

OK, that’s out of the way.

We did a cool drill where we had to jump up five times and grab our knees. When done, we ran five yards and did a pushup. Then we ran another five yards and did five more jumps. Rinse and repeat all the way down the football field. Then we ran back.

If that sounds like it might slightly suck, well, you would be correct. It definitely winded me. But somewhere around midfield I had an epiphany. (I might have been a lack of oxygen). Each motion became more than just survival. It became about getting better. And stronger.

I leaned into the exercise instead of fighting it. I embraced the suck.

It was a change in mindset. I quit worrying about being tired and started being a warrior.

Now to carry that into the rest of my day.

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