Gut Check

The clock’s red numbers rudely read midnight. My alarm was set for four hours later. Ugh.

How important was my workout to me?

I fell asleep in seconds, knowing I’d be jolted awake in moments. And I was. The alarm went off, I got ready and headed to the football field . I left the house at 4:35 a.m.

What the $%^$ is wrong with me?

Nothing. I just had something to prove to myself. I know what I can do when times are good. It’s when you feel like quitting, lying down and sleeping in — well, that’s the real test.

Paul LaCoste was back. I knew today wasn’t going to be easy — and it wasn’t. We pushed boards hundreds of yards. We ran up and down Madison Central’s home stands. We did chips and salsa and bear crawled.

It was a gut check.

What I mean is this: I had to reach down inside of myself to see what was inside of me. I was exhausted. As we hit the turf (up-downs), I thought, “I got this.”

I got this.

I think I’ll get that tattooed on my forehead. Because if I could survive today — on hardly any sleep, I can handle most any B.S. life throws at me.

Paul has us yell 1….2….3…. NEXT LEVEL!

I have some thoughts what that means (and I’ll share on another post.).

But I don’t think you can get to the next level in level until you learn to push past discomfort and pain.

I did that today.

I got this.

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