The secret of promoting on social media is creating a campaign that doesn’t seem like a campaign. You have to have the classic advertising maxims involved (three to five insertions of an add to get attention — something I learned back in the stone ages). But you also have to give your target market content that is relevant and engaging. How does what you post matter to them? If fact there are several others you must ask yourself before you begin (and during your campaign):

Is my content engaging?
What platforms would be the most effective?
What content would work best on each platform? (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Periscope, YouTube, SnapChat — you get the point.)
What frequency should I post?
What hashtag should I use?
Should I mix in traditional media?
How long will my campaign need to last?
How can I get people to share my content?
How can I engage my audience?
Who is my market?
In the old days, you’d try to raise awareness. Today, you have to engage people or they won’t pay attention.



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