Class Notes Friday, January 13

Happy Friday the 13th!

Final tomorrow. Study guide will go live early Friday afternoon.  Test will be given at 8 sharp.

Today we will have quick discussion on final chapters and will do class project for remainder of the class.



Round 8
Linked in

Conan Conquers LinkedIn:
Launched in May 2003
200 Million members
Every second — two new members join
More than 2.8 million companies have a linked in page
Executives from all 2012 Fortune 500 companies are members
Students and recent college graduates are fastest growing demographic.

Conan Conquers LinkedIn Continues:

Linked-in influences — where leaders contribute articles on their topic of expertise. Since it is a business site, it provides a natural platform for B2B marketers . You need to have an LinkedIn page for your professional accomplishments. It’s a digital resume. And it’s also a place where you can indulge in long copy. A great place to build your brand as an expert in some business or motivational topic. People coming to the site are looking for information. There have to be creative, smart ways you can make your self-indispensable by using Linked-In

Top Ten Linked in Errors:


Launched 2011
60 Million snaps sent in February 2/13
Allows users to send photos and videos that self-destruct in a matter of sections. Changing the way people created and view content on the Internet.

How to grow you SnapChat audience:

building your brand using SnapChat

Normal Internet: 90-9-1 rule. — 90% consume content, 9% edit it, 1 % create it.
Snapchat: 75-20-5 rule — 75% consume content, 20% edit it, 5 percent create it.

People look to Snapchat for conversation or a quick laugh.
Mimics real life conversations — real life conversations don’t last online forever.

Round Nine — Effort
Content is king, context is God and then there’s effort. Together they are the holy trinity for winning on Facebook, Twitter and Any other Platform.

Effort — intense, consistent, committed, 24-7 effort, the best social media micro-content placed within the most appropriate context will go down as graceless as Buster Douglas did against Evander Holyfield.

Effort is the great equalizer. What matters is the effort you put into you work.

Budgets should have no effect on the amount of the effort, heart and sincerity that can go into your conversations with your customers. Marketers who creatively and sincerely engage in as many as those resulting conversations as possible will be about to scale their relationships higher than their opponents.

Volume alone won’t raise a brand’s engagement levels — the quality of the conversation will.

Your fighting a never ending boxing match.

Initial consistency and effort will build up so much brand equity that you won’t have to have the same frenzy down the road.

10. All companies are media companies.

We’ve just spend nine chapters emphasizing secret to social marketing is micro-content (the shorter the better — it’s the yang). The Yin is long form content — YouTube video, magazine articles, TV shows, movies and books for instance — where it continues to push traditional boundaries via which ways they use to disseminate their content. Companies recognize that they less and less often have to rent their media. But can own it and remarket it in whenever way they want.

There are ways to grown a brand:
Michelin tires started reviewing rural restaurants to encourage people living in the cities to drive farther (and wear out tires).

So long as brands remain transparent so that their consumers aren’t duped into thinking these sites and publications are strictly objective content providers — this could be a fruitful way to expand the brand and content reach.

In marketing world, there will so be no more separation between church and state (advertising and editorial content).

Round 11

You can’t give into the frustration caused by constant change and tweaks.

Round 12. We world we live in evolves every second, everyday.


The Future of Media: Frank Cooper


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