The story behind the coloring sheets

I have to ask myself, ”why do I keep drawing the coloring sheets?” The pandemic, at least the shutdown part of it, is long over. Kids aren’t sitting at home needing something to do. I don’t get a ton of likes on them, so I am not getting a dopamine rush from them. But I took a few days off from drawing them a couple of months ago, and, to my surprise, missed the characters. Banjo, Pip, Sam and Mr. ML have become real to me. Spending 20 minutes a day (how long I take to draw them), is both therapeutic and a creative warmup for my day. I’ve done 1,000 of them since March of 2020 — and never once have the characters said a word.

Still, why do I keep at it?

I don’t want them to die.

I also feel like there is a children’s book in them. I have a basic outline for a story and in my spare time, I am going to do an origin story. All the characters had meaning to me in real life (well, except Mr. ML — he just hung around our old house). Banjo was our rescue Border Terrier. Pip was born on the day he died and is our current Border Terrier (she is 10 1/2 now). Sam was our one and only cat — and he weighed 26 lbs. pounds. Banjo is wise. Pip sees the world with joy and adventure. Sam is mischievous and a bit of a coward and Mr. ML has no idea he could eat the other three at any moment. He is an innocent soul.

It has been fun putting something out into the world for free. Eventually, I will make them pay the rent in some way — I need to eat, too. But it has been a wonderful ministry the past three years. And it has been good therapy for me

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Learning from Ben & Erin

Ben and Erin Napier, the stars of HGTV’s hit show Home Town, were on the stage last night, receiving a well-deserved award from the Community Foundation of Northwest Museum. If there is a line for Ben & Erin fans, I’d do my best to be toward the front. They are, as my grandmother would say, good folks. Sure, I like what they do on television — Home Town is a fun show to watch and their chemistry on screen is fantastic. But my admiration is deeper than just “cool, they are celebrities.” I like them as people and respect them professionally. Juggling a career, helping spark a town’s revival, keeping a marriage going and raising small children while being in a white-hot public spotlight is a Herculean task.

They do it well.

I got to say hello to them briefly while they were eating (for the record it is the second time I have interrupted them while eating — which makes me feel a little guilty.) There were over 1,000 people in the room last night and I’m sure all of them would have liked to have a minute of their time — so I tried to be brief. I introduced them to my wife Amy and my youngest son. A few months ago, I had the privilege of interviewing them; it was like talking to old friends.

There were a couple of things that they said in the interview and I think Ben repeated some of it last night reminded me why I respect them so much.

  1. Erin (in the interview) said you can complain about a problem or you can do something about it. I’d say, judging by Laurel’s incredible transformation, her word is good. She is a force of nature.
  2. Ben said that everything that they have achieved wasn’t part of the plan. I think that is important to remember — to pay attention and take the gifts life gives you and run with them. And do the work. (Their daily schedule is full!)
  3. Erin wrote a daily blog about the good things in her life — and in time, it led to a producer contacting them about doing the show. It’s a reminder to make gratitude a habit.

Watching the news is, at best, depressing. But last night reminded me that if you see a problem, don’t complain about it; do something to make it better. Remember to do the work and make the most out of opportunities that are handed to you. Make sure you take a little time everyday to be grateful for what you have. And leave your hometown a better place than you found it.

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Fly Me To the Moon: Coloring Sheets

Banjo, Pip, Sam and Mr. ML went to the Moon this week. Here are five coloring sheets for your kids to enjoy.

One small step for dog, one giant leap for dog kind.

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Aircraft of North American Aviation (Paintings by me)

Some of my favorite planes.

T-28 Trojan
P-51 Mustang
SNJ (AT-6) Texan
B-25 Mitchell
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Charlotte’s Chariot II

I woke up on the morning of my birthday and found out that John Mosley had died. John, the owner of Clinton Body Shop, was also a huge supporter of aviation (and painted planes as well). He was a good, good man who gave so much back to his family and community. A few days later, Dan Fordice called me and said that there would be a 14-person honor flight over John’s funeral. He then said I was welcome to ride with him in his P-51D Mustang, Charlotte’s Chariott II.

I, of course, said, “YES!!”

We flew with Paul Barnett’s Mustang Rosalie on our wingtip. It was incredible experience and I have created two paintings to remember it by. One is of the two Mustangs together on the tarmac — I painted it pretty quickly and it is more lose. But I wanted to do a really nice photo realistic version of CC II for Dan to say thank you for taking me up.

Here are both of them.

Charlotte’s Chariott II and Rosalie prepare for takeoff.

Charlotte’s Chariott II, a P-51D painted in honor of the late Cary Salter, who flew a similar Mustang over Germany during World War 2. Charlotte was Cary’s girlfriend at time — they later married and were together until the very end. This painting took 10 hours.
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Paintings of the Cadillac of the Skies

Recently, I flew with Dan Fordice in his P-51D Mustang Charlotte’s Chariott II and Paul Barnett in his Mustang Rosalie as part of the honor flight in memory of our friend John Mosley. Fourteen warbirds, ranging from C-47s to AT-6 Texans roared across the Central Mississippi skies. I know John smiled from above. Here is one painting I did from the day and my current status of another one.

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The Antidote for Cynicism

After 22 years of being able to walk to the Mississippi State Capitol from the office, it is weird having to park. Once I found a space, parked the car and headed toward the big gold eagle. As I was walking from the parking lot, I met up with a man in a suit. He was navigating the construction and the mud, so I figured it was wise to follow him.

Chapel Hart

He had been here before.

We struck up a conversation. While I was cynical (a habit, I am afraid) about the session, he had great optimism. “I believe in Mississippi and want it to better.” While we were pretty different, we definitely had that in common. “It’s a great state full of talented people.” Once again, we were singing off the same hymnal. He, too, had moved here from another place — Detroit in his case. He also had lived here for a while — 18 years to my 26. I wished him a good day as we went through security and wished him luck. He believes in our state and his heart is pointed at that North Star.

It was inspiring, to be honest. And a reminder that there are good people here working hard to make this place better because they believe in it. And there is a lot of things — and people to believe in.

For example”:

When I went into the rotunda, there were some familiar faces mulling around. It was Chapel Hart, the sensationally talented country group from Hart’s Chapel, Mississippi (right near Popularville). I had seen them on America’s Got Talent and hearing them sing live, I can assure you — they have talent. There was no Auto Tune — just pure, clear harmonies in the echo of the busy Capitol. Chapel Hart’s members are a kind as they are talented. They took time to speak to everyone and pose for selfies (or us-sies).

They are the Mississippi that I love. People with dreams and talent who scratch and claw and don’t listen to the haters and the doubters. Just like the man in the suit who I walked in with.

As frustrating as our state can be — and as maddening as some of our leaders can be — there are so many good people who are working hard to make it better. Yes, there is great need. But there is also great people who are attacking that need. They are using their talents to bring us joy — or to find a solution for systemic problems that keep so many of our fellow Mississippians held prisoner.

I walked back to my car with a little more optimism. A lot goes on at the State Capitol. Sometimes it is for the good.

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A Border Terrier Christmas

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CLAUS Shipping

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