Monthly Archives: March 2012

Saturday Free-For-All

The last time I saw my brother-in-law, I lifted him into bed. Now I’ll be lifting his coffin. The world lost a brave man. ALS is a vicious thief that steals your ability to move. Adam, I will keep moving … Continue reading

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 48 (the last day)

Goal Weight: 195 lbs. This morning’s weight: 205 It was dark, rainy this morning and we were at Madison Central High School instead of Jackson State.  The crowd was thinner but still healthy.  Paul Lacoste put us through one more … Continue reading

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Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! Last time I will be up at 3:30 a.m. for a few weeks. I’m actually kind of sad. Kind of…

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Fit4Change 5K

Team Ramsey had a good night. My sons finished the race at 27 and 29 minutes. Thanks to ibuprofen and the Rocky soundtrack booming through my headphones, I plowed through some pain and finished strong, too.  (It’s time to rest … Continue reading

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog Day 47: Crossroads

Goal weight: 195 lbs This morning’s weight: 206 lbs. On the day when I was supposed to come roaring across the finish line of a 5K, I’ll be like the NASCAR car that has run out of gas.  And I’ll … Continue reading

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Thursday Free-For-All

Today is Thursday isn’t it?  Got in from Oxford late, late last night.  Fell asleep three times in the last 20 miles and thankfully the textured pavement on the side of the shoulder did its job. I’m still alive.

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 46

Goal Weight: 195 lbs. On the first day of Fit4Change training, we went through a series of physical tests to obtain a benchmark for our fitness.  Some of the tests included how many push-ups and sit-ups we could do at … Continue reading

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Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! I’ll be on Fox 40 in Jackson today at 8 a.m. Promoting the Run from the Sun 5K.

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Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 45

Goal Weight: 195 The good news: In 12 weeks, my cholesterol has dropped from 162 to 152, my waist from 41 inches to 36, my blood pressure from 140/80 to 112/70 & HR from 71 to 52. The bad news? … Continue reading

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Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! It’s off to Columbus I go!

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