Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! Last time I will be up at 3:30 a.m. for a few weeks. I’m actually kind of sad. Kind of…

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18 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone!!! Marshall I am glad you get an extra hour of rest for the next few weeks. You are on the right track and you know your mind and body are on the same track. Keep up the good work.

    Happy Friday!!! I am more mentally exhaused than ever and the resting/sleeping is a lot of tossing and turning. I know I have the strength to continue on. Just very sluggish this morning. Maybe listening to the rain this morning is making it worse. No better sleeping weather.

  2. dhcoop says:


    Everything is so green! Hope everyone has a great day.

  3. OldBopper says:

    Morning. Congratulations to the Boss for finishing his training program.

    Looks like mostly scattered showers throughout the day. Maybe some sustained hard rain in late afternoon/early evening. Anyway, that’s my forecast after looking at the radar on Weather Underground.

    To the regular eye doctor this morning for a checkup and possible glasses prescription. I know I’ll need them for reading and probably a little more but right now, I don’t need them to drive or do normal outside tasks. I still feel awkward without glasses. I’ve worn them for 50 years.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    happy friday!

  5. OldBopper says:

    Had an 11 am appointment with eye Dr. Got there about 15 minutes early and walked out at 11:01. That’s the way I like it. Another appointment at the end of April and then he will see about possible glasses if necessary. In the meantime, he suggests using readers which I already have.

  6. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m needed in Brandon today so I’m going AFK for the afternoon. Have a great day!

  7. dwb810 says:

    Good Afternoon Everyone! It’s FRIDAY. Can you tell this makes me happy. Okay, off to lunch. Co-worker is making it his mission to show me all the local eateries in StL. I am loving it! Oh, wait, that is McD’s. I have been to some interesting places. Barbecue, Gumbo, Deli Sandwiches, Sushi, Fried Chicken, Indian and Pretzels all locally owned places. We did go to Albert Pujol’s sports bar on the day they were changing the name to Sports Hall of Fame. Some how Albert is not so welcome in this town anymore. My how fickle sport’s fans can be. He has done some great things in this city and the folks here seem to forget all the good. This is just a small list of the places we have gone. Not sure where we are going today but it will be good.

  8. Clucky says:

    Found a fantastic Pandora channel-now playing “To Make You Feel My Love”, another song I love from Hope Floats.

    I’ve been more than a little sluggish this week. All the driving caught up with me and had me flat on my back for 3 days. Still no return to work or PT date as of yet. Next appt is 5/21, the day after my bday. I have now been changed to long-term disability from short time, cutting our income by a third. Ouch. I see a yard sale in my future. I need to have one anyway to get Mama’s stuff dispersed. Every time I go over to start packing her things, I get sucked into memories and get nothing accomplished. I thought I would be ready to break up housekeeping, but everything has a memory attached, and it’s like I can feel her with me. Siiiiiigggh.
    Prayers still for those in need. MR, please take care of yourself. Making a living isn’t worth losing your life for-the very reason I quit working in Jackson after waking many mornings facing down pine trees at 70mph.
    Check in later I hope. Play nice. Dang, I am loving this weather!

  9. CornPop says:


    Well, today starts round #2 of the high-dose chemo for Orville. He’s checked in at the hospital & receiving the 24-hour IV hydration prior to hanging the ‘poison’ tomorrow then it’ll be time to work on flushing it out of his system as soon as possible so he can, hopefully, go home Monday. Positive thoughts that his symptoms will continue to get better and this cancer will end up kicked to the curb!!! He had to get his head shaved (very close crew-cut) because his hair was starting to fall out. That bothered him a little at first, but he’s glad he did the “controlled cut” so if/when it does all fall out it won’t be so drastic. Otherwise, he’s doing real well and throughly enjoying being able to taste food again.

    Love, hugs & prayers to PM/PD, MsBlondie and all MRBAer’s!

  10. blues4you says:

    Thoughts and prayers for tose who need them.

    Best guess for me to get home is wed or thur of next week. I would not mind hunting Easter eggs in this sugar cane field, though. I need all the days I can get.

    Crawfish for supper? Well, don’t mind if I do.

    Everyone have a safe weekend.

  11. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone! Prayers for Clucky, Cornpop, Orville, and everyone else here.

  12. dhcoop says:


    CP, praying Orville has continued improvement with the treatments.

    Clucky, you need to take care of yourself and stay out of the road!

    Planning on going to the events at Chatagua Park tomorrow and will check out the facilities while there.

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    Great, Coop, and thank you. I didn’t realize the dog and plant show was going to be at the park. Good luck in the dog show!

    All of you are in my prayers and so is my friend L, whose 101 year-old-mother had a couple of stroke incidents last weekend and the family called in hospice Monday. And my friend G whose husband went in for his annual checkup and when doing his bloodwork, it was discovered that his blood platelets, which G said should be around 300, were at 30. He’s going back to the doctor next Thursday.

  14. CornPop says:

    My heart is heavy with sorrow for MR, his sister & family. His BIL passed away today.

  15. Airwolf says:

    My prayers and condolences to MR’s sister and to the family.

  16. Barb says:

    Prayers for Marshall and his family in this time of sorrow.
    Prayers continue for those with special needs.

  17. dhcoop says:

    I am so sorry, Marshall, for your loss. I know your BIL meant a tremendous amount to you. My condolences to your family.

    As I was thinking about Marshall and praying for his family, I’ve been thinking about something. This is a given… We ALL need prayers… Every single one of us… The good news is, thank the Lord, MOST of us are in (somewhat) good health and still have the ability to pray. That, in itself is a blessing.

    I am….

    Praying for my Mom, whose blood was too thin and is now going thru the crap that you go through to get that straightened out.
    Praying for Orville, that the chemo does the trick;
    Praying for my lakehouse J, who had one of the bypasses he had last week blow out and now is back in the ICU to stay alive;
    Praying for PD so that PM may actually get a good nights rest some time in the near future;
    Praying for all of the other MRBA that have things happening in their lives that are out of their control, but troublesome and prayer-worthy…

    AND…there are so many others that I didn’t specify, but you know who you are…

    Lord, I thank you that I still have the ability to pray…


  18. OldBopper says:

    Oh my! Prayers for Marshall and family. I know they have been expecting it, but that doesn’t make it any easier. And prayers for all others on the blog who need them. If I start naming names, I’m likely to miss someone. I just mention the names of those I can remember and ask God to take care of those I failed to mention.

    Looks like a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Didn’t win the Mega Millions so all those Episcopal Churches with mortgages will have to wait for another day to have their mortgages paid off. FYI, we have less than a hundred churches in the state and most of those are paid off.

    Smiles and hugs to all.

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