Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! I’ll be on Fox 40 in Jackson today at 8 a.m. Promoting the Run from the Sun 5K.

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34 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good Wednesday morning, Happy Hump Day!!!

    Marshall have a good time on TV and enjoy your knew look.

    Prayers and hugs for everyone.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Wake up sleepy heads!

  3. blues4you says:

    I’m up,PM. Actually I’ve been at work since 06:00hrs. As I have every day for the last 47 days. Time stamp — 07:22 am

  4. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all! Looks like another beautiful day to enjoy. My right eye is about 95% there. If it never improves further, I will not need glasses for normal sight during the day. I drove a short distance last night and believe I will need glasses to correct the astigmatism at night because bright lights such as headlights affect my perception. I’m not complaining. No sir. Not at all.

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    Have not talked to mother this morning so i am taking that there has been no change. She did get my uncle into what is called In Hospital Hospic. So it is a little relief for her. Thank you everyone for the prayers.

    everyone have a good day.

  6. dhcoop says:


  7. Airwolf says:

    Morning, woke to a water leak in downstairs bathroom. Just got it repaired. Headed to the farm to cut grass!

  8. parrotmom says:

    MtsB glad he went on peacefully. Prayers for your mom and family.

  9. Mrs. H says:

    We’re feeding lunch to a Habitat for Humanity construction team today. It’s much noisier than usual!

    • cardinallady says:

      Mrs. H when Jon was home over spring break week before last, he helped the college girls from New Hampshire that were here for the day and a half that he was at home. They wrote him a note thanking him. I cried when I read it.

  10. dhcoop says:

    Butterbeans, mac & cheese, baked tomatoes and cornbread for lunch!

    • dwb810 says:

      Egg Rolls and Edamame. Your lunch sounds so much better

    • Old Bopper says:

      Salmon Croquette, green beans, carrot souffle, a roll and ice water. At Picadilly cafeteria. I’d love to get the recipe for the carrot souffle because I don’t normally care much for carrots, but I do like that dish.

      • Legal Eagle says:

        I would love to have that recipe too, OB. I had a corn souffle recipe that contained bell pepper that I got in college and lost somewhere along the line. I wish I had that one again. We used to cook it and angel biscuits and that was a great combination.

  11. msblondie says:

    Thank you everyone.

    everyone have a good evening.

  12. Legal Eagle says:

    I have some information on Crystal Springs. They have a new Parks & Recreation Director who was very helpful, but you have to talk with City Hall to actually make a reservation because they keep the book, so I called there and got another very helpful person.

    What they call the round house is like a pavillion and it is right across from the entrance to the treetops nature trail and I think the only spot we would be interested in. It costs $50.00 to reserve the round house and the only dates they have available in the next couple of months are May 5th, May 19th, June 23rd and June 30th. I didn’t ask about April because it seems to be full for all of us already.

    What does this sound like to y’all? Or would you rather go back to Roosevelt State Park or even have me call Mayes Lake, whose fees are higher but it’s closer?

    I need some feedback from y’all and, of course, I need to see what date Marshall will be available.

  13. parrotmom says:

    I think the one in CS sounds awesome. No schedule for me will just have to see where, what, and when is going on with PD. The word Hospice was used again today, but not by his doctors or case manager. The case manager did tell this employee that it was a valid possibility?

  14. dhcoop says:


    I just came OUT of my jammie pants in the middle of the living room! I had just come in from the porch, sitting here watching AI, and felt something tickling my leg. I jumped up, jerked my pant off, turned them inside out and found one of those stupid beetles that are flying around outside! I’m not afraid of critters, but something crawling in the pants is even a bit much for me!

    Leagle, I’m good with wherever. Maybe we’ll get some feedback from others.

  15. Legal Eagle says:

    I definately need feedback. And the May 19th date I mentioned being available is MrsH’s daughter’s wedding day, so that’s out. I sent Marshall a message on Facebook and will hopefully hear from him soon.

  16. Old Bopper says:

    Legal, I think when the Boss lets us know of his availability, then we can know what our choices are.

    Is there an entrance fee for Crystal Springs?

  17. Legal Eagle says:

    There is no entrance fee and no other fee of any kind except for the $50.00 rental on the round house if we want to make sure nobody else takes it on the day we rent it. The tomato museum is normally closed on the weekend, but the director of parks and recretion, who has been on the job for about 6 weeks and is a native of Crystal Springs, said if I would let him know when we are coming, he will come over and unlock the tomato museum for us. The oriental garden is next to the tomato museum.

  18. dhcoop says:

    There is a dog show there this weekend and my puppynephew, Breezy, is in it. I’ll scope out the area too.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      Thank you, Coop. I need more opinions besides just mine. I could have been suffering from Louise’s rib intoxication the whole time I was at the park.

      They are having a plant show and dog show all together, so while you are showing Breezy, you will probably find some plants you can’t live without. Maybe we can have some homemade salsa for the picnic.

  19. Legal Eagle says:

    I know I misspelled definitely. I have more trouble with that word than any other word that I commonly use in the English language. That’s my biggest quirk and I’m sticking to it!

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