Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 46

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

On the first day of Fit4Change training, we went through a series of physical tests to obtain a benchmark for our fitness.  Some of the tests included how many push-ups and sit-ups we could do at once and how fast we could run the mile.  Here’s how I did:  Seven pushups. Ten sit-ups. And I “ran” the mile in 12:14.  Pretty piss-poor if you ask me. Today we retested (there were a few more categories, but I can’t remember my results).  Here’s my improvement: Fifty-five pushups. Sixty-nine sit-ups and I ran the mile in 8:29 (and that’s with a bum leg and having to tie my shoe.)

That, folks, is change I can live with.

Yes, my leg is still sore.  Yes, I will have to get it checked to know for sure if it is a stress fracture or some kind of muscular problem like shin-splints.  Someone told me yesterday that I was working too hard.  That the bootcamp was too hard on me. Maybe. But I’m not going to argue with the positive changes in my life.

I face an injury. It’s not the end of the world. It just means I adjust and continue to make good choices.  It’s called life. You react to it and change your course to keep moving ahead. Because this isn’t a sprint. This is a life-long marathon. And I’m in it to win.

I’ve gone from fit-to-fat-back-to-fit. And I ain’t going back to fat ever again.

P.S. I’m exhausted from my trip to Columbus and I have a busy day today.  I’ll be on Fox 40 in a few minutes promoting my race, Run from the Sun 5K which will be April 7.  Then it’s off to Oxford for the show and then a speech.  I’m glad I’m in shape so I can handle this schedule!

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