MRBA Free-For-All

Good morning! Was in the Delta yesterday and took this photo of the Hwy. 82 Bridge over the Mississippi in Greenville. I swear it was designed by Honda.


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38 Responses to MRBA Free-For-All

  1. msblondie says:

    morning gang! it gonna get cold tonight so bundle up.

    everyone have a great day!

  2. Marshall Ramsey says:

    You have a great day, too. My drive to the Delta tomorrow will be much different than the one yesterday. Cold and blustery.

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good Tuesday morning. The sun has disappeared behind some cold dreary looking clouds. Molly glad you are getting better and can breath. Clucky, prayers you’ll start getting better soon.

    Are we now in Winter?

    Marshall good picture of the bridge and a nice reminder not to travel that way. I don’t do well with bridges, but driving around Houston, TX is just as bad.

    Have a great day, stay warm, and take care.

  4. Molly says:

    Mornin. Every time I hear (or see) the word “blustery,” I can’t help but think of Winnie the Pooh and his Blustery Day.
    I discovered this morning on the way to work that there is already a radio station playing nothing but Christmas music. It’s a bit early…but I love it. I can’t get enough of Christmas music every year. Listening to Frank Sinatra’s Jingle Bells right now. I do love those old crooners. I need one of his Christmas CDs. I have Perry Como and Dean Martin Christmas CDs. They are my favorite CDs.

  5. Clucky says:

    *crawls to PM’s den*
    *grabs another box of Kleenex and a quilt*
    *pops more Alka Seltzer*
    *makes THAT face*
    *crawls back under rock*

  6. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon. Paper to bed. Clouds clearing from here. Brrrrrrrr!!! Cold!!!! I instructed Cardinal son to build me a FIRE before he leaves and goes back to Booneville.

    Clucky, Hope you get to come out from uner the rock soon.

    Blues are you feeling better?

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, we were busy covering Vets day parade. That was the last page I did.

    something funny happened while I was snapping pictures. This guy from one of the floats said ‘167 East Oxford Street’ and waved at me. I realized after I snapped the picture that he was my mail man when I lived there. My dog DIDN’T like him. she waited until he put the mail in the box on the porch and walked away to nail him. I should have shouted “dog is dead and house is gone to make him feel bettter”

  7. Molly says:

    Sorry you still feel like crud, Clucky. Is Chicklette feeling better? I had all that mess on the trip to Tennessee for the funeral. Made the trip that much more fun. {Sarcasm}
    Card, that mailman has a great memory!

  8. parrotmom says:

    Cool story CLady. Nice to be remembered.

  9. Airwolf says:

    Hey folks! I’ve been too busy to post.

    25 degrees tonight. I don’t care much for cold weather!

  10. parrotmom says:

    AW you shouldn’t live so far north. LOL!!

  11. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    Everyone have a great day! It is is brrrr!

  12. Molly says:

    Mornin. PM, I think we live too far north, too! Brrrrr

  13. Mrs. H says:

    We lost a wonderful saint this morning. This gentleman came to the church every Monday and Thursday to see if any food intended for the local food bank had been dropped off. If so, he then drove the 30+ mile round trip to deliver it. I’m sure that he contributed quite a bit himself. And if he knew someone who needed it, he would make deliveries to their houses. He lost his wife in January. They had custody of 2 grandchildren, the oldest of which was my Em’s best friend in high school. She’s 19 or 20, but her brother is in 9th grade I believe. My heart breaks for those 2.

    • Molly says:

      So sorry about your friend. I’m guessing his death was unexpected. Who will get custody of the 9th grader now? Poor kid. He’s been through a lot in his young life.

      • Mrs. H says:

        He’d had lymphoma for many years and had gone through chemo numerous times. But Mr. J.E. Pope is the toughest old man I know. Honestly, we all thought he’d outlive us all! He never let ANYTHING get him down. You’d never know he was taking treatments, either. He just kept doing whatever needed doing. (And he was bald anyway!) Last Tuesday, he was in here picking up food. The next day, at his doctor’s appointment, they put him in the hospital. Last night, he was moved to a Hospice nursing facility. I guess he figured it was time to go see Miss Sue. He missed her a lot.

  14. Mrs. H says:

    El’s buddy got her letter today about being accepted to MS Baptist All State Youth Choir. Usually Mr. H works from home on Wednesdays, but today he’s not there to check the mail for us.

  15. parrotmom says:

    evening everyone. Brrrr!!! again.

    Prayers for the family MrsH he will surely be missed by all he blest.

  16. Clucky says:

    I woke up feeling better this morning. Still congested and wheezy, but no fever all day. Started a Z-pak for the resulting sinus infection.

    EC’s drum line did their show at Union today. Thing 1 said it was cool being on the other side for a change. Thing 2 and I went to watch. It was a beautiful day, but BRRRR!!!

    MrsH, sorry to hear of the passing of your friend.

    Turning in early (again.)
    Love y’all!

  17. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Brrr

    Our friend Bo Lumpkin is in the hospital again. Prayers Bo!

  18. parrotmom says:

    Good morning and brrrrr! Even though they reported 26 in Jackson this morning. There was frost in the roof tops and ground, but my fountain had no ice this morning. Yesterday morning it did? Also my thermometer at 5:45 showed 30. Anyway cold is cold.

    Thanks for the mention of Bo, AW. I was told this morning that they have him on some med that he can only take short term, due to other side affects. He has a weak heart and I am pretty sure surgery is not an option from something he posted earlier this year.

  19. msblondie says:

    morning gang! brrr is right.

    We going to go from cold to rainy before the weekend is over.

    everyone have a good day!

  20. Old Bopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Been busy doing nothing all week. Drove up to Memphis Tuesday to pick up the Civic and get the title for “Scooter”. Now I need to go to the tax collector and ante up to drive on Mississippi roads.

    PQ seems to have caught a cold from one of our Panamanian friends last week. She said she hopes I don’t catch it. I told her I refuse to have a cold. I’ve found that a good healthy mental attitude can sometimes trump a physical ailment. Hope it keeps working for me.

    MS Blondie, I’ve got to update myself on the weather. I was planning to ride “Bleuz” on Saturday. Last I heard it is supposed to be 75 on that day.

    Smiles and hugs y’all!

  21. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon. Nice day. I’m glad went home and fed my birds and spent time with my dogs. Came back to the office to GRRRRR. That is all.

  22. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. Friday is almost here, Yea!!!

  23. parrotmom says:

    Good morning. Happy Friday :)

    I heard this morning that Bo is not doing well and is in ICCU probably the cardiac part, breathing is not good. The test they did yesterday showed a tear or something. He had 2 incidents during the test. Please continue to pray for him and his family. This info is from one of his church members so I pretty much trust it.

  24. msblondie says:

    HAPPY Friday everyone!

    Today starts my on-call week – at least it is only a week and I am hoping and praying it is quiet. I have a lot of stuff I need to do.

    Prayers for Bo.

    Everyone stay dry this weekend.

  25. cardinallady says:

    Wet feathers flitting through. Glad we only had a 20 percent chance of rain today my editor said as he looked out the window at the falling water. Mee too. Quiet around here though. I’m enjoying a cheery tootsie pop before I go to the supervisors meeting. ALMOST at the chocolate part.

  26. Clucky says:

    Yay!! NO BACK SURGERY!!!

    He can go back to work after next week, and will be starting PT next week. He’s excited!!

  27. parrotmom says:

    Great news Clucky, for Mr Fab. He just needs to be more careful I guess.

  28. Clucky says:

    Dr Hotty feels that he had a very, very bad muscle strain, and he’s still having symptoms. Thus the physical therapy.

  29. parrotmom says:

    Good Saturday morning. Hope you have a terrific day.

  30. Clucky says:

    PM, I hope you enjoyed the concert last night! We went to our friends’ last night and had a great time, as always.
    I’m about 90% over the crud. Still some congestion/drainage, but soooooo much better than last weekend.
    5.5 weeks til Christmas. Ugh.

  31. parrotmom says:

    Sunday afternoon 1:37 pm. Thanks Clucky had a good time. Been to church this morning now loafting around the house. Everyone enjoy.

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