MRBA Free-For-All

Good morning! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Hope you have the luck of the Iris today.

Banjo. The Patron Saint of all Animals who Fight to Live.

Banjo. The Patron Saint of all Animals who Fight to Live.

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36 Responses to MRBA Free-For-All

  1. msblondie says:

    happy monday gang! busy busy around here.

    everyone have a great day

  2. Molly says:

    Mornin. I don’t feel so great today, but thanks to a big dose of Imodium AD, I’m at work. They REALLY need to hire somebody else for this office. There is too much here for one person to do. Since they haven’t even started looking, it will be a while. Don’t know what will happen here when I’m gone for a week to Florida in May. Lawyers are not the most self-sufficient people I’ve ever met (sorry AW!)

  3. Clucky says:

    Love the drawing, MR. I’m sure they appreciate it as much as you appreciate them!

    We came home last night after a whirlwind trip to the coast. Got to visit with Poppy AND Tim’s daughter and husband, and see that little baby belly! She’s doing great!

    Goodnight friends. We’re fighting bronchitis, and on a self-imposed isolation to keep Chicklette from getting sick before prom Friday night! (She calls it “Promaggedon!” LOL)

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! Busy busy again.. makes they day go by faster.

    everyone have a great day!

  5. Molly says:

    Mornin. I’m feeling better today.
    Juniors at NWR are all taking the ACT today. Kiddo got to school and was told that only Juniors are allowed in the building where her first 2 classes are. That meant she was sent to the cafeteria to just sit and wait until 11:45 when her last class begins. I work about a mile from school so I rescued her. She’s at the office with me now working on a school project. She has her own car, but couldn’t leave the school without a parent by her side. She came to office to work on the project to remove the temptation of going to bed if she went home.

  6. Legal Eagle says:

    I could see Clucky’s house from my car Sunday. Only problem was that they were on the coast. And yes, Cluckster, we did have a big one from Ward’s. I had to come home and take another Prilosec.

    I played bridge with the Monday night group last night and won high score, so I won a big $4.00. They keep telling me they aren’t going to invite me back.

    Big Eagle has talked fishing every day for forever. He has finally gone!!! Yea!!!! Now I’ve got a Mount Everest clothes to be washed. At least he’s out of the house and doing something he loves.

  7. Clucky says:

    Howdy! Yep, it’s bronchitis. A big shot later and I’m still waiting for my fever to abate. Even after 800mg ibuprofen, I’m still hot as a firecracker. Later folks.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Hi everybody. I seem to keep losing myself. Was on last weeks blog. Dang it.
    Molly glad you are better and Clucky hope you are in the mend.
    Have a great Wednesday

  9. msblondie says:

    ok.. slipping while still morning.. i hope. have been extremely busy. had a major system crash yesterday so today has been cleanup from it.

    I think my phone has slowed down some finally.

    everyone have a great afternoon.

  10. parrotmom says:

    Happy Thursdaymorning. Hope your day is off to a good start. I saw a very spectacular sunrise on my drive in. Hugs and prayers to all.

  11. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    everyone have a great day!

  12. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks! Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and the sun is warm on my hill!

  13. Molly says:

    Hey. Clucky, you feeling better yet? Bronchitis is no fun at all!
    Kiddo and I got new phones yesterday. She got an iPhone 5S and I got a Samsung Galaxy S4. We are both pleased!

  14. Clucky says:

    I’m much better! We’ve been in prom prep mode since yesterday.

    What a beautiful first day of Spring! It’s been five years today since Mom died, but I know she would be loving this weather!

  15. msblondie says:

    morning gang! Glad it is friday, we have a had one busy week here at work and no slowing for a few more. Like it cause means a little overtime and the day goes faster.

    everyone have a great day!

  16. cardinallady says:

    Good grief! It’s Friday and I haven’t said a word? Shows how busy my tail feathers have been here. And then when I get home I just collapse. My house looks like it too. I’ve got to rent a bulldozer to clean it.

    But on the bright side, yellow daffodils are blooming everywhere. I cooked some soup and fixed a box for my neighbor. she put a card in my mailbox today to let me know that she had not been feeling well so the soup helped. She is so sweet.

    ANd soon my cardinalson will be home. Halleljuah!!!

  17. Clucky says:

    We survived prom! She was just beautiful. I’m so glad she has such a nice, caring boyfriend too; it makes a difference! She was up with me and got her chores out of the way early. She’s now on her way to Meridian with his family for his birthday dinner.

    The weather is so pretty!

  18. Molly says:

    Mornin. Clucky, Chicklette was beautiful. I’m glad she had a good time.
    I am overwhelmed at work these days. Co-worker left LOTS undone when she quit. And most of what she did do is screwed up. Her work has a lot of Court deadlines while mine has client deadlines. Court trumps client, so my work is not getting done. She actually had missed several Court deadlines, so I get to play catch-up. Fun, fun.

    See you next time I get to come up for air.

  19. parrotmom says:

    Clucky your baby girl was a doll.

    Molly hang in there dear.

    Happy Monday !!

  20. msblondie says:

    Hey gang! It is only Monday and what a day! So much to do.

    everyone have a great day and week
    I will try to peek in when can, just got so much happening this week.

  21. Old Bopper says:

    Happy Tuesday Y’all! Just checking in. Am I correct in saying May 3 is the date for our reunion? Need to make sure as lots of other things are happening that day and we’ve begged off on them because of the get together.

  22. Molly says:

    Mornin. So much to do…so little time!

  23. Clucky says:

    Chicklette and I piled up on her bed last night after supper and watched Frozen. She fell asleep before it was over. Apparently Disney movies still put her to sleep :)

    Still trying to shake this chest cough. Bronchitis is getting harder to get over it seems.

    It’s chilly in this house. After losing my mind over a $400 light bill and bringing it down to less than $200, I’m hesitant to turn on any heat. I know I I start early tho it will be nice this evening and tonight.

    Tomorrow is state concert contest at Ridgeland High School. The band is leaving at 630. Not sure if I’m going, but I’ll get the truck gassed up just in case!

  24. Clucky says:

    PS I’ll have 3 kittens ready by picnic time I anyone is interested! One is gray, and will definitely be long-haired with some Persian features. One is an orange tabby, and the third is a very pale yellow-we’ve been calling him Butters because he really is the color of real butter. I do believe all three are males. If you’re interested, send me a message!

  25. Molly says:

    I’ve been to a concert band competition at Ridgeland HS before. They have a very nice auditorium!
    Believe I’ll pass on a kitten. My pups would not be amused.

  26. cardinallady says:


    okay okay I’ll settle down. I’m going to lunch now be back in awile.

  27. Cardinallady says:

    Sitting under the hit dryer restless leg syndrome is going to keep
    Me awake again

  28. parrotmom says:

    Happy Wednesday!! Ready for a warm up. Brrrr!

    Sorry Clucky no kitten needed here either.

  29. msblondie says:

    morning gang! crazy busy!

    all be good

  30. cardinallady says:

    Afernoon!!! Flying through!! been busy planning our magazine page layout. Going to play in clay for a story for the magazine. :)

  31. parrotmom says:

    Today was a crazy day, not sure if it was me or the rest of them? LOL!

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