Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning! I hope you have a great day!

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46 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. Airwolf says:

    Morning, absolutely beautiful day.

  2. dhcoop says:


    Yes, it’s going to be a beautiful day! Heading to the grocery in Byram, then on to CS to play and cook, then on to Gtown for the night. Woke up with pollenhead, but I’m going to choose to ignore it. Ha!

  3. Barb says:

    Morning, all. Back to work after 10 days off!!

  4. parrotmom says:

    Barb it is going to be a killer. Did not realize you had been off. I just assumed you were on your regular schedule.

  5. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful day. I hope to get caught up on some much needed video transfers. I have done all the long tapes now to the ones that have only short amounts of video such as 3:08 minutes, 10 minutes and so on. Also need to get a lot further with the wedding I had 2 weeks ago. Then I hear my yard calling my name. It is a shame I have someone that claims he really wants to do the work. Have even offered to pay his gas and he want show up. I wished I could find someone dependable that want charge me out the ying yang for the first go around.

  6. Mrs. H says:

    The eldest and I are going to Paint Party Studios this evening. You can check it out on their site paintpartystudios(dot)com. Look at the gallery to see what the choices are. She’s going to paint Crystal Breezes and I’m going to attempt Park Bench. We’ll see what happens.

  7. Mrs. H says:

    OB, I know it’s a long way from Keesler, but you (and everyone else in the MRBA who happens to be in the neighborhood) are always welcome to come to Agricola Baptist Church Sunday morning. Sunday School is at 9:30 and the Worship Service is at 10:45. I’m at the children’s welcome desk from 9:15 til 10:30

  8. parrotmom says:

    MrsH that sounds like fun. I hope you both have a good time :)

  9. Clucky says:

    Im in Alexandria, LA, visiting my sis. 5 hour road trip-I’m still whooped!

  10. dhcoop says:

    I just put together what is going to be a side dish for our grilled pork chops later. I’ll post the recipe when I can get to a real computer later. Its gonna be yummy! Pineapple, corn and black beans!

    Now G and I are about to start playtime in the yard. :)

  11. parrotmom says:

    You gals have fun!!!! That is for Coop and G and Clucky and sis :)

  12. Ann Onimous says:

    D and I are watching the UK-WV game. Its good to know I’m raising ONE child right. Her brother is an LSU fan. Oi.

    UK is ahead, 60-56.

  13. parrotmom says:

    going to run some errands and end up at El Sombrero. YUM!!!!

  14. Ann Onimous says:

    71-63, and Kentucky is headed to the Sweet 16! YAHOOOOOOO!!!!!

  15. OldBopper says:

    MrsH, thanks for the invite. We decided not to get in the huge crowds since we couldn’t get reservations on base. So we will stay a home. BUT, if ever in the neighborhood on a Sunday, we would love to worship with you and the folks at ABC, especially if you are singing.

    It’s a beautiful day outside. Stand in one spot for more than five minutes and you will take on a golden glow from the pine pollen. That’s the main thing I dislike about this area. Wishing for rain a couple of times a week until the pine pollen season is over.

  16. OldBopper says:

    Aha, PQ just took a couple of ribeyes out of the freezer. Dinner this evening should be good even if I’m the main chef.

  17. parrotmom says:

    AnnO glad for Kentucky!!!!

    Ribeyes—-how long has it been?

  18. CornPop says:

    Hello from the beautiful city of Knoxville, TN! Orville and I are getting settled into our hotel room on the 8th floor overlooking the river, the sun is slowly setting, the scenery is breath-taking, we just fixed ourselves adult beverages and, since we are in the heart of the historic downtown Knoxville, we’ll take a walk in a little while to find some dinner. Tomorrow we have to be in the lobby to be driven in a luxury bus to BRISTOL! The drive up here was perfect – sun shining, top down & pollen blowing everywhere, but it was great! I can tell you that Orville is having an excellent birthday so far and I have more in store for him!

    Catch y’all later! :-D

    • CornPop says:

      Well, I meant to say that we have to be in the lobby at 7AM, but that’s OK because someone else will do the driving.

  19. Ann Onimous says:

    Gotta dance, gotta sing! :D

    Hippo, Birdie, Two Ewe:
    Hippo, Birdie, Two Ewe!
    Hippo, Birdie, Deer Orviiiiiiiilllllllleeeeeee…..
    Hippo, Birdie, Two Ewe!

    Glad you and CP are having a great time!

  20. dhcoop says:

    Happy Birthday Orville!

  21. Clucky says:

    Had to wash my car this afternoon-the birds think it’s a bullseye, and big black flying bugs were stuck to the front of the car. Welcome to Louisiana! LOL I broke a pouring sweat too. Just got cooled off enough to find some goodies for adult beverages, and the charcoal is on the grill getting ready for ribeyes here too :) Having a good visit.

    Mr Fab is on the Coast working like a dog behind the tiller for his dad. He said it’s about to wear him out!

  22. parrotmom says:

    Clucky how is Mr Fabs’ mom doing?

  23. parrotmom says:

    Happy Birthday Orville!!!!! CP glad you had a good and safe drive. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!

  24. Legal Eagle says:

    I was lost and now I’m found! Hallelujah!!!

    I saw wisteria blooming today. And I have one question that’s bugging me. Where did Bradford pears come from and when? I never saw one in my life until not too many years ago and now they are everywhere. Where did they come from?

  25. dhcoop says:

    I was standing naked in the bathroom looking forward to a hot shower to wash off the hot and sticky pollen layer when I realized I had forgotten to hit the breaker to turn the water heater on. crap.

    Had a great time in CS today, though!

  26. dhcoop says:

    Don’t forget tonight is the night of the “supermoon”!! I am anxiously awaiting awesomeness!

  27. parrotmom says:

    Me too!!

  28. dhcoop says:

    Just made a loop in the truck so I could get to see unobstructed view of the moon. It is really increcible!

  29. parrotmom says:

    I saw the moon and the moon saw me. God Bless the moon and God Bless me!!!

  30. Airwolf says:

    Happy Birthday Orville.

    I think I’ll howl, I mean look at the moon!

  31. dhcoop says:

    It really is awesome.

    Wonder if that water is hot yet?? I need a shower BAD! LOL!

  32. Ann Onimous says:

    Just saw the end of the Pitt-Butler game. Boy, was that exciting!

  33. dhcoop says:

    Sorry, AnnO. I don’t give a crap about basketball, I just want to take a hot shower!! I’m ready to get into comfy’s and chill!

  34. dhcoop says:

    Oh, and I should have said, GOOD LUCK to your team!!

  35. dhcoop says:

    OH that shower felt good!!

    It’s 8:49 pm in Mississippi. 5:49 a.m. in Ras Al Kahmen. Wonder if my sister is up yet??

  36. parrotmom says:

    Ok Coop, now we have 3 time zones going, lol!!!!! Glad you finally “feel good!” I went back out to see the moon and had PD come out again. My house is shaped like half an H. Take the two bottom legs off. We are looking at the moon and over the eve of our bedroom (parrot’s room) here comes Tinker Bell. I guess she is moon watching too!!!! I haven’t seen Itty Bitty recently although I did manage to pick her up outside earlier and pet her.

  37. parrotmom says:

    Time is 9:01 CST time.

  38. parrotmom says:

    AnnO glad you are enjoying some Basketball.

    AW we want tell if you howl, I mean look at the moon!

  39. Barb says:

    Congrats on your team’s win, Ann!

    Happy birthday to Orville!! Glad ya’ll are having a good time.

    PM, you were right…today was a killer!!

    The moon is very awesome!!

  40. parrotmom says:

    Barb I have been in a fog all week with the time change. I hate getting up when it is dark. My new manager did me a favor he offered me a $4.00 coupon for WG’s so it expired today so I went and bought my tapes. WhoHoo!!! it saved me :) I hope tomorrow want be so bad on you Barb!

  41. parrotmom says:

    Nite lite is on!!! Coop so glad all worked out for you and that you saw the Moon!!!!

    Love and hugs to all!!!

  42. OldBopper says:

    Happy Birthday to Orville. I’m sure he’s having a good one. Hope y’all enjoy your weekend to the hilt.

    Steaks were grilled just right…..mmmmmmm good!

    Early church tomorrow. Enjoying the basketball games and I’m not a big BB fan but these are good games for the most part.

  43. Ann Onimous says:

    I’m loving the basketball almost as much as I did the Iditarod! This is fun!

  44. OldBopper says:

    Good morning people of God! I am viewing the still pretty and bright moon now in the West. Feels like a nice warm day today. Headed to Church in about 45 minutes. Hope everybody has a smiley and cuddley day!

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