Sunday Free-For-All

Good morning!  What’s up?  Hope you get a little rain.

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22 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. Airwolf says:

    Morning, I’ve got a stomach bug ugh.

  2. dhcoop says:

    9 a.m. in KO and still no rain. Looks like I may be getting some down in Podunk.

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good Morning. The weather in Clinton at 9:22 is rain is ending. We did get a good down pour. Should have made PD’s truck look better. The Kittie girls are jumping at the front door. They have been fed and are happy.

    Good luck to all the kids as they continue with the Bible drills and sorry for all of you who are feeling yucky. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Clucky maybe you will get to see the Blue Angels afterall.

  4. Clucky says:

    Letting sleeping Fab lie…got The Girl fed before church. That lil stinker ate 4 scrambled eggs, 2 pieces of toast and a big glass of OJ. Can you say “growth spurt”??

    1 cat has moved her litter to Chicklette’s closet, which is her usual spot. Surprisingly, the other one has left hers in the rocking chair in the living room-odd placement!

  5. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ again. Sermon was good. We’ve had some loud thunder boomers and some hard rain. It’s all passed and nothing on the horizon for a while. Daughter and I headed to Hattiesburg in a few to have lunch and watch a play. Will check in later.

  6. dhcoop says:

    10:15 am

    Clucky, I somehow missed that you had new kittens!

    Mom has a roast cooking and its smelling good.

    I’ve got a few more things to do in the yard before I head home.

  7. Marshall Ramsey says:

    Amy gets back from a conference today. I’m a pretty sucky single parent — but everyone has survived so far.

  8. dhcoop says:

    Marshall, you are a great Dad, and you know it!

    I’m about to head south with treasures from Mom’s yard.

  9. parrotmom says:

    Marshall I believe you do a grand job at single parenting when you have too!! Not to mention a great nurse to Banjo :)

  10. parrotmom says:

    PD’s cousin finished about 2:30 an hour ago. I thought he was going to do the baseboards and the door facings in the hall. He told PD he didn’t have enough time he could come back another day. No Thanks we will manage. We were paying him $20 a trip per day from Yazoo and back. He knows his work and the hall looks fantastic. Will try and post a pic or two once I get it swept up and mopped. Going to mop and clean the tile walls where he finished our masterbath last week.

  11. Ann Onimous says:

    Well, IG3 finished Associational with all kinds of grace, poise and charm. I cannot believe this is the same kid we had two years ago. He has gone from painfully shy to willing to do and try anything. That in itself is enough for me. It doesn’t matter if he gets the verses in 10 seconds or 2 minutes – the important fact is he knows them, and he has them in his heart. I am extremely proud of him and what he’s accomplished this year.

    We’ll only have one of ours in State this year, but he’ll be there with us to cheer LilO on.

  12. parrotmom says:

    Tile walls wiped down, floor mopped once dry need to put rugs and bakers rack back in. It’s a start 48 hours and one room cleaned :) Heck I don’t even use that bathroom in the mornings that way the Parrot and PD get an extra hour of sleep time. I wonder if too soon to go do sweep the hallway. I can’t mop it yet since mop bucket and mop is sitting in the other tub.

  13. parrotmom says:

    Clucky I’m too lazy to look back but is Chicklette’s tonight or later in the week?

  14. Clucky says:

    PM, her Associational Drill is next Sunday.

    Ann, there was a boy that did drills first time ever this year. He was terrified, and was crying before they finished the first section. Chicklette missed two calls trying to tell him “It’s okay.” It was heartbreaking to watch.

    We went to the airshow. We got autographs from all the Blue Angels, inc. #7 & #8. They didn’t perform, but we did hang around until they took off for Pensacola around 5. I got some AWESOME pics :) Mr. Fab took a pic of me with the #2 pilot. I was blushing =D.

    MIL is back in the hospital-blood counts bottomed out again, so she’s getting more blood. The good news we got last week I haven’t had a chance to share: the large tumor in her chest is GONE and the other one is almost gone!!! She just had chemo Tuesday, so she is at rock bottom right now. Not sure what protocol IG and Orville were on, but the R-CHOP protocol has been outstanding for her lymphoma. We know this is a bump in the road to healing, and we appreciate everyone’s prayers!!

    • Ann Onimous says:

      Clucky, that says a whole lot about Chicklette and her character. You’re doing a good job. :)

      We’re still praying for your MIL: and yes, IG was on R-CHOP. It’s done a fantastic job for him, too.

  15. dhcoop says:

    Went by Podunk to hug on and feed/water the kittiekids, then went by CS to drop off the goodies from Mom. Then came on down to Gtown to make sure all is well at Big Sis’s place. Plus, I think I need the hot tub tonight.

    AnnO, tell IG3 Aunt Coop is proud of him for doing what he did!!

    Clucky, we’ll still be praying for MIL!

  16. parrotmom says:

    Coop I think you have become friends with that hot tub at Gtown!!!

    I was taking some towels down the hall and knocked the hole back into the wall. So guess who is coming back tomorrow. I am paying half and PD is paying the rest, but at least the door frames will be done.

  17. OldBopper says:

    The play at USM was fantastic. Wow! Those young people poured their hearts into that performance. Our youngest, EM, went with me. We had lunch at the Purple Parrot before the play. I enjoyed having some one on one time with her. We had some great conversations the whole afternoon.

  18. parrotmom says:

    OB, so glad you and daughter had a great eveniag. Prayers for all in need, I so hope all that were ailing today is much better. Nite lite is on!!! Sweet dreams to all :)

  19. Barb says:

    10:12 pm

    Have not been home long…worked over because cashier called out. That means I will be getting off very early Tuesday and I was already scheduled off at 2:00!!

    Am calling it a night soon. Sweet dreams everyone!

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