Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! I’ll be judging Taste of Mississippi this evening. It’s a benefit to help Stewpot.

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47 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone!!!! Marshall I hope you have a good time this evening. Don’t forget the Pepcid, Zantac, or what ever you need for the reflux. Hopefully, the food want bother you.

  2. parrotmom says:

    What another long week ahead for me. Even working 6 hours Saturday did not get me on the upside of the downside. Oh well Kittie girls are waiting to be fed.

  3. blues4you says:

    Hey folks. Howzitgoin’?

  4. Sheila Gold says:

    Mornin’ y’all! I may have to change that. . . it reminds of Paula Deen. She really takes “y’all” and runs with it. Can you believe April is upon us? Where does the time go? Hope everyone has a great week!

  5. parrotmom says:

    Will try and make it back on a little later. Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Day :)

  6. dhcoop says:


    2 weeks till Run From the Sun!!!

  7. msblondie says:

    morning gang! Got M home form choir trip.. she has now crashed. I am already at the office.. have been for a bit.

    hope everyone has a great day.

  8. Barb says:


    Morning! Very long day ahead of me. Major remodel of merchandising this week with about 30 extra people working. Chaos will reign!!

  9. Airwolf says:

    Morning! It stormed most of the night. Did not make for a restful night. Daddy had a doctors appointment this morning and I’m the chauffeur.

  10. cardinallady says:

    Morning my dear friends! I”m back in the bird house after flying around the state for four days. We started south on Highway 15 stopping to visit any interesting antique shops on the way down, had lunch in Louisville at camp Taik O’Khata lake and resort. It was awesome. We checked in the hotel as the sun was going down. Bass Pro was the first order of the day, we couldn’t really find a place to rest at the Ross Barnett, they were all full, except for one place in the sun and it was CROWDED, so we meandered on down to the cost.

    On our way back home Saturday, we stopped at Lucedale to see the Palestine gardens which is a replica of the holy lands. It was awesome. Now if I don’t get to writing stories I may not be able to come back to roost in this seat. See you dears later. I surely thought about all of you the whole time we were gone.

  11. parrotmom says:

    welcome back CLady.

  12. parrotmom says:

    AW I hope you are over your bug and back 100%.

  13. Ann Onimous says:

    It’s 10am, and all is well! Good morning, all you bright and happy people!

    (looks around)

    Okay, should I subtract the bright? Or the happy? Or both? :D

  14. Ann Onimous says:

    It’s 11:15am, and I’m still bright, happy, AND a blogkiller! Hooray!

    My work here is done. (curtsies) Exit. Stage right, even. :D

  15. dhcoop says:

    LOL@AnnO! You crack me up!

    I’m about to fix some tuna salad for my lunch. :)

  16. Ann Onimous says:

    Im’a having GRITS! Yummolicious!

  17. msblondie says:

    lunch a shrimp poboy from froghead grill.. mighty yummy.

    oh well jb.. guess i just be in the “fat” club. I am not quitting church and I am not quitting eating. When I die, I shall happy. Eaten what I wanted to, when I wanted, and I know my Lord. If asked why I am “fat”, well I sat around with friends eating and sharing the stories about my Lord.

    ok… lots still to do for today.

    • Ann Onimous says:

      I found three things when I moved to Mississippi.
      #1: My wonderful husband.
      #2: Reconnected with God after being away from Him for almost 8 years.
      #3: The FOOD! Oh, the food. It’s so much better here. The only two things I miss are Burkes Bakery and White Castle.

  18. parrotmom says:

    speghettie for lunch.

  19. Molly says:

    What part of KY are you from, AnnO? Just talked to a man whose son lives in Berea.

    Oh, and, how ’bout them Cats!

    • Ann Onimous says:

      Love Berea: I used to go to their Craft Festival every year. It was awesome! I’m from Danville, which is not far down the road.

      LOVE my Cats! I couldn’t believe they made it past Ohio State, but ti be in the Final Four is amazing!

      • Molly says:

        My brother in law went to Berea College and we went for his graduation. It is a very nice part of the state. Is Centre College in Danville?

        Hubby was not expecting the Cats to get past Ohio State, either. He is a happy Cat fan!

  20. dhcoop says:

    It’s chilly outside!

  21. parrotmom says:

    Molly so glad you and AnnO was able to entertain us today. Work is just horrible and my mood is a real downer about it.

  22. pncpnthr says:

    Hey, all! Got some Super Fantastic news today, at least it’s Super Fantastic to me. Wish I could share but..just know that it’s Super Fantastic!! I’ll be sure to share when I can!

    Yep, Coop, two weeks away. Getting on the treadmill now..Later, peeps…

  23. parrotmom says:

    At least I am getting a chance to burn some more firewood due to the coolness :)

  24. parrotmom says:

    AnnO don’t you just love it when someone does that????

  25. dhcoop says:

    Evenin! !

    Yes, “Pinky” has some SUPER FANTASTIC news that I can’t share! Hahaha!

    Watching DWTS with Mom.

  26. Molly says:

    I want SUPER FANTASTIC news, too!

  27. dhcoop says:

    Everyone needs SUPER FANTASTIC news now and then!

    I hope the Boss is enjoying Taste of Mississippi.

  28. parrotmom says:

    Same here Coop. I hope Marshall is having a good evening. I hope you and your mom did too!!! I am so busy not even trying to keep up with DWTS.

  29. Barb says:

    Evening, everyone!
    Long, tiring day so I am going to call it a night. Ya’ll have sweet dreams now, ya’ hear?!

  30. parrotmom says:

    Nite to Barb at 8:52 pm.

    I hope AW is doing well and I hope his Dad had a good check up?

  31. parrotmom says:

    Good to hear AW!!! I hope you keep getting better.

    Trying to get kittie girls in the house for the night. I get one at a time. dang it!!!

  32. dhcoop says:

    Porch lights are on. Good night!

  33. parrotmom says:

    10:04 pm nite lite is on!!!! good nite to all!!!

  34. Barb says:

    5:22 am

    Good morning! Short day today…off at noon.

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