MRBA Free-For-All

Good day! Here’s a fresh place to post. Sorry for the lack of posting on my part.


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95 Responses to MRBA Free-For-All

  1. Molly says:

    Hey! A new FFA. Hope everybody is having a great day.

  2. Cardinallady says:

    Gooood eeeeveening as Vincent Price would say. Wasn’t it him? On some old variety show? Maybe laugh in?

    Anyway Jon and I are two weeks away from opening night of the legend of sleepy hollow. It has been fun. Looking forward to seeing it get done though. Ready to get my Mondays and Thursdays back

  3. Legal Eagle says:

    Hey! I got to see the Boss Man today! We went to the Hometown Brandon program hosted by Marshall and Billy Watkins. Buffalo Wild Wings and other sponsors provided plenty of food and we enjoyed the entertainment and interviews about Brandon. I enjoyed seeing my old bridge player friend, Mayor Butch Lee. He hasn’t had time to play since he’s been mayor, but one day we will get to play again.

    First, we participated in Pearl Mayor Brad Rogers’s 2nd Wellness Walk for Seniors and earned a medal for making the walk. Now I’m tired, full and sleepy.

  4. Cardinallady says:

    Stormy day in the offing tomorrow. Y’all be careful and check in

  5. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Everyone please watch the sky today.

  6. parrotmom says:

    Happy Monday! Mighty windy out and the clouds are moving pretty fast. Hoping the weather want be too rough on is. You all be careful.

  7. Molly says:

    Mornin. That’s about all I know this morning.

  8. Cardinallady says:

    Made it through the day. In this side of the storm. Thank God it was just rain and no tornadoes. Jon and I had to patch the roof before the rain. Leaked after the monsoon last night

    Hope y’all are all doing okay

  9. Cardinallady says:

    Speaking of tornadoes my little brown tornado is cutting a bark outside. Gotta go call him I side

  10. Clucky says:

    We made it through the storms just fine and we sure needed the rain!

    How ’bout them Dawgs AND Rebels?! Who’da think it?

  11. Molly says:

    Mornin. Made it through fine here as well. Our power went out for a few minutes once, but that was it.
    Congrats to you UM and MSU fans. I’m a die-hard Bama fan, so I don’t like one of the Ole Miss wins. I do like this last win for MSU, though! I generally pull for whoever is playing against Auburn.
    Now, if my Bama boys can just remember what they are supposed to be doing with that football…

  12. Airwolf says:

    We made it ok. Twigs and dead limbs from my old oaks are everywhere! Mom is back in the CCU at NMMC! Never really recovered fully from last months intestinal virus. She’s much better today and will go to a regular room soon. Prayers are appreciated!

  13. Molly says:

    Mornin. Hope Mom is doing better today, AW.
    Gorgeous blue skies this morning and nice crisp fall air. The cool weather has my pups energized. They were bouncing off the walls this morning.

  14. Airwolf says:

    Mom is better and in a regular room. But she still a very sick lady!

    I hope your day is going good!

  15. Cardinallady says:

    Evenin got the day done. Only had two kids to teach to its. Was nice to have a restful teaching time. No classes next week so I’m gonna stay home and rest.
    Tomorrow will be my last day to work til Monday.
    AW hope God does His healing work in your moms body. Mamas are special

  16. Molly says:

    Mornin. Gorgeous day. Looking forward to a very nice weekend.

  17. Legal Eagle says:

    Morning, y’all. I was planning to go to the combined Pearl and Brandon birthday bash, karaoke fest and costume contest, but one of the men at the church needed Big Eagle’s help this morning, so I had to park my ho wig.

    We’re having a nutrition seminar at church tonight led by a doctor from Memphis.

  18. Airwolf says:

    Happy Friday to all you working stiffs

  19. Molly says:

    Thanks, AW. I do fit in that category. It has been busy around here lately and I’m looking forward to a relatively quiet and lazy weekend. We don’t have much on the agenda … just some cooking, a little cleaning and a bit of football viewing. Roll Tide! And I do hope Bama rolls over A&M!

  20. Airwolf says:

    It has been a beautiful day! Mom is still in hospital but improving. Will probably have to go for rehab. She’s been off her feet too long!

    I hope your weekend is great!!

  21. Molly says:

    Mornin. Hope everybody is getting to enjoy this gorgeous weather.
    Kiddo opened up the bowling alley for the first time by herself Sunday. Nobody told her the alarm code and she set it off. Oops! It automatically calls the owner and the police. The owner called and gave her code and the police officer was very nice. I was afraid for a minute I was going to need to raise some bail money!

  22. parrotmom says:

    Well I made a post yesterday. Guess where it went? Yep, on the old page. lol

    Oh well, everyone take care. Molly glad u didn’t need bail money for kiddo.

    AW hope your mom is getting stronger.

  23. Molly says:

    BTW, Bama DID roll over A&M. I so enjoyed that game! It was great to see them play like they knew what they were doing.

  24. cardinallady says:

    Morning, limping through. Have been sick since Monday. And we had full dress rehearsal last night. Had to go home and lay down jut to survive the night. Jon was so sweet about it all. He wrote me a neat little note on my owl chalk board this morning about how he hopes I feel better.

    I’m feeling some better. Not sounding a whole lot beter, but my tonsils aren’t trying to push out of the reaches of my throat. By tomorrow I should be a new woman and ready for our opening curtain!

    Surely have missed y’all. sorry I haven’t limped in before now my dear friends.

  25. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon folks! Mom is doing much better, she’s at the Meadows for rehab. They are really pushing her limits. That’s good.

    Hope you have a great day!

  26. parrotmom says:

    Happy Thursday!!! CLady hope you are continuing to improve and the show goes well.

    AW glad your Mom is doing well with the rehab, hopefully since both parents at the same place maybe they get to share a meal or two.

    Wonder where Blues is? He still home on the range?

    Hugs and prayers to everyone.

  27. Molly says:

    Mornin. Busy day today.
    Ditto what PM said to AW and CL. Hope everyone continues to improve.
    We have hired another secretary for the office. The other one left in March and I’ve been doing all the work since then. My desk is getting stacked up so it will be nice to have some help. She starts this afternoon and will work part time.

  28. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    Back at work today in east Texas.

    Had good days off. Spent a lot of money. Got a couple of projects done.

    Hope all is well.

  29. Legal Eagle says:

    I have the day off today – nowhere to go, thank goodness. I wonder when I had time to work. We had our Pearl luncheon yesterday and Miss Mississippi was our speaker. She is the most beautiful, charming, articulate young woman I’ve seen in a long time and a real asset to the State of Mississippi.

    We’re having a hayride tomorrow night with a wiener roast afterwards. It’s been years since I’ve been on a hayride, so I’m looking forward to it.

    • blues4you says:

      Hay rides used to get “friskie” back in the day, and i don’t mean the horses.

      • Legal Eagle says:

        For some reason that reminds me of the Budweiser commercial of the couple riding in the horse drawn buggy. It aired during Super Bowl one year and, to my knowledge, was never shown on TV again, but you can see it on youtube.

  30. parrotmom says:

    A hayride coild be fun if you had someone to be frisky with.

    It’s Monday and another beautiful day

  31. Molly says:

    Greetings. Been a super busy day so far and I haven’t had a chance to touch any of the stuff piled up on my desk. I’m thinking about having the phones disconnected for about a week so I can work without that interruption. I thought about working over the weekend but didn’t do it, and now I’m thinking I should have. But that’s okay….at least I know I have a job.

  32. Cardinallady says:

    Evening. I’m feeling better but still coughing my head off occasionally. And my throat gets chugged up as my great grandmother would say. I have to put liquid down it immediately or choke. I think everything from the back of my brain to my ears are draining Feels like niagra falls are splashing through.

    Performances went well. Jon lee was brilliant as usual. He is an awesome actor. I had fun too Beo g a PHS Tom and scaring him.

    Aw pray your mom keeps improving. You need to come to Pontotoc sometime soo okay this red birds had it I’m go NA tuck my head and her some sleep. See y’all tomorrow

  33. Clucky says:


  34. Airwolf says:

    Hello from up here!!

  35. blues4you says:


  36. Molly says:

    Mornin. Not much, Blues. Wassup with you?
    Kiddo got her official acceptance to the Dental Assistant program at Hinds to begin in January. By Christmas next year, she should be all educated.

  37. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks, I hope all is well!

  38. Legal Eagle says:

    It’s the week I get to wear my ho wig three days in a row! Yeah!!! Then it gets parked for another year.

    The hayride and wiener roast was fun. Big Eagle was too full to get frisky, but the kids were frisky enough for everyone.

  39. Clucky says:


  40. Molly says:

    Mornin. Tomorrow morning that “Brrrrr” will be in all caps, Clucky. It really will be cold then.
    Happy Halloween! I’ve gotten grouchy in my old age and don’t participate in trick-or-treating any more. I used to decorate the house inside and out, spend a fortune on candy, sit outside with spooky music playing while I handed candy out to the little ghosts and goblins. Now, I don’t decorate, don’t buy the first candy bar, and turn off my exterior lights and close the drapes so no one can see if I’m inside. I did pull out my pumpkin earrings and a jack-o-lantern pin to wear today. But that’s as festive as I’ll get.

  41. Airwolf says:

    Hey folks! Spent a couple of hours putting our plants in my heated plant building. I always dread it. Now it’s done.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. We’ll just turn off the upstairs and retire to the den downstairs. At least that’s what I want to do!

  42. Airwolf says:

    Brrr, it’s cold on my hill with this north wind coming off snow in Tn.

  43. Molly says:

    Mornin. It is warmer now than it was 24 hours ago, but still chilly!

  44. Clucky says:

    I took M to school this morning and didn’t freeze my tail feathers off! The time change has me up early this morning and I’ve been busy!

    Poppy came to visit this weekend. He looks great! He had another heart attack a few weeks ago. No damage-called 911 immediately and went straight to the cath lab. He’s had almost all the vessels stented, so he should be good for a while :)

    I hope y’all are doing well. Carpé Diem!

  45. Airwolf says:

    Evening folks! If anyone needs any leaves, I can let you have three or four truckloads.

    I still have both parents in the nursing home so not having to drive very far anymore. Mom is getting her strength back and learning to walk again.

    hope you have a great evening.

  46. Molly says:

    Mornin. It’s been a busy one already. Glad Poppy is doing well, Clucky. He’s being rebuilt a piece at a time. Kinda like my car.
    AW, glad Mom is doing better. I’ll take a pass on the leaves. We have a few ourselves. We have a TON of pine needles, and don’t have a single pine tree. Our neighbors on all sides have pine trees and I wish they would keep the needles to themselves!

  47. parrotmom says:

    Hey everybody. It’s hump day! No rain here yet, but I know the temps will be a changing again.

    AW glad your mom is getting stronger and that you not have to run back and forth so much.

    Molly good to hear that things are going well for Kiddo.

    Clucky glad to hear Poppy is doing well also.

    Hugs and prayers to you all.

  48. parrotmom says:

    It’s Friday!! Where is everyone? Cooler temps are nice– but, why am I cold inside next to a heater. Brrrr!

    I saw MsBlondie and Tank last night at the Toby Mac concert in Madison at Broadmoor Baptist. It was good to see them and what a super concert.

    Everyone stay warm and well. Hugs!

  49. Airwolf says:

    Good morning, happy Friday! Kind of chilly on my hill this morning.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.

  50. Clucky says:

    Chilly here too! I’m layered up and feeling fine. Doing what I can to keep from turning on the heat!!

    Yesterday was Chicklette’s Sweet 16!! Where does the time go? We had a huge birthday dinner (Tim’s famous Chicken Alfredo!) with all the kids and Chicklette’s boyfriend and Thing 1’s girlfriend and my brother all here. It was a great family fellowship. I hope we can start doing this every week once we get everything unpacked and settled in.

    In the midst of getting ready, we got a call that my ex MIL had to go the ER immediately and was taken via ambulance to UMMC. During a gallbladder ultrasound, the tech decided to look around while she was on the table and discovered a HUGE Aortic Aneurysm at the aortic arch. It’s 7cm, which is just unreal. They sent her home at 2am this morning, and are scheduling the surgery for next week. Plans are to place a stent to bypass the aneurysm. It’s like open heart surgery, so we appreciate all your prayers. We are still good friends. AW, this is HW’s niece.

    Everything is rolling along here. No complaints (don’t help anyway!)

    AW, so glad your Mom is doing better. Love ‘me while you have ’em. I miss my folks terribly.

    Glad you had a good time at the concert last night, PM :) Miss you girl!

    Molly, M is undecided about her career path. She likes health care, but she just can’t stomach it. LOL I mentioned to her about your girl’s plans and she lit up like a Christmas tree. They offer the same program at MCC. She’s looking into it. Hope your family is well.

  51. Clucky says:

    Oops-Love *em, not me! LOL

  52. Cardinallady says:

    Hi everyone. Been a pretty hard week end and beginning on our hill. My beloved black Lab Bear who was 12 years old died of congestive heart failure Thirsday. Thankfully he was only down on that day but the last three hours were incredibly hard on him and on us seeing him suffer. When he crawled out of his house that morning I knew it would be his last day. I begged him to wait for Jon to say goodbye. I left work at two then called back and said I wouldn’t be back that day. He hung on for Jon. And began the death twitched as soon as Jon got there and told him goodbye at two thirty five. But he didn’t die until six. I told Jon that I will never live through that again. If Liz goes that way I will find meds to give her those last hours to keep her in a coma

  53. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    It’s a little chilly in east Texas this morning, but not too bad. Hope to be home sometime this week.

    I’m very sorry to hear about your dog, cardinal. I know it’s hard to give’em up.

    Y’all be careful out there.

  54. Molly says:

    Mornin. Glad Kiddo is helping Chicklette with her career choices. There are several health-related fields that aren’t gross. Sonography was Kiddo’s first choice…college algebra got in the way. She liked dental hygiene….but there’s that college algebra problem again. MRI techs make good money. Dental assisting is a quick degree. Kiddo will be finished by next Christmas with an AA degree. It’s not the highest paying job, but she thinks she will like it.

  55. Cardinallady says:

    Evenin pretty. iChat here in ne miss. Good to see yiu Blues hope th gd are going well I. Texas. You be careful too.

    Molly tell kiddo to make sure to stay in close contact with her counsellor and check check and double check those courses. Thy have a way of slipping a course back and making you go an extra semester just to pick that one up. After it happened to Jon I’ve heard of it from quite a few more

    How about them MSU dawgs??!! I’ve never really rooted for one or the other but I’d like to see them stay number onel

  56. Molly says:

    CL, Kiddo goes next week for orientation at the campus where her classes will be and will work out her schedule for next semester then. There are only about 25 of them in the program that starts in January and I understand the counselors keep in close contact with them about what they need. They have already provided her with a list of all the required classes. Other than the specific dental assisting classes, she only needs a computer class and either a literature or a history class.

  57. Airwolf says:

    Happy Veterans Day to all you guys and gals that served.

  58. Cardinallady says:

    Yes happy Veterans Day I’m sure proud of my daddy my brother my uncle Larry for their service. Daddy guarded 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue when he was stationed in Maryland after he got back from Korea. He guarded the Tomb of the Unknown soldier too

  59. parrotmom says:

    Happy Wednesday to you all. A belated Happy Veterans Day to all of you that served. CL what an honor to guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Also so sorry for the loss of your lab Bear. It’s does hurt so much.

    Clucky hard to believe Chicklette is 16. They do grow up so fast.

    Y’all stay warm and take care.

  60. Molly says:

    Mornin. It’s winter time here in central Mississippi. I bet it is good and cold on your hill, AW. The wind was really howling outside my window this morning.
    Did I tell y’all that Kiddo finished her Intermediate Algebra class? Hallelujah! And finished with a B even. She had to take Intermediate before she could take College Algebra. This class was an uphill battle and now that she’s changed her major, she doesn’t plan to take College Algebra. Maybe later, but not now.

  61. Molly says:

    Mornin. Hated to hear about the Ag Museum fire. It is a fun place to visit. Did I hear that the person who was hurt was in the barn freeing the animals? I was falling asleep during the 10 o’clock news and am not sure what I heard and what I dreamed. Anyway, if she ran back in the barn to free the animals like I think they said, they should give her a medal!

  62. parrotmom says:

    Happy Monday morning! Nice temps if you are a bear in hibernation.

    Molly I too hated to hear about the AG museum. A very special place for sure. I haven’t haven’t looked to see which buildings were lost, but hoping the church survived. Glad no animals were freed and no fatalities.

    Hugs and prayers to you all!

  63. Molly says:

    Mornin. PM, the church was not burned; in fact, there has been wedding in it since the fire.
    It is turning out to be a gorgeous day. Chilly, but pretty. Gonna really be cold tomorrow morning.
    To all you State fans, my condolences.
    Hope everybody has a great day!

  64. parrotmom says:

    Thanks Molly for that info on the church.

    I’m dreading these temps. I sure hope Mother Nature comes back to her senses and levels off at the temps we should be having right now.

  65. cardinallady says:

    BRRRRRRR frozen red bird here! I must correct a mistake I posted it out on facebook and got called out by dad and mom. Daddy did not guard tomb of unknown soldier. That’s for Marines. Dad was in the Army. He took pictures of it and I thought he said he did it tooo. But thankfully when I made the mistake he lovingly called me and let me know it wasn’t him. He is so sweet and thoughtful!

    Y’all stay warm. I have cardinalson working on a fire in the hearth right now at my house.

  66. blues4you says:

    Good morning folks.

    Does anybody know what happened to fall? it’s my favorite season and I seem to have missed it completely.

  67. Molly says:

    Mornin. Kiddo is at orientation at the Nursing and Allied Health Center today. She’ll get registered for her classes while she’s there. From the information they have already given her, looks like she will have a pretty big course load next semester — 19 or 20 semester hours. That should keep her busy.
    We’ve been working on our Christmas shopping. Kiddo’s birthday is in a couple of weeks, and we’ve got that covered. And have almost everything for her for Christmas. Still want to get a bigger camera lens for her Canon Rebel. If anybody has any suggestions on what to get my parents who seem to have everything, please share.
    Kiddo is going to spend a few days with her boyfriend’s family in West Monroe. I asked her if she wanted to take him some goodies — meaning a batch of cookies. She talked to him and they came up with a list, including chicken quesadillas. I didn’t mean to feed the kid for a month; I just wanted to send some cookies. The kid does love my quesadillas, so I told her I would cook the chicken and make the salsa, but he has to do the rest. He’s also getting cookies, pumpkin bread and caramels, if I get the caramels made in time.

    • Clucky says:

      I’ll let you know about the lens. Does she want a zoom lens or something different? There is a smaller lens I’m dying for-I’ll try to let you know!!

      • Molly says:

        Yeah, I think she wants something that zooms in a bit more than what she has. Her camera came with 2 lenses and she wants some more variety.

  68. parrotmom says:

    Hey Blues I agree Fall just moved. Other than the leaves in my yard you would not know what season it is.

    Molly may I put my request in on some goodies. Too funny about the chicken quesadillas, but if your taking the time I would like some too. Don’t need any pumpkin bread though.

    One more cold morning then it’s supposed to start warming up for some rain. I’ll take it over 25 degrees.

  69. Molly says:

    Mornin. Got my salsa made last night. Chicken is marinating and will be grilled tonight. Made the caramels before the sun came up today. Kiddo’s boyfriend better appreciate me!
    PM, I’ll put you on the goodies list!
    Kiddo had her orientation yesterday and came home with a list of all the fees involved. Yikes! She may end up having to take out a small school loan yet. She said a few of the prospective students are thinking about dropping out because of the cost. I’m hoping that it will be spread out over the course of the year and not all come at once. I didn’t add it all up, but looks like it is a few thousand dollars not including tuition.
    She also got her dorm assignment yesterday. She will be in a dorm that has 3 bedrooms with a community living room, including a 42″ TV, and a kitchenette! We’ll go check it out after Thanksgiving.

  70. Airwolf says:

    Hey folks! Haven’t posted because of being so busy, Daddy has been in CCU the Tupelo. He was moved to an intermediate care unit last night. Has pneumonia again. Mother is still at nursing home for rehab. She is supposed to be discharged to home this Friday. I haven’t had time for anything else.

    Hope all is well with everybody!

  71. Clucky says:

    It’s been cold. I’ve been layered up. So glad it’s warming up!!

    My hearing is tomorrow (Thirsday morning). Please say a prayer for me!

    My ex MIL was found to have a 7cm aortic aneurysm extending from her eart to abdomen-12″ long. About the size of an orange, but should be about the size of your thumb. They are placing a stent at UMC on Friday. Please keep her and family in prayer too. It was an incidental finding wen she went in for a gallbladder ultrasound. Were it to rupture, she would be dead before she hit the ground. Definitely a God thing that it was found!!

    Love to all of you.

  72. Molly says:

    Mornin. AW, hope Dad gets better soon and I’m sure Mom is ready to back in her own house. Clucky, hope all goes well for you today and that the ex-MIL’s stent does the trick.
    Kiddo is leaving today for W. Monroe. She’s talking about staying thru Thanksgiving. I guess my baby is grown up now.

  73. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon everyone. Clucky I hope all went well with your hearing and hope that you receive good news. I know when PD went through the formalities it seemed they wait as long as possible to see if you break under the strain. Prayers for you.

    AW, hope your Dad improves and that your Mom goes home as planned. I know this is do stressful on you and them. Take care.

    Thanks Molly for adding me to the goodies list.


  74. Airwolf says:

    Happy Friday folks! I got mother out of the nursing home today and she’s back home thank God. Daddy is still in the hospital, finally moved him out on the medical ward. His pneumonia is much better.

    I hope you all have a good weekend!

  75. Molly says:

    Mornin. Glad everybody is on the mend, AW.
    Clucky — how’s the ex-MIL doing?
    I got industrious and put up Christmas decorations this weekend. I thought hubby was going to divorce me for making him pull all the stuff out a week before he thought he had to. He said he would stick with me if I’m willing to put it all away after Christmas. I told him we had a nice 27 year run and I would miss him.

  76. parrotmom says:

    Molly that is too funny.

    AW hope it slows down for you and that your parents continue to get stronger.

    Thanksgiving is upon us. Was always my most favorite holiday. I still have a lot to be thankful for and God has blessed me far more than I deserve. I hope and pray that you enjoy the day with family and friends. We don’t know who may be gone this time next year.

    Love and hugs to you all!

  77. Molly says:

    Hugs to you, too, Parrotmom.
    I’m ready for a few days off. We’re closing by lunch tomorrow and I won’t be back until next Tuesday. Other than cooking tomorrow and Thursday morning, and visiting with my parents Thursday, I don’t plan to do much this weekend. Kiddo and I are going to check out her dorm room Monday.

  78. parrotmom says:

    Hope all the MRBA had a Happy Thanksgiving

  79. Airwolf says:

    Happy Saturday. Waiting on the Eggbowl to start.

  80. Legal Eagle says:

    Damn Facebook has drained our postings to our favorite blog and I know I’ve been one of the most derelict in posting.

    We are having our Christmas party for the bridge players and other card players Thursday and everyone is bringing party food – dips, chips, cheese balls, sandwiches, etc. Any occasion to eat is a good time in the making.

    Y’all keep us in your prayers. We are trying to sell our 3 acres that we were buying when I lost my job and Big Eagle’s back screwed up. We will never be able to afford to move onto it, so selling it would make more sense than holding onto it and paying taxes on it every year. Big Eagle sold his gas guzzling truck and is lost without a truck at all, so he’s trying to find a smaller, more economical truck.

  81. Molly says:

    Mornin. Yesterday Kiddo and I went to Hinds’ Raymond campus and checked out the dorm, etc. Her room is so tiny! My dorm room was huge in comparison. This one is MAYBE 3/4, but probably closer to 1/2, the size of her home bedroom and there will be 2 girls in it. Eight girls will be sharing a single bathroom. That should be interesting.
    Legal, good luck with selling the land.

  82. Airwolf says:

    Hey folks, I hope everything is going alright with everybody. It has been wet and soggy on my hill.

    Daddy’s roommate passed away this morning about 130. They didn’t waste anytime he already has a new roommate.

    I hope everybody has a great day. Check in later!

  83. Molly says:

    Tried posting earlier, but apparently it didn’t work.
    AW, sorry about Dad’s roommate. Those waiting lists for nursing home beds are a mile long…especially for a male. They did move pretty fast, though!
    Kiddo’s 19th birthday is Saturday. Her boyfriend is coming over from Louisiana to surprise her.

  84. Airwolf says:

    Hello folks! Putting up one of our Christmas trees.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

    Has the blog died a natural death ?

  85. Molly says:

    Almost, Airwolf, almost.
    Kiddo had a good birthday. Boyfriend showed up at the bowling alley late Friday night and surprised her. He had her completely convinced he couldn’t make it this weekend. She had decided to go see him for the day yesterday. So we had to accelerate the plan and have him come over Friday instead of the planned Saturday morning. He’s heading home this afternoon.
    It is Sunday afternoon and I am at work. Too many interruptions during the week for me get any real work accomplished.

  86. Molly says:

    Mornin. Happy Birthday, CLady. Hope you have a great one!

  87. Airwolf says:

    Happy birthday Cardinal!!

  88. Clucky says:

    I’m here! Happy Birthday, CLady!!

    MIL’s surgery went well. Some complications, she’s home after ten days in UMC. Still very very weak.

    Home is emotional chaos. I need your prayers, y’all.

    Love you. Mean it.

  89. Clucky says:

    New FFA!!

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