MRBA Free-For-All

Here’s a new one so you don’t have to go digging for it. And happy birthday Cardinal Lady!


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161 Responses to MRBA Free-For-All

  1. Molly says:

    Mornin. Love the “Christmas Dreams,” Marshall!

  2. Clucky says:


  3. Airwolf says:

    Happy hump day!!

  4. blues4you says:


    Good morning folks.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I’ve been out sick for a few weeks but back at work now and glad to be here. Spent a few days in the hospital(St. D) over Thanksgiving.

    I hate to ask, but I need your prayers going forward as I deal with what is going to be some long term problems. God bless you all and thanks, Marshall, for saving us this little corner of the internet.

    Happy belated birthday to cardinal lady. Without a doubt, one of the sweetest people on planet earth.

  5. Molly says:

    Mornin. Sorry about your illness, Blues. Hope you are feeling better and can kick whatever it is that got you down.

  6. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m sorry to hear you’re going through some health issues, Blues, and I will keep you in my prayers.

    Big Eagle is looking for an economical pickup truck, preferably a 4-cylinder, if anyone has one for sale or knows someone who does, please let me know. A man without a truck is like a man who has lost his best friend. And the fishing gear takes up the entire inside of my car.

  7. Clucky says:

    Blues, I’ll keep you in my prayers.

    Looks like Mr. Fab has pneumonia. He collapsed last night, but refuses to go to the hospital. Hardheaded man.

    Miss Thang has her license and drove to Decatur to take her ACT this morning. It’s the first time she’s taken the test, and the first time she’s driven alone more than a mile or two. EEK.

    Love y’all-take care.

  8. Molly says:

    Mornin. Hope Mr. Fab is feeling better, Clucky. You need to drag his stubborn butt to the doctor! I have an upper respiratory infection. Been feeling bad for several days, but was being stubborn about going to the doctor, too, until yesterday. I woke up absolutely miserable yesterday and realized I wasn’t going to kick it without antibiotics. Today, I feel quite a bit better, but have a long way to go. I am at work, but may not make it all day. It’s payday and we don’t have direct deposit, so I HAD to come in!
    I hope the Chicklette did well on her ACT and had no incidents with her first solo outing.

  9. parrotmom says:

    Blues so sorry that you have been ill. Clucky hope Mr Fab will give in and go to the doctor. Milky hooe you feel better soon too!

    Everyone take care ((((((((MRBA))))))))

  10. Airwolf says:

    Happy Monday. Bear and I went to Boonville today to the Marathon cheese factory and picked up some cheese for Christmas. He’s out of school until Jan. 5. He is academically exempt from tests this week. So I have a house guest for awhile. He eats like a horse. He’s almost 13, doesn’t seem possible!

    Blues I hope you’ve turned the corner and doing better.

  11. Molly says:

    Mornin. Sounds like Bear is almost grown up, AW. Enjoy him while you can.
    My voice was completely gone yesterday. I can talk today, but not very well. I’ll be glad when this mess clears up. I haven’t even started my baking and I owe Parrotmom a goodie tray! Still have a little shopping to do, too.

  12. Cardinallady says:

    Hi there y’all where has this month gone seems like it just started and now it’s seven days until Christmas. I will have the Christmas paper to bed tomorrow if Rudolph cooperates. I took off last Wednesday and half of today and still feel like I’m waking up behind. I k ow part if it is cardinal son has a regular job now and doesn’t get all those extra days off he did in college. He works at school bit they will be working tomorrow and an hour Friday and he had been sick.

    Blues bless your heart I love you. May God touch your ailment where the doctors can’t. I pray in Jeaus dear name that you will be well faster than the doctors ever imagined.

  13. Molly says:

    It has flown by, Card. I’m not quite ready for next week so I guess I better get moving!
    Kiddo has been shopping for her boyfriend’s sisters.Their mom is not well and all their money is spent on her medical bills. The girls are 8 and 12 and Kiddo can’t stand the idea of them not getting gifts so she’s their Santa this year. She won’t see them until Dec. 26, though.

  14. Airwolf says:

    I trust everyone is well. The flu is running rampant up here. With the schools out for Christmas maybe it will die down!

    Have a good busy weekend. Word has it that Santa Claus is coming to town :-)

  15. Cardinallady says:

    Evening and thanks for the birthday wishes especially from you marshall. Well my computer at work DIED. Flatline. I had to go work on another counter while my boss retewved the Santa letters from the email again. Technology licks you in the railfeathers and kisses you on the beak at the same time. I guess I’ll have a new cputer to look forward to. I had a lot of pics that I lost though. That’s my only regret

  16. Clucky says:

    If you have fb, and most of you do, you know by now that Tim walked out on me & Morgan, and cleaned out the bank account. He’s had an ongoing affair for two years. I found out a few weeks ago. Chicklette has been so ANGRY-and I don’t blame her. Sadly, I’m not surprised. Jerk.


  17. Molly says:

    {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}} Love you, girl! Don’t know what else to say.

  18. Molly says:

    Mornin. It is Tuesday. Our office is closing at noon today and will be closed the rest of the week. I am quite happy about that! I need a break…of course there won’t be much rest during that break until the weekend, but I’m thankful I don’t have to go to work AND do all the other stuff I have going on.

  19. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends. Rainy and dreary this morning.

    We celebrated Rambettes birthday yesterday and last night. The whole family went out to dinner. It’s a struggle trying to find a nice place to eat this time of year. Everything is so crowded. I stopped by SAMs Club yesterday, cars out to the street and no shopping carts.

    Hope everyone has a wonder Christmas break. Stay safe!

  20. Airwolf says:

    Merry Christmas!

  21. Molly says:

    Well, I said “Merry Christmas” yesterday but my comment is awaiting moderation. My name and email address were not populated and apparently I put a different email address than the one I use on here.

    Anyway….hope everybody had a very Merry Christmas!

  22. Clucky says:

    Happy after Christmas! We survived…and Morgan got her braces off!

  23. Molly says:

    Mornin. Glad you survived Christmas, Clucky. Getting the braces off was a fantastic Christmas gift. I still remember all these years later how good it felt to get them off. Of course, back in the dark ages when I had them, there was a full band on every tooth.

  24. Airwolf says:

    Is this MRBA?? Happy 2015!

  25. Molly says:

    Hey, AW. This apparently is what’s left of MRBA. Hope everybody has had a good start to 2015.

  26. Airwolf says:

    Hey Molly, I trust your holidays were great!

    Getting ready for this miserable cold wave that’s moving in!

  27. Molly says:

    Yes, we had a great holiday. Kiddo was well pleased with her gifts…but then, she’s very easy to please. Her favorite gift was fuzzy socks.
    We’re moving her into the dorm in Raymond on Wednesday. That’s gonna be a shock to this only child’s system!

  28. Molly says:

    We got Kiddo moved into the dorm at Raymond yesterday. Only new dorm residents moved in yesterday; returning residents come in this weekend. Apparently the other 7 girls in her suite lived there last semester because she had the place to herself last night. She spent the night so she could go to a meeting on campus this morning, then she’s headed back home until Sunday. Classes start Monday at 8 a.m.

  29. Airwolf says:

    Morning Molly, just you and I it appears. It’s miserably cold up here. 7 degrees at the farm and 8 here.

    Glad to hear Kiddo is doing well.

    Stay warm.

  30. Molly says:

    My thermometer read 12 degrees this morning. Now, at 4:09 pm, it is up to a scorching 32. It really didn’t feel that bad outside at lunch. The wind wasn’t blowing and it was fairly comfortable. When the wind blows, it is a different story.
    Hope you and yours (and your critters) stay warm up on your hill!

  31. Airwolf says:

    We got a heat wave going on up here it’s 36°! But will be back in the teens tonight!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  32. Molly says:

    It’s soggy here in Rankin County this morning. Kiddo started her dental assisting classes today. She met her roommate last night. So far, Kiddo is not impressed. Said the girl is not particularly friendly. Maybe she’ll warm up.

  33. Airwolf says:

    Morning, it’s raining again this morning!

    I hope everyone has a great day.

  34. blues4you says:

    walks in/nods/gets coffee/grabs employment classifieds/goes and site in corner

  35. Molly says:

    Mornin. Hey, Blues. Good to see you.
    Kiddo survived her first day of dental assisting school. She had 3 hours worth of homework last night and had to take several online tests and pass them before she can continue with the program, which she did. Their first in-class test is Thursday. They don’t mess around with this program. They just jumped right in.

  36. Molly says:

    The sun is trying to peek out on this Wednesday afternoon. That’s a nice change!
    Kiddo’s roommate moved out suddenly yesterday. Don’t know why. Their schedules were so different that they hardly saw each other in the day and a half they were rooming together. I knew Kiddo could be difficult, but dang!

    • Airwolf says:

      Kiddo probably wasn’t the reason!

      • Molly says:

        Probably not, AW, but that won’t stop me from harassing her about it! A couple of hours after the first one moved out, a second one showed up, looked in the room, got a key and dumped all her belongings just outside the door and left. She didn’t come back that night and the next morning all the belongings were gone. I think that is a world record for running off a roommate!
        Last night, Kiddo came home to print some documents and spent the night. She went back by the dorm before class this morning and somebody else had moved belongings into the room. This is Day 4 of the semester and she is on Roommate 3! It will be interesting to see how long this one lasts.

  37. Molly says:

    Mornin. We have no clouds in the sky this morning. Yay! It is cold now, but supposed to warm up nicely.

  38. Molly says:

    Haven’t heard from Kiddo this morning. As far as I know Roommate 3 is still there. Mom always harassed me about the number of college roommates I had. One dropped out of school, one graduated, one got married, one I kicked out. Other than the one I kicked out, no change in roomies was my fault…but still, I heard a lot about it. Now, though, even Mom says I must have been a much better roommate than Kiddo. Kiddo may never live this one down.

  39. Airwolf says:

    Hello sun you are looking good!!

    I hope all is well with everyone!!

  40. Molly says:

    Mornin. That sunshine has been nice, AW! Kiddo and I had a lot of errands to run this weekend and were glad to have nice weather to do it in.
    I HOPE we have spent all the money we have to for the semester. Or at least most of what will be spent. We bought scrubs, lab coats, shoes and a printer this weekend. It’s a good thing we’ve been saving for college since she was a baby! She does still have to pay for a CPR class on Saturday, but that won’t be much.
    I better get busy. Gotta a lot to do today. We have a Medicaid hearing tomorrow. Yuck!

  41. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon! Molly college expenses hurt.

    I’ve been out trimming scrubs, thorn bushes ouch. Now I’ve got a big mess to clean up.

    I had to set a new newspaper post for my box somebody didn’t like my post and broke it off, grrr!

  42. blues4you says:

    Good morning.

    siiiiiiiiggggghhh……….i need a hug

  43. parrotmom says:

    Sorry to have been away for the past month. December is a big rush month for us being that it is the end of the year. I went into hibernation mode that first week of January—took those 3 coldest days off.

    Molly. So funny about Kiddo and the roommates. Had a few chuckles.

    CLady hope you have that new computer and you find your way back to the MRBA blog.

    I’m so happy to see the Sunshine I boukd dance if I knew how. Every one take care and stay well.

  44. Molly says:

    Hey, PM! Long time no see! Glad you came out of hiding and found us again. AW and I were feeling neglected.
    I’m glad the sun found us again, too. It is really nice out this afternoon.
    AW, hope you got your mess cleaned up without too many thorns stabbing you.
    Kiddo went back to school last night, but I haven’t heard if she still has a roommate. We were at the dorm Saturday setting up her printer and the roomie’s belongings were still there.
    We survived the Medicaid hearing this morning. They were much more helpful today than usual. The long weekend must have done them some good.

  45. Airwolf says:

    Morning that is all

  46. Molly says:

    I don’t have much to add to that myself, AW. Hubby leaves for work around 5 am. I heard him leave and was just falling back asleep when my alarm clock went off at 6:30. I’m ready for naptime.

  47. Molly says:

    Kiddo does still have a roommate. The roommate (Kaitlyn) is a slob and that drives Kiddo nuts, but she can deal with it as long as the mess is on Kaitlyn’s side of the room. Kaitlyn told Kiddo yesterday that her last roommate kicked her out because of the mess in the room.

    What Kiddo really can’t abide by, though, is that Kaitlyn never locks the door. Every time Kiddo comes in, the door is unlocked. Kaitlyn says she just can’t remember to lock it. I doubt there is much danger in having her stuff stolen, though. The thief would have to either be one of their suite-mates or someone would have had to leave the suite door propped open (it locks automatically). Still, Kiddo trusts no one and wants the door locked.

  48. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks. Looks like the rain is moving in!

    I hope y’all have a good day.

  49. Molly says:

    Mornin. It has started raining a little here, too. Supposed to be really wet by quitting time this afternoon. I think my regular Thursday night grocery shopping will be put on hold until drier conditions prevail.
    Not much else going on in my corner of the world. Just work, work, work.

  50. Airwolf says:

    Today in one word “nasty”. Stay dry and warm.

  51. Molly says:

    It hasn’t rained any here that I’ve seen today. It is damp, cloudy, breezy and cold. Temp has stayed right at 41 all day long.

  52. parrotmom says:

    Morning! It’s Monday, cloudy, and cold. Happy there is no rain and I don’t live in NY. I don’t want any part of that Storm. Prayers to those that live in that area.

  53. Molly says:

    Mornin. Amen to that, PM! I like to look at snow, but have no desire to be out in it.
    Hope everybody has a good day!

  54. Airwolf says:

    Happy Monday! Hope everybody has a good day.

    It’s colder in my hill this morning.

    I’ve got to make a trip to Walmart morning.

  55. Molly says:

    Has it warmed up any, AW? The sun came out here this morning and it warmed up a little, but the wind is still chilly.

  56. Molly says:

    Mornin. In case anyone is wondering….and I know you’ve been losing sleep over this….Kiddo still has a roommate. Roommate #3 is still there; she may be a keeper.

  57. parrotmom says:

    Hey Molly, glad this roommate is hanging in there.

    Not much happening here.

  58. Molly says:

    Mornin. Hope everybody has a great Friday.

  59. parrotmom says:

    Happy Friday and hope you all have a terrific weekend.

  60. Airwolf says:

    Happy Friday! I had an endocrinologist annual check up today, everything was great.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

  61. Molly says:

    Mornin. Big change in the temperature today!
    How about that Mississippi making the winning play in the Super Bowl! Super Bowl is the only pro football game I watch all year…and I do that mainly for the commercials. I don’t care much about any team, but I was leaning a little more towards New England. Well, more accurately….leaning AWAY from Seattle.
    As for the commercials, they were a bit disappointing. I think Nationwide may have lost some customers; doubt that was their goal. Budweiser never disappoints. Fiat was good. I liked the Pete Rose commercial. Poor guy just can’t catch a break.
    I had to go online to watch a couple of the commercials. I am so used to ignoring commercials that I forgot to watch a few times.

  62. Molly says:

    Hellooooo???? Anybody here?

  63. Airwolf says:

    Hey Molly!! It’s a beautiful sunshiny day. I hope yours is wonderful!!

  64. Molly says:

    Mornin, Airwolf. Sunshine went away today. Last night I finished up tax returns for us and Kiddo. Kiddo gets money back; we pay. Somehow that doesn’t seem quite fair. However, thanks to the college expenses we had for her, we aren’t paying nearly as much as we would otherwise. I had much rather send money to Hinds than to Uncle Sam.

  65. Airwolf says:

    I spoke too soon, the sun is gone. I haven’t started my taxes yet, I really dread it.

  66. parrotmom says:

    Good morning! Way to go Molly on having taxes done. I have my stuff together just not ready to put it in writing. Another cold day with no sunshine, but I am alive and enjoying life. Everyone stay warm and well.

  67. Molly says:

    Mornin. We must have hit our high temp overnight. It was 45 degrees when I got up and now it is 41.
    Went home early yesterday with a massive headache. After a couple of Tylenol and a nap I felt better. But a few hours later it hit again and just won’t go away. Wish I could have stayed home today but there’s just too much to do. Maybe I can get a nap at lunch.

  68. Molly says:

    Mornin, PM. I have to get my taxes done fairly early so I can work on the FAFSA for financial aid for Kiddo’s college. That’s this weekend’s project. I’m going to get someone to look over the FAFSA application before I submit it this year. I not sure I did it right last year.

  69. Molly says:

    Kiddo and I have decided to go to Gatlinburg in May. Of course, the boyfriend will be accompanying us. Hubby doesn’t want to go, so it will be the 3 of us again. We found a very nice 2 bedroom cabin that costs about what one hotel room would cost. We’ll do like we did at the beach last year and cook most of our meals. It should be fun.

  70. Airwolf says:

    Molly that sounds like fun!

  71. parrotmom says:

    Morning Molly and AW. Another chilly weather attack this week. I loved the springtime weekend we had.

    Molly sounds like a perfect get away. I have never been to Gatlinburg. I’ve thought about going, but think being alone there would be harder than being at the beach. Maybe one day I’ll make it in my new ride.

  72. Molly says:

    Mornin. I’m looking forward to the trip, AW. Last time we went to Gatlinburg was in 2004. We were supposed to go again in 2008, but I had back surgery that summer instead. This is our first chance to go back since then. Kiddo is so excited about going she can’t stand it.

  73. Molly says:

    Hey, PM. I started my last comment before you posted yours. You should try the mountains sometime. If you stay in town, there is a lot to do within walking distance.

  74. blues4you says:

    Hey folks. Hope everyone is well.

    Trying to survive a huge downturn in my industry. The little mom & pop service company that I work for has seen a 40% drop in business since December. So far, I have been able to work, but I am afraid that will change when I have to have time off for some upcoming medical procedures. Worries, I got’em.

  75. Molly says:

    Hey, Blues! The lower gas prices are great for everybody but those working in the oil/gas industry. Sorry it is causing problems for you, Blues. Maybe they will hold your spot while you are out. And, whatever those medical procedures are, hope all goes well. {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}

  76. Molly says:

    Mornin. Kiddo seems to have a stomach bug. About the time she got to the Allied Health building for her classes, she got sick. She’s supposed to go to see the boyfriend tomorrow so I hope she gets over it quick. And, more importantly, I hope she doesn’t share it with me. She did spend the night at home last night. I may need to Lysol down the house at lunch.

  77. Molly says:

    AW, how’s the weather up your way? Looks like it is more of an ice event than snow. Hope it stayed north of you.

  78. Molly says:

    Mornin. Nothing much happened down here, weather wise, except the temp dropped significantly. I was afraid with all of the rain yesterday there would be ice on the roads this morning, but there is nothing.
    Hope you aren’t iced in, AW.

  79. blues4you says:

    Stumbles in/goes and stands in front of the heater for a bit/gets coffee/goes back to work

  80. Airwolf says:

    We had some ice, rain and some snowflakes. Roads were slippery to the north. Schools started 2 hours late. It’s 27 degrees now.

  81. Molly says:

    Mornin. Hope everybody is staying warm.

  82. blues4you says:

    stumbles in/roots around in ‘fridge/grabs a water/eases back out to work

  83. Airwolf says:

    Summation:The weather is nasty.

  84. Molly says:

    We had a little rain early this morning which promptly froze to the roads and cars. Wrecks everywhere. I don’t have a garage, so my car was covered in ice, but no problems getting to work. Living a mile from the office has its advantages.

  85. Molly says:

    Mornin. I was just working on a deed to some property in Scott County. The original deed ended with something like “this is intended to convey the property of so-and-so who was deceased at the time of his death.” Was deceased at the time of his death??? I suspect a lot of people are deceased around that same time.

  86. Molly says:

    AW, your summation from Friday holds true for today as well. Hope it doesn’t get too bad up your way.

  87. blues4you says:

    tues 2/24/15 7:05 am

    “I’m so loooonesome I could cry…..”

  88. Molly says:

    Hey, Blues. Sorry you’re lonesome. How’s the weather where you are?

  89. Molly says:

    Mornin. It’s wet and messy in central MS, but supposed to get icy later on. How are things up your way, AW?

  90. blues4you says:

    thurs 2/26/15 7:05am

    Hope everyone is warm and dry.

    No major weather problems here in south louisiana. It’s just cold and wet.

  91. Molly says:

    Mornin. Cold and wet is all we got, too. I did see a couple of stray snowflakes and a tiny bit of sleet.

  92. Airwolf says:

    We had between 9 and 10 inches of snow. It sure was beautiful!! A lot has melted.

  93. Molly says:

    I bet it was pretty, AW. I was really hoping to see some here, but it went just north of us.

  94. blues4you says:

    March 2,2015 4:40pm

    Hey folks hope all is well with everyone.

  95. Airwolf says:

    Hey folks! It’s still wet and soggy up here! More ice forecasted for Wednesday but 70 tomorrow. No wonder everyone is sick.

  96. Molly says:

    Mornin. I think they’ve decided the icy stuff will stay north of us again, but there will be a nearly 40 degree drop in temps. Yuck. My sinuses have been complaining.
    Maybe spring will get here soon.

  97. Molly says:

    Did I say 40 degree drop in temps? More like 50. We currently have sleet, freezing rain and a little snow.
    Stay safe everybody.

  98. Airwolf says:

    We are frozen again. Layer of ice with snow and sleet. Not a creature is stirring. Yesterday it was 80 and shorts and now 27 and brrrr!!

  99. Molly says:

    Stay warm, AW. We hit 82 degrees yesterday. It’s 28 now. No snow to speak of; just a a flurry now and again. Lots of sleet coming down, though. We’re at work, but I don’t think we’ll come back after lunch. It’s 10:30 now. My pups refuse to go out when it’s wet and when I left the house they were both huddled by their doggie door checking the weather.

  100. blues4you says:

    fri 3/6/15 7:15am

    Hey folks.

    Finishing up my job today. 36 days and over 3million dollars for a well of 0 commercial value. Sometimes what seems like a great idea doesn’t work out for oil & gas drillers. These guys will live to fight another day while it looks like I’m laid off.

    Anyhoo, had crawfish and boiled crabs last night in Lake Charles, so I got that going for me.

    Heading towards home today. Gonna stop by and see my brother that lives in Maurepas on the way. Haven’t seen him since Thanksgiving and I was sick at the time.

    Ya’ll be safe out there…aannnd
    “Les bon-ton roulette!”

  101. Molly says:

    Mornin. Sorry the job ended, Blues. Hopefully, they will have something else for you soon. Have a nice visit with your brother. Be careful on the road.
    Brrr….Sun is shining but it sure is cold!

  102. parrotmom says:

    Good morning Molly, Blues, and any others. Has been cold and nasty. Glad most of the ice thawed here yesterday afternoon. It’s a muddy, soggy mess in places. So glad to see the sunshine and glad to be indoors, brrrrrr! So cold.

    Blues safe travels home. Hopefully, another job comes up soon.

    You all stay warm and safe.

  103. Molly says:

    Hey, PM! Good to see you.

  104. parrotmom says:

    Morning to you all. A nasty week of rain. Thankful no freezing temps.

    Blues I hope you had a good visit with your brother and a safe trip home.

    Hugs to everyone!

  105. Airwolf says:

    Happy Monday!

  106. Airwolf says:

    Rain rain and more rain!!

  107. Molly says:

    Mornin. You are so right, AW. It is wet out there. I’m ready for some spring weather.

  108. Molly says:

    Mornin. Anybody out there? It’s been a quiet week for me. I’m ready for some sunshine, though.
    Kiddo is “shadowing” at a dentist office today. This is her first real experience and should tell her if this is really what she wants to do with her life.

  109. Airwolf says:

    Morning Molly. Looks like it’s just you and I

  110. Legal Eagle says:

    Good morning, MRBA!!! I have looked for this FFA a couple of times and it was so far back that I gave up too soon. I posted a message on FB yesterday reminding everyone that it is time for the 7th Annual MRBA Picnic and asking if doing it on a Sunday afternoon would be convenient for everyone since we are going to church on Saturday morning now and attending a Bible study on Saturday afternoons. Pearl Park seems to have worked out as a more convenient location for everyone. Please let me know if you have any big conflicts in May and I will call the parks folks and get the pavilion.

  111. Molly says:

    Hey, Legal. You won’t get much of an audience here. AW and I stop by fairly often. Blues and Parrotmom poke their heads in occasionally. Everybody else seems to have abandoned us.
    We are going to Gatlinburg the last week of May. I’ll be home on the 24th and 31st but don’t know if I can work a picnic in. The 31st would be the best possibility, but I don’t know. We’ll have to return the rental car that day…and recover from a week of hiking. On the 24th, we’ll be packing and loading the car, so I know it wouldn’t work for me. If I can’t make it, y’all have fun!
    P.S. I bookmarked this page so I don’t have to go digging through months of MR’s posts to get here.

  112. Molly says:

    Mornin. Don’t know anything else.

  113. Airwolf says:

    Hello from up north. It’s wet wet wet.

  114. Molly says:

    Mornin. AW, have you dried out yet? I hear it is supposed to start with the wet stuff again tomorrow.

  115. Airwolf says:

    Yeah Molly I worked in the yard most of the day yesterday but it’s about to get wet again.

  116. Molly says:

    I just noticed the clouds have moved in. At lunch the sun was still shining brightly. I may be taking a road trip to Lexington and/or Grenada tomorrow for work. Hope the rain holds off until I’m back from there.

  117. Airwolf says:

    Is this thing on??

  118. parrotmom says:

    Hey Molly and AW. Another way to find this page is search at the top of page type in MRBA and there we are.

    Looks Luke picnic will be Sunday April 19th from 1-5 at the park in Pearl.

    Molly looks like you got a sunny day for a drive.ore rain Friday and Saturday.

  119. Molly says:

    I ended up not being the one to make the road trip. I was kinda looking forward to getting out of the office for a while. Oh, well….maybe next time.
    I saw the date of the picnic in the FB messages. I can probably make it. We’ll probably be birthday partying with my dad and hubby the night before.

  120. Airwolf says:

    Happy Friday!! Wet again up here.

  121. Molly says:

    It rained hard here this morning and then cleared off. More dark clouds are moving in now, though. Supposed to be a wet weekend.
    AW, any chance you’ll be able to come down for the picnic?

  122. parrotmom says:

    Happy Monday : ). The clouds still thick and is misting. If any one finds the sun please send it back to the south. I am so missing it.

  123. Molly says:

    Mornin. I’m hoping the sun will find us this afternoon, PM.
    Hope you do make it AW. Would love to see you.

  124. Molly says:

    Hey, PM….I found the sun!

  125. Molly says:

    Uh-oh, PM. I lost the sun! Sorry. It was there and I looked away for just a minute and then it was gone.

  126. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks! The grass is getting green and the birds are singing. Gonna be a good day!! I hope yours is too!!

  127. Molly says:

    Mornin, AW. It is looking springy around here…complete with a yellow coating of pollen on the cars. My flower beds are sprouting new growth. I had some really pretty irises last year.

    • Airwolf says:

      We don’t have the yellow plague yet but it is coming. Day lilies are popping up and my dogwood tree are beginning to show green.

  128. Molly says:

    I have a bed of day lilies, too. They are growing and looking good.

  129. Airwolf says:

    My dogwoods are almost in bloom and here comes a cold front grrr!

  130. parrotmom says:

    Morning. I am living the sunshine. A little cool but that’s ok. Has been one busy week here and today want be much better.
    I have the normal wild stuff growing in my yard. I love flowers and prefer to watch others bloom. They fo better than my own.

    Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

  131. Molly says:

    It is a bit cool. Feels good in the sun, but chilly in the shade. I’m not complaining, though, the sun is shining and it’s not 100 degrees with 97% humidity. I’ll be wishing for this in June, July, August, and September.
    How cold did it get on your hill, AW?

  132. Airwolf says:

    Happy Monday!!

  133. Molly says:

    Mornin. Our weather was a bit “bi-polar” this weekend. Saturday I needed a jacket while out and about. Sunday I got a sunburn and was quite warm. Kiddo and I went to see the Budweiser Clydesdales at Trustmark Park yesterday afternoon and then went over to the Jackson Zoo for a bit. We had fun.

  134. parrotmom says:

    I’m loving this weather. Yippee!

  135. Airwolf says:

    Love the warm weather but we have four days of rain to look forward to.

    I did manage to move some of our plants from the plant shed to their summer place.

  136. Molly says:

    Mornin. Has the rain moved in yet, AW? We had a little shower sometime overnight.
    The office is closed tomorrow and I am really looking forward to a day off.

  137. Airwolf says:

    Morning, just sitting here watching it rain. It’s making everything green up quickly. I need to mow but it won’t happen very soon.

    Hope everyone had a great Easter!!

  138. Molly says:

    Hello. Been really busy at work this week. Haven’t had a chance to come up for air until now (4:45 Tuesday). I guess that is an indication of job security. I’ve been here long enough that all the clients know my name and always ask for me. Earlier I was on the phone and had 2 lines holding for me. We only have 3 lines, or I may have had more holding. Just one of those days. Everybody has lots of questions today. It did make the day fly by.

  139. Molly says:

    So, is the blog officially dead? I check in every day to see if anyone has posted and no one has for the past week. It was fun while it lasted.

  140. Airwolf says:

    I suppose we can stick a fork in it Molly. It’s done.

  141. Molly says:

    I think you are right, AW. I guess I will stop checking the page in hopes of seeing new comments.
    Hope to see you Sunday.

  142. blues4you says:

    Hey y’all.

    Can someone please give me the details for the picnic? It looks like I can make it. I don’t do facebook, so can someone please clue me in?


  143. blues4you says:

    Well, I guess I’m all alone.

    I really enjoyed the picnic. Such good people…

    Thank you, Marshall.

  144. Airwolf says:

    Hey Blues sorry we couldn’t make it.

  145. Airwolf says:

    Is there life in here??

  146. blues4you says:

    Hello, AW.

    I’m sorry I missed you.

    Hopefully, a few will come back here.

  147. parrotmom says:

    Hey Blues. Not much going on here. Good to see you the other week. Fun times at the picnic. Take care

  148. Airwolf says:

    Happy Saturday!! Beautiful sunshine today.

  149. blues4you says:

    Happy saturday to you also, AW!

    Blessings have been bestowed on the blues household.

    I’ve been back at work since tuesday after a a 2 1/2 month lay-off. Job should last 4-6 weeks. Location is near Ruston, La. These are all good things.

    BullyDuck is showing some improvement on her condition, also.

    Y’all have a nice one.

  150. Airwolf says:

    If there’s anyone out there, I hope you have a safe Memorial Day weekend.

  151. parrotmom says:

    Blues. Thinking and praying for you. I don’t call. Just know I have been there in the same place with a live one fading away.

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