Finding Faith

10014569_799878546732040_4754081032128017380_nI don’t talk about faith easily. It’s not because I don’t have any — I just prefer to live it rather than preach it. Why? I think it’s because I’ve known so many people who don’t practice what they preach. But there I was, at a church and talking to a church’s men’s club talking about, you guessed it, my faith.

I spoke about the Parable of the Talents and how it changed my attitude when I was a janitor. It still changes me even to this date. (I don’t want to be the servant who buries his talent.) I then mentioned how using your abilities is writing a thank you note. I told stories about how the worst moments of my life turned into my best. How that was the seed of hope that keeps me from getting into the fetal position. I then talked about change and how sometimes angels come in bad clothing. I closed with how powerful forgiveness is and how being in your comfort zone is more dangerous than being in a blasting zone.

I think the speech was well received. I know I enjoyed the fellowship with the group. And getting up in front of them reminded me of something pretty important.

My family has experienced some pretty radical changes the past few years. I’ve sat up at night fearing for the future. But things worked out way better than I could have dreamed. And now, I am grateful for those radical changes. Why? Because when I stopped treating them like disasters and started believing they were opportunities, doors began to open up.

I guess that’s called faith. But I’d rather not talk about it. I’ll just keep trying to live it the best I can.

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One Response to Finding Faith

  1. karl hatten sr says:

    Very powerful and impressive.

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