Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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64 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    5:55 am. Good Thursday morning :)

    Coop thanks for the info for a Privet.

    OM goodness Blues for the long hours and then the may not show up on your pay check. So sorry man :(

  2. parrotmom says:

    Marshall as always another great political toon :)

  3. Mrs. H says:

    Have you seen this picture:
    That’s the Chapel of Memories and Davis Wade Stadium on the horizon!!

  4. dhcoop says:

    a MrsH, that is a truly awesome pic.

  5. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. It sounds like I’m going to have a messy drive this morning. Thundering all around.

  6. blues4you says:

    Wow! What a stunning photo!

  7. OldBopper says:

    G’mawnin’. Haven’t checked the weather yet but from the comments, I guess I ought to.

    Hope everybody has a wonderful Thursday. For those of you who have a Thursday/Friday today, enjoy your day off tomorrow.

    Heard something about a party. Where do I get information?

  8. OldBopper says:

    Mercy! Looks like AW and Cardinal are in the bulls eye again. Y’all be careful out there when driving.

  9. parrotmom says:

    Awesome pic MrsH.. Prayers that AW and Cardinal stay safe.

  10. OldBopper says:

    Aha! Found out about the party. Sorry Cluckster no can do. Hope you have a good turnout though. (Details on FaceBook)

  11. Mrs. H says:

    The boyfriend of the eldest took pictures of her holding golf ball sized hail stones. She thinks she needs a new car now!

  12. parrotmom says:

    See you guys and gals later on. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  13. dhcoop says:

    Caught myself a loooooonnnnggggg train.

  14. Airwolf says:

    Wet seems to be our permanent state. Hope y’all have a good day!

  15. msblondie says:

    morning gang!… hope all have a great day.

    I hope the rain clears out by early evening… prom is tonight.. and M was complaining cause it will mess up her hair. Natural CURLY hair and rain/humity don’t mix.

    Gotta get busy.. and gotta get a call in to the school so she can leave early today to get that hair done.

  16. cardinallady says:

    Morning yall! I”m beginning to feel like Marcell Ledbetter. It has rained so much the perch are eating up my bird seed. (only he said the perch were eating his corn. I have no corn growing so all they have is the bird seed in my neck of the woods.)

    We have these number 10 cans set out to feed the dogs in (that’s those gallon sized cans that they use in the school system,) and they are almost full of water.

  17. cardinallady says:

    Coop. Don’t laugh at me when I say this, because I promise it will work. You know how you take a shot of the flu germ to fight the flu? Well, pick a big handful of those privit blooms five or six NOT individual little blooms but the bunch of blooms. Lay them on your counter in the kitchen on a paper towel and let them dry. They will be slightly brownish. After they dry pop one whole section of blooms, you know they look like white grape bunches, in four ounces of water and put in the microwave. Cook two to three minutes or until the water is yellowish brown. drink before you go to bed.

    do this about every other night or two until you have done about five of them. Your allegies will be much better next time around. It really works. I had to do it because I have a lot of privit and it shut my system down. Drink the water warm, and do it just before you go to bed because it will make you sleepy.

  18. dhcoop says:

    Card, I don’t know if I can bring myself to do that, but I’ll think about it!

    Looking at the radar, it looks like this next wave may get to Jtown.

  19. Barb says:

    Good morning!!

    I think I am glad there is no privet around me!!

  20. blues4you says:

    I believe cardinal could write a book on homegrown remedies.

  21. Mrs. H says:

    I’ve never heard of that remedy, but I bet it works. I’ve always heard that honey from local bees is good, too, because they make it from the nectar of what’s growing locally. Same principle.
    Is this anything like “hair of the dog that bit you”?

  22. Mrs. H says:

    Mrs. Mac is having banana pudding for lunch. I think I’ll have some, too!

  23. parrotmom says:

    Blues, CLady reminds me of Granny from “The Beverly Hillbillies” with her home remedies. It appesrs she had a lot of good teachings from the older generation. I am like Coop, I don’t know if I would try it.

  24. tank says:

    I’m fortunate not to have allergies. privet don’t bother me.
    it’s been one of those “I’m so excited about the 3-day weekend I don’t feel like working today” days.

  25. dhcoop says:

    The bottom just dropped out downtown. Raining from all directions.

  26. Molly says:

    Looks like the bottom is about drop at the Rez too. It is really dark. Just in time for me to leave for lunch, too.

  27. dhcoop says:

    Pizza Shack!

  28. parrotmom says:

    MrsH I read that story earlier. It seems that after 5 yrs plus and no family has been located why can they not put the casket back into the ground as well as the bones in the bag and mark it as unknown remains from katrina.

  29. Barb says:

    Thunderstorms here in Pearl!!

    12:05 pm.

  30. Molly says:

    Anybody want to deliver some lunch to me? Not real excited about getting out in this flood. I didn’t bring my boat today. Or my floaties.

  31. Mrs. H says:

    I think the reason they are holding the casket is that they know who the lady is, but can’t locate any relatives to take care of re-interring her. I wonder why they can’t just put her back into the cemetery that she came from: after all, I assume the plot was paid for or she wouldn’t have been there in the first place. Not sure about the bones in the body bags. I’m with you: unknown victims of Katrina. Even if they didn’t loose their lives in Katrina, they lost their connections to their identities.

    • cardinallady says:

      As I understand it, they weren’t really sure which cemetery she came from because several in the area were flooded. And some of those bones probably washed up from unmarked graves or older graves where folks didn’t use caskets.

  32. Molly says:

    Ok….I’m gonna make a mad dash for it. It is still thundering and raining fairly hard, but not like it was 20 minutes ago.

  33. Molly says:

    It’s still coming a good shower here. I think the weekend is supposed to be nice. Sure hope so.

    Hubby took last Friday off to work in the yard. That plan backfired. So, he took today off to get some things done. So much for that. He says he’s not taking off any more.

  34. dhcoop says:

    Round two has started here.

  35. Mrs. H says:

    Dr. T just told us the George County has lost another officer: Peppy (I think that was his name), the K-9 drug officer. The rest of the department is heart-broken.

  36. cardinallady says:

    Flitting through. Blues and Parrotmom, I’m going to one day talk to a real herbalist who actually practices and knows Sooooooo much more than I do about the natural herbs around here. I think it is important that we take charge of our own curing and not depend on the doctor to cure us. One day we won’t be able to afford the doctor even though we pay dearly for insurance now.

  37. OldBopper says:

    MrsH, let me know if you need directions.

  38. cardinallady says:

    Jon and I are going to have lasagna and salad for supper. Afterward we are going to share communion. I’m going to bake some unleavened bread on a pampered chef stone. I am in charge of the cooking and laying out of the communion, and he is in charge of reading the scripture as we take communion. It’s going to be special. We did this several years ago and we’ve never forgotten it. I hope to put it into his soul so he will do it with his own family each thursday before Easter.

  39. parrotmom says:

    Our lights flickered a couple of times during the storms today. So guess what now. Yep, the DSL is out. You want be hearing too much out of me this evening. I hope everyone has a great evening.

  40. dhcoop says:


    Watching Idol results.

  41. Airwolf says:

    The rain has finally stopped!

  42. dhcoop says:

    Card, that sounds like a really special time for you and CardinalSon.

    I hate to hear that about Peppy.

    Just got off the phone with Mom. She actually felt good enough this week to agree to help with the grand re-opening of WalMart in KO tomorrow. The manager had called her the other day to see if she could do it. The Queen of Walmart is BACK! Not quite fully up to speed, but, by golly, she’s getting there! It nearly killed her to have to quit last year when her health got so bad, and to be called back to help with this has re-invigorated her! She said it felt good to feel “needed”. Don’t we all like that?

  43. msblondie says:

    got M off to prom.. she was very pretty. I just posted some of the pics we took here at home of her and her “date” .. they are just friends..

    well everyone have a good night.

  44. dhcoop says:

    Blondie, she looked BEAUTIFUL!! Gorgeous dress, too!!

  45. dhcoop says:

    Well, shoot. Just got off the phone with CP. We have another Orville emergency room visit. Bless their hearts…just can’t catch a break! I can’t do details, but apparently, the meds they prescribed for the gastric problem aren’t working. I do know that CornPop and Orville need prayers. And since CP has her hands full with a very sick hubby at the moment, I’m putting them out there. I sure do hope they get a solution soon. They can’t go on like this.

    Clucky, you out there? You are on my mind.

  46. OldBopper says:

    Had a moving and inspirational Maundy Thursday worship at church this evening. The clergy washed the feet of members of the congregation, we had communion, the choir did lots of chants acapella(sp)and the altar was completely stripped of all worldly items. The shutters on the windows are closed and will remain closed until Easter Morning. The church will be open around the clock for prayer vigils.

    Good Friday service tomorrow.

  47. blues4you says:


    Good morning.

    Prayers for Orville and CornPop this morning.

    Happy good friday to all.

  48. pncpnthr says:

    5:17..Good morning! TGIF! Both of my “boys” will be home this weekend. Yeah! I just have to decide what to cook.

  49. dhcoop says:

    I’m listening to a chuck-wills-widow singing outside. So cool.

    Got to get ready to head into town. I’ll be covering for CP this morning. Just said a prayer for them.

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