Pass out the sunscreen and snacks: It’s Melanoma Awareness Month!!!

Guess what kids! It’s Melanoma Awareness Month!
YEA! Pass out the sunscreen and snacks!
I know some of you think melanoma is an Italian lounge singer. And some of you even think that melanoma is “just skin cancer.” (I was told that by another cancer survivor — yikes!). Here’s what it really is: It’s cancer of the melanocytes — the part of your skin that gives you pigment. If caught early, it’s treatable. If not — it’s hard as Hades to treat. It’s like that crack on your windshield. Get it fixed early and you’re good. If not, the crack spreads and you lose the windshield. Or worse.
That’s why early detection is soooooooooo important.
I know firsthand. I’m still here because my malignant (the tumor had punched through the dermis of my skin) melanoma was caught early. I’ve had three melanomas (one malignant, two in-situs (in place — or 100% treatable). And around 70 precancerous moles removed, too.
My career as an international back model is now officially over. I look like I fought pirates and lost. I look like a shark nibbled on me. But I can live with it. “Live” being the key word.
So here’s what you need to look for when you inspect your moles: (Think ABCD’s)
A: Assymetrical — is your mole symmetrical? Is it misshapen? I have Dysplastic (not paper or plastic) Nevi Syndrome. I had dozens of asymmetric moles. You need to keep a close eye on them. My doctor did and I lived to tell about it.
B: Border — Most moles are smooth. When the borders start getting ragged that can be a sign of something more sinister.
C: Color — If you have a mole that looks like a dab of tar, that’s not good — tend to it immediately! But a melanoma doesn’t have to be jet back. Mine was discolored — irregular with pink, dark brown and even a bit of white. My doctor caught it while I was on the table having another mole removed. I am still here to tell about it.
D: Diameter — Do you have a mole that’s bigger than a pencil eraser? It’s worth having it checked.
Getting checked is key. Start with a self-exam. Keep an eye out for changes. Do you have a mole that inches or bleeds? Time to go to the next level. Contact your regular doctor or make an appointment with a dermatologist. If you are particularly worried, get in to the one that will see you quicker. Don’t play around with it. When I was diagnosed, I was on the table for surgery immediately. Melanoma is the Kudzu of cancers. It spreads QUICKLY! Also, if you have a loved one, have them check places where you can’t see. (I now know why married men live longer — my wife kicked me to the plastic surgeon to have my first melanoma removed!). My friend who cuts my hair keeps an eye on my moles on my head.
Did I mention prevention?
I grew up in the age of baby oil, sunburns and peeling your skin off in sheets. That damage, done when I was a kid, bit me in the butt when I was 33. Wear sunscreen daily. You don’t have to smell like Jimmy Buffett burping up coconuts, either. They have many types of lotions and makeup that have sunscreen in it. I also wear hats and long sleeves on days when the UV index is high. No, I don’t dress like a mummy, but I do avoid being out during the hours of 10 and 4. That’s when the sun’s rays are the highest. I’m like a fork in the microwave when I’m outside then. I burst into flames. And I know it is nice to look crispy orange, but avoid tanning beds. The type of UV-B rays they produce penetrate deeper and according to, “people who first use a tanning bed before age 35 increase their risk for melanoma by 75 percent.”
I can live with looking like Casper’s big brother. And I’ll never age. So there’s that, too.
One more thing, it’s not just a disease that hits pasty blue-eyed, blonde ghostly people like me (although that apparently puts me at greater risk). Bob Marley died of melanoma. If you have a mole under a toenail, get it checked. Wait, yet another thing (sorry), there can also be a genetic factor. Have someone in the family who has had melanoma? Congratulations — you’re at a higher risk yourself. Get screened. Melanomas don’t have to have sun damage to pop up. So make sure your dermatologist screens you where the sun don’t shine. Don’t worry, you’ll get past the loss of your modesty. Like I said before you can live with it.
So Happy Melanoma Awareness month! I hope you’re more aware of it. It’s a fairly rare cancer, but the numbers have exploded in recent years. And I don’t want you to become a statistic because I’m here because I got checked. I want you to have the same opportunity for life I got.
Now pass out the snacks. I’m hungry.
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One Response to Pass out the sunscreen and snacks: It’s Melanoma Awareness Month!!!

  1. JOHN CLINGEN says:


    Great advice. I survived late Stage 3, six and a half years ago. My dermatologist missed a “wart” on my left arm that was clear, “nothing to worry about”. Six months later after a second visit, I get a call saying that it was melanoma and get ready for surgery in 2 days.

    Phil Ley and Tammie Young saved my life, but the Interferon treatment was pure hell. Everytime I see someone out in the sun without sunscreen, I share my story and let them see the 10 inch scar on my arm. I hope it helps, because you and I are the lucky ones that survived. Many, many of us don’t.

    Last word: See a dermatologist once a year. Both my olive complected, dark haired, brown eyed grandsons have had melanoma spots removed. One is 18 and one is 16.

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