Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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60 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    Happy birthday, Clucky!!
    Last day of school!!!

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to all. Happy Friday :)

    Happy Birthday to Clucky that is if it is today?

  3. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. Happy Birthday, Clucky!

  4. dhcoop says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLUCKY!! aka the Cluckster, Cluckerina, Cluckerooster, Cluckydoodle, and every other derivative I’ve ever done with your moniker. Love ya lots! Hope you have a great 2nd 21st!

  5. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all! Happy Birthday Clucky! Wishing you lots of smiles and hugs on your special day young lady!

  6. LegalSec says:

    Happy Birthday, Clucky! Happy Friday, Everyone! Hope y’all have a great weekend!!

  7. parrotmom says:

    Marshall another great drawing for today.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and a great weekend :)

  8. Airwolf says:

    Happy birthday Clucky. I’m headed to Bear’s scholastic awards at his school.

  9. Barb says:

    Happy Birthday, Clucky!!

  10. Molly says:

    Mornin. Happy Birthday, Clucky!
    Kiddo has been out of school a couple of days, but today I get to go pick up BFF and old boyfriend at 11:30. Guess that’s what happens when you get a job close to school.
    BTW, the BFF is the one I told you about that has the explosive father. He punched her in the mouth a few weeks ago and threatened to kill her if she called her grandparents. Being the smart kid she is, she called the grandparents immediately. (He didn’t kill her – just broke her phone in half). Anyway, grandparents got her and took the father to court. Dad is not allowed to be in the same room with her or speak to her. Grandparents have temporary custody and are working on permanent custody. She is heartbroken that her father doesn’t love her (and has turned her sister against her) but she’s in such a better situation now. And these are her paternal grandparents. They are absolutely disgusted with their son.

    • Crystalbutterfly says:

      Molly I am glad that she has grandparent that care enough to want to help her and can see what their son is like. Tell her that we are praying for here and that to hang in there one day her sister will see their father for what he is

    • cardinallady says:

      Those family interventions say way more than the courts ever could. I am so glad the girl is in a better situation. There is no sense in a man putting a kid through pure fire and brimstone growing up. I hope her little sister can get out of the situation too.

    • parrotmom says:

      Molly, he will probably start taking his anger out on the younger daughter eventualll. So glad the oldest is in a safe place now. I think the Judge should lock him up for a few weeks so he could get his due.

  11. msblondie says:

    morning gang! Hope everyone has a good Friday!

    Happy Birthday Clucky! Hope it is a good one!

  12. clucky says:

    Mornin’! Eyes are swollen almost shut (Thank YOU Mother Nature for letting hay peak on my birthday!) I took today off-we get a paid “floating” birthday holiday, and I am using it!!
    Chicklette woke me up this morning singing and carrying a plate of brownies!!! I won’t even tell how many (or few) are left!! That kid can COOK!
    I love y’all, and thanks for the birthday wishes!!! Coop, if “Cluckerooster” has been used, I missed it. Would love to know the backstory on that one. Heh. I do remember “Cluckalishus.” LOL!!!

    Now patiently waiting for AnnO to sing!

    Molly, I hope it’s a big, burly judge whose hemmorhoids are flaring on the court date, and he will pop that dad in the mouth like the jerk did to his daughter. Very personal subject there…I could think of a few other things I would like to see done to him. I am so glad the girl got out of that situation-and that your daughter is sticking by her side through this.

    I love having birthday’s since I got facebook-I feel like the Bell of the Ball!

    • Crystalbutterfly says:

      love the comment about the judge and I agree!!!
      I was so lucky to have a mother and father that loved me and a step-father that still here to love me and my kids—THANK YOU GOD!!

  13. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!!

  14. Legal Eagle says:

    I was first this morning for a change and in case you missed it at the end of the Thursday FFA, Happy Birthday, Cluckadoodledo! You’re doubly legal now and BE says you will now have to have 2 ID’s!

    I just got back from the Pearl Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, which kicked off Pearl Day, and it was wonderful. The food was great and so was our keynote speaker Stephen Kirkpatrick, wildlife photographer. There were politicians in attendance galore and I told Tate Reeves and Phil Bryant that I recognized them from Marshall’s cartoons. Heh!

    Cluckster, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night at the Diamond Rio concert! We need to figure out where to meet. I hope you still have my phone number ’cause yours didn’t transfer to my new phone.

  15. cardinallady says:

    *looking around peering for AnnO* Oh well until she shows up … *raising red wings* EVERYBODY sing now because I can’t sing nearly as well as AnnO

    Happy Birthday toooooooo youuuuuuuuu! Happy Birthday toooooooo youuuuuuuuu!Happy Birthday deeeeeeaaaaaarrrrrr Cluuuuuuucccccckkkkkyyyyyy! Happy Birthday toooooooo youuuuuuuuu!

    *clap! clap! clap!* And many many more.

    There, that will have to do until AnnO’s solo.

  16. cardinallady says:

    Alright, I’m truly flitting through. Gotta go see the chief of police. Be back later.

    Oh I had a WONDERFUL time with Shephard Smith.

  17. parrotmom says:

    lol!!! at Molly’s raised eyebrow at CLadys wondeeful time with Shep. I wonder how close she really was to him?

    • cardinallady says:

      hee hee, I do have a picture of us locking …. arms. Whew! I was warm the rest of the afternoon and STILL warm today thinking about it :)

      And JB as far as I know HE is not married.

  18. Molly says:

    Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts for BFF. She really is a good kid, in spite of the jerk of a father. I don’t know why his anger was always aimed at her and not the sister. Hopefully, he won’t start on the sister now. He got married for the 4th time right after BFF moved out. The new wife told BFF she’s really glad she’s gone. I told BFF not to worry about it; I’m glad she’s gone, too! To a place where people love and appreciate her. Her grandparents threw her a huge birthday party bash a couple of weeks ago. It was the party of the year. Tons of friends were there and they all had a blast. You can bet dear ole dad would not have done that for her.

  19. blues4you says:

    Happy Birthday Clucky!!!

  20. clucky says:

    Thanks for the bday wishes!

    Molly, I have suspicions about this “Dad” that I will not air out on here, but having grown up in that kind of environment, they better get little sis out quick-methinks she may be in a different kind of danger than your daughter’s friend. Abuse isn’t just physical-there are many different kinds, and they ALL suck.

    • Molly says:

      You may be right, Clucky. I hope not, but you may be. I wouldn’t put anything past that lowlife. He portrays himself as this deeply religious, doting father. If you don’t witness his unprovoked outbursts for yourself, you would never believe this quiet, nice man would ever do anything mean to anyone.

  21. Legal Eagle says:

    I was around our police chief this morning, CL. I hope yours is as nice as ours.

    A gentleman friend is picking me up in a few minutes to take me to the Brandon bridge game so I’m going AFK for a while!

  22. parrotmom says:

    hey Blues! Are you still retired or back at work?

  23. blues4you says:

    Hey PM, still at home for now.

    • clucky says:

      Wish your schedule was a LITTLE more concrete! Would be great to meet up on 6/1 for James McMurtry concert, but I’m not buying tickets until I know you are going~!

  24. clucky says:

    I just remembered another reason Card is on top of the World today…Jack Sparrow hath returned!!! Reckon she’s already got tickets to see it too :)

    • cardinallady says:

      Yes, yes yes. TOMORROW! I thought about going last night for the midnight showing, but my dogs kept me up instead. So I just slept the night away and I HOPE cardinalson and I can go together tommorrow. He is still with my aunt.

      A lady from church called this past week looking for him to come and help her husband work and when she learned he was still away she said didn’t I know she had some kind of custodial rights on him. LOL. He is such a good worker his muscles are in demand.

      • cardinallady says:

        Flitting back in right quick before I go to my nephews graduation party: Here is my column from this week since you brought up the subject of pirates.

        There is just something about pirates

        “You like captain Jack Sparrow, huh?”
        It’s the question I hear often when people visit my office for the first time where they see pictures of the swashbuckling pirate peeking at them from every corner of my cubicle.
        It all started quite innocently the summer of 2006 when I saw the commercials for the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie.
        Now, mind you I had never seen the first movie but I suppose because it was summer time a fictional trip onto the high seas intrigued me.
        However, the notion of me wanting to actually go and watch a pirate movie surprised my then 14-year-old son.
        “You like pirates?” he quizzed. He was surprised that his old mother liked anything above frogs, snakes and cats.
        “Well, son, it is action and adventure on the high seas. And you know how much I like the ocean.”
        “But you haven’t even seen the first movie yet!” he charged. “Well, I can see it later,” I reasoned.
        We set our mid-July movie date on a Saturday afternoon and it just so happened that the day I went to see the second movie at the theater, the first movie was premiering on the USA network that night.
        So I saw the first two movies the same day just backward in chronological order. My brother Dale told me I always did things backwards.
        Well, the next week, I cut out this picture that ran in the Daily Journal of Captain Jack Sparrow being chased by the natives and put it up in my cubicle as a reminder of mine and Jon’s date.
        He spied the little picture of me in my long blue dress and put it beside the long haired man running through the water.
        I finally laminated it so it won’t turn any more yellow and if I run upon Johnny Depp one day, I’m going to get him to autograph it.
        This started the collection of pirate pictures and memorabilia that adorns my office.
        When Jon returned from his trip to Disneyland in 2007 he brought me back a cup that says “Pirate Princess” and a shirt that looks like the flag that captain Jack hoisted at the end of the third movie.
        That growing collection also includes pirate mouse ears from my sister Kirsten as well as a couple of mugs with pirate stuff on them that she brought be back from her honeymoon last year.
        My dear friend Kim Cooper gave me a hardboard poster advertising the first movie and my son has also given me a pirate flag.
        I gave him a book on the history of pirates, and I also bought myself this little sign from the Bodock festival a couple of years ago that says “Pirates only … all others walk the plank.”
        Now mind you, I’m sure I don’t want to be a pirate’s wife, and I’m quite sure I would be sea sick if I went out on a ship for a number of days.
        But it is fun to feel like you are on a high seas adventure through the magic of the big screen theater. There’s nothing like being at sea without even getting wet.
        Jon just shakes his head every time I bring up the subject of pirates. But he doesn’t mind it when I suggest we go to the movies to watch them.
        This weekend we are going to sail on the high seas again with Captain Jack. This time he is in Florida. At least it’s closer than the Caribbean, I can drive there to see him.

  25. parrotmom says:

    Clucky I bet she does too!!!

  26. dhcoop says:

    Big Sis and A surprised me and took me to lunch. A is on schedule to have her wee one probably next week!

  27. parrotmom says:

    That was very sweet of your sister and A.

  28. OldBopper says:

    Yawn, think I’m gonna take a nap.

  29. Mrs. H says:

    I just bought a lab coat. I’m dressing for the part of Mad Science Lady! I think my next purchase will be from the hardware store: safety goggles!

    (and after typing the above, I left the house to restring my porch wind chimes and fill the humming bird feeder, then returned to see that I never hit the “Post” button)

  30. Molly says:

    Kiddo called to ask if she can go home with BFF for the weekend. Doesn’t know when she’ll be back home…Sunday or Monday. Woo Hoo!!! KID-FREE WEEKEND!

  31. Molly says:

    Oh, after I told her ok…I heard her say to BFF, “Told you I could go. They’re always trying to get rid of me.” Ha. Poor kid isn’t feeling the love.

  32. Legal Eagle says:

    Cardinallady, I have an idea. You can send Captain Jack an invitation to the pick-a-nick, borrow Parrotmom’s Stormy and then take it from there…let’s see, if we can get JB there in case a ceremony needs doing, then we will all be happy campers!

  33. Ann Onimous says:

    I apologize to all and to the great and wonderful Chicken Nurse for being late to the party. Work keeps me so busy I don’t have time to check in anymore! So, without further ado… THE ANIMAL BIRTHDAY SONG!

    *LalaLAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!* (crashshatterboombangrip) Oh, no! Was that your china cabinet? The whole thing? Oopsie…

    Hippo, Birdie, Two Ewe:
    Hippo, Birdie, Two Ewe!
    Hippo, Birdie, Deer, Chicken Nuuuurrrrrsssseeee…


    Paging Chicken Nurse! Paging Chicken Nurse! The china cabinet fell on one of the ewes. Now it’s an Oh Solo Ewe-Oh.

    (Intercom fades)

    Hippo, Birdie, One Ewe –

    (second ewe comes limping back in, wonderfully bandaged)

    Hippo, Birdie, TWO EWE!

    Happy Birthday, Clucky!

    • Clucky says:

      Ann, you ROCK!!! Brought a huge smile to my face!!


      Since u can’t make the picnic, we must find a way to meet. Dang, but I love your twisted humor!!!

  34. parrotmom says:

    AnnO what a wonderful job!! You are the greatest at what you do best on Happy Birthday tunes :)

  35. dhcoop says:

    LOL@AnnO!!! You always do it up right!!! Good job!!! clapclapclapclapclapclapclap!!!


    I’m in Gtown holding the fort down. Big Sis is up in Eburg with A, but I decided I wanted some satellite tonight. heh.

    I just “friended” a cousin-in-law that has some really old pics of my Grandmother R (not the one that just passed – Grandmother R passed several years ago) and they are bringing back old memories. FB can be really cool at times.

  36. Barb says:

    CLady, I hope you won’t disown me, but I have never seen any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies!!

    Clucky, I hope you have had a great birthday!

    Molly, so glad Kiddo’s BFF is in a better situation. I just hope that her little sister has a BFF like Kiddo if she ever needs one.

  37. OldBopper says:

    Great job AnnO!! Went to a birthday dinner for a good friend this evening. Then came home and went for a quick ride. Waiting on the 10 pm news then to bed earlier tonight than last.

  38. parrotmom says:

    OB same here. So glad you are enjoying “Boule”!!

    Outside house is painted. Next will be the fence on the northside of my house that the April 15th tornado messed up.

    Nite lite is on and my ferral cats’ are not sure where they want to be?

  39. OldBopper says:

    Happy Saturday! Expect to smell the sea air in a few hours. Just a quick down and back trip with some seafood stuffed in between. Y’all be sweet~

  40. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends. Had a quiet evening. Bear spent the night with a friend. First Friday night that he hasn’t been with us in 8 years. Miss his chatter this morning.

    I hope everyone has a great day.

  41. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. Cub is home & we’re trying to decide what to do today. It’s so rare that it’s just the two of us, hubby is usually around to tell us what we are going to do. jk. We may go visit Big Sis & A for a little while & we’re going to put in our reservations for steak sandwiches with Dad for tonight.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!

  42. Mrs. H says:

    Having a sourdough biscuit for breakfast this morning. I’m experimenting with starters and my most recent creation was trying to crawl out of the refrigerator this morning. IT’S ALIVE! (and delicious, too, I might add)

  43. dhcoop says:


    I’m going to go to Clinton today to see my Bug compete to be Miss Teen Clinton. She’s hoping to be in the Miss Teen Magnolia pageant and this is her chance.

  44. Barb says:

    Good morning!!

    Coop, good luck to Bug!!

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