Tuesday Free-For-All

Feels like Monday this morning!  Hope you had great weekend!

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50 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! It WAS a great weekend! Enjoyed spending time with my wee Poppy. And, without a doubt, she is going to have GREAT parents! A & J are just wonderful with her! Big Sis isn’t a bad Grandmaw either! LOL!

    Heading to work. Hope everyone has a great day!

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good Tuesday morning to everyone. So sorry for those of you that were awake way too early in the a.m.. I hope everyone has a great and wonderful day. Marshall you are the bestest.

  3. parrotmom says:

    See you folks later today. Hugs and Prayers to everyone happy Mon-Tuesday :)

  4. dhcoop says:

    Caught a train. Ugh!

    Happy Birthday to Mr Fab!!

  5. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Flitting through. I’ve got a river of words to write. *siiiigggghhh* I wish I was where I was this time last year. Chilling out in Ocean Springs on the dock with Jon.

    Last May 28, on Jon’s graduation day I begged God for a year. I knew I was going to send him off for two months to Georgia, but I still begged God for a year. This past Saturday, May 28, Jon called me and said he had a job opportunity to work with a fella learning carpentry from the ground up and he would move into a trailer out by the guys house. I gave Jon my blessing and hung up the phone fighting the tears but grateful at the same time. I got my year and now my little CardinalSon is fledging out on his own, trying his wings. What a blessing.

    • Crystalbutterfly says:

      prayers for you CL and Cson—it is hard to turn them out into this big mean world but we have to.

  6. dhcoop says:

    Oh, Card! That’s great and sad at the same time! I know you will miss him!

    I just had to pull up Marshall’s Memorial Day drawing to look at it again. Freakin AWESOME!

  7. msblondie says:

    morning gang! We survived Atlanta! Hubby and I had a great time. Time we needed together. We got back yesterday afternoon, turned around and went to a M-Braves game. M-Braves lost but the pregame ceromonies were awesome – the Air Force swore in a new Recuiting Class.

    Card- know that call was bittersweet for you.
    Everyone have a great day! going to see what I can get into here at work.

  8. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends. Gonna be hotter than blazes. Got grass to cut!! It may have to wait a day or two.

  9. Airwolf says:

    Happy birthday to Mr. Fab!

  10. Molly says:

    Mornin. Got back from Branson about 5:30 last night. Had a good trip.

    The vet called me a little while ago. The Roller Dog didn’t do well in the kennel and we will have to have him put down. He has a bad bladder infection and stones in his kidneys and elsewhere. With his other physical problems, the vet does not recommend surgery. Breaks my heart. I love that little guy.

  11. Airwolf says:

    I’m so sorry Molly! We get so close to our pets. I still find myself looking for Bubba.

  12. Molly says:

    It’s been almost 3 years since Roller Dog became paralyzed and we’ve been through a LOT with him. I know that our lives will be much easier without the high maintenance he required, but we love him like a child. He’s been so sweet. Now I have to stop talking about him so the tears will stop and I can get some work done.

  13. parrotmom says:

    Prayers for you Molly. I cried all day when the vet called me telling me what I figured was going to be true. ((((((((Molly))))))).

    AW, it may be better to wait a couple days 90’s is better than 95.

  14. dhcoop says:

    Oh, Molly, I’m so sorry dear!!! (((((Molly)))))).

  15. parrotmom says:

    CLady, good to hear about your son, but he will still be close to you or is this in another town? So glad God granted your request :)

  16. Legal Eagle says:

    Oh, Lord, my 50th class reunion is this weekend. I had hoped to get a haircut beforehand and a weight loss plan and a little plastic surgery would have been nice, but I guess I will have to tell them to take me as I am or not at all.

    Cardinallady, I feel you. We encourage our children to talk and walk when they are little and then feel if they would just sit down and shut up for a little while, our sanity would return. Then we groom them to be independent and when they fly away from the nest, it breaks our hearts. (((((((CL)))))))

  17. parrotmom says:

    mac n cheese for lunch.

    where is everyone? I hope AW is taking it easy if he is cutting grass. It is just as hot as riding a mower as it is if pushing one.

    • Airwolf says:

      I didn’t mow. I did something dumber, got out the weedeater, swing blade and brush hook(kaiser blade). I cleared a thicket off my back yard that has been troubling Rambette. I got very hot but now it’s done.

  18. tank says:

    awe, hugs card and molly.
    eagle, you are beautiful just the way you are. I hope they play funky cold medina for you.
    happy birthday to mr. fab!
    one of our elderly saints had a stroke and wrecked on his way to church yesterday morn. he died a few hours later.
    I was glad to get back to work. it was a long, boring weekend. my girls were gone.
    y’all have a good afternoon.

  19. Legal Eagle says:

    Thank you, tank! We have some of those angels in our card games every week and some in their 90’s are still driving everywhere.

  20. Legal Eagle says:

    Thank you, tank!

    We have some of those angels in our card games every week and several of them in their 90’s are still driving everywhere.

    Son of Pluck ate my comment and I didn’t copy it before I sent it, so I’m having to type it again. If I copy it, it goes through. If I don’t copy it, it says I’ve already sent it and then I have to type it again. When will I learn?

  21. Legal Eagle says:

    Never mind.

  22. Mrs. H says:

    Been to town and stopped at the George County Co-Op and found EXACTLY what I needed to build something for Mark!!
    What a cool place!! If I ever need miscellaneous stuff again, that’s where I’m starting my hunt.

  23. Molly says:

    Kiddo and I went to tell Buddy goodbye. Man, that was hard! He seems fine. He was so excited to see us…and not so happy that we didn’t take him with us. Hubby is supposed to stop by after work to see him and have him put to sleep then. I’m afraid he will see that he looks like always and bring him home. I told the vet to show him the x-rays of the stones and tell him just how bad it is. I think it would be easier for Hubby to pull the plug on me than to have this dog put down!

  24. blues4you says:

    Hey folks. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

    My forced retirement is about to end. I should be receiving info sometime this week.

    Happy birthday to Mr Fab!

    AW, I have a thicket in my backyard you can start on anytime you wish.:)

    Y’all pass a good day.

  25. Mrs. H says:

    Saying good-bye is tough, Molly. I’m sorry you have to go through this. I have thought, twice, that I was bidding farewell to felines of mine, only to have them find one more life. (one of them was minus a tail for that ‘last of her 9 lives’)

    C-Lady, remember: you goal for C-Son was to raise, not a child, but a self-sufficient adult. Sounds like you’ve done a great job! And he’s not cutting the string. He’s just letting it out some, like a kite, so you can watch him fly…

    • cardinallady says:

      Yes, and I am so excited for him. I’m just trying to figure out what I did with my life before he came into it. I’ve got to share this, too, God gave me such confirmation that this is the right path for Jon to go. My best friends future son-in-law is a year younger than Jon and wanted to go to the same college Jon had planned to go. The folks there said that the best advice they could give was for him to take his basic courses and get APPRENTICED under an older carpenter!!!! I almost fell out of my seat. *whispering* God is so good.

  26. Barb says:

    Happy birthday to Mr. Fab!!

  27. cardinallady says:

    Hello hello! Guess what today is? The last day of May! Tomorrow is June 1 that means there are only 18 days left until the PICNIC!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

  28. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon. After painting four samples all over the dining room walls, we have finally chosen a color…new brick. There’s a lesson here. Choose your wall paint BEFORE you choose the material to cover the chairs. PQ fell in love with some material and ordered it. Then…well you know.

    Went to the MBraves game last night. The boys didn’t show much eagerness to play.
    Blondie, need to find out where your season tickets are so I can locate you at one of the games. Not going tonight but probably tomorrow. I have mini-season tickets but rarely sit in the seats we purchase.

    Happy Birthday to Mr. Fab!! Hope you wife treats you right today. :~)

    Blues, need to find out where you live. I’ve been riding out your way a good bit. Maybe we could plan to meet at the store out by the landing for a cup of coffee or soft drink.

    Cardinal, sounds like the boy is on solid ground. Just be thankful there’s not a military draft staring him in the face like it was when AW and I were his age.

    Molly, hate to hear the news. Hugs for you and family.

  29. Legal Eagle says:

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Fab! Clucky planned your wedding like I did ours and gave you the best birthday present ever – herself! Our anniversary date is September 1st and BE’s birthday is September 5th.

    I’m getting excited about the pick-a-nick too and once I get over the hurdle and excitement of this weekend’s reunion, I can concentrate my excitement on the pick-a-nick. I can’t believe I’m going to have to miss Tracy Lawrence this weekend though because we’re partying at the Colonial Country Club on Friday and Saturday nights.

  30. parrotmom says:

    Happy birthday Mr. Fab, I hope you either get air filters changed or some wonderful funtastic popcorn :)

  31. parrotmom says:

    Hey Blues, good to see you show up today. We hope to be hearing more from you soon. It also sounds like you may not be around on the 18th, but you will be thought of in good ways.

  32. dhcoop says:


    Just got in and turned on America’s Got Talent. I may have just seen this years winner. He was awesome!

    Need to call and find out how Poppy did today. Haven’t had a report yet…

    I’ve been grieving for Rollerdog. Even though I never met him, he had become a part of the MRBA family. I’ve cried for him today like he was one of my own. Which he was, in a way… Molly, I am certainly thinking of you, Kiddo and MrMolly tonight. Hugs to you all!

  33. dhcoop says:

    Oh, and in case you didn’t notice, it is HOT!!!

  34. parrotmom says:

    Very HOTTTT!!! Is not going to get any better. I love my new projector but two tapes will have to be done on the old one without sound. Just like now with technology. they change one thing and nothing else works with it. Computers, TV’s, vcr’s, blu-rays you name it.

  35. Molly says:

    Thanks, Coop. I’ve cried so much today that my contacts have clouded up. It’s been a tough day. When Hubby went to see him, Roller Dog was all excited for a few minutes and then, all of a sudden, he just put his head down and Hubby said it looked like the life went out of his eyes. He knew it was the end. Sure is strange without him here.

  36. parrotmom says:

    Good Wednesday morning at 6:00 am :)

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