Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning. I overslept. How are you.

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26 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks.

    OB, no stitches just a surface wound. I hope your clavicle starts healing soon.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good Saturday morning at 9:27 am. I have been up a while dealing with kittie girls, a parrot, and PD. Sort of chilly in the house, but I refuse to turn the heat on just yet.

    Coop so sorry for the elephant on your chest, I hope you feel better today.

    I will be heading into work about noon. Not sure what the month of October holds so best get a jump start. Oh, by the way, PD’s CT and neuro appt has been canceled for Wednesday, doc will not be in town. The next chance to see him is October 31st? WT???. He is in misery taking 6 oxycodones a day and still in pain. He has been in this brace since July 21st. It is time for some answer’s. I know things come up and appointments have to be rescheduled, but this neuro needs to leave some space open sooner for these type instances. I am waiting for a call back from his head nurse because a month away is not acceptable, they best find something sooner. PD is just as important as the next patient and he should not have to be put through hades for 30 more days without knowing something.

  3. dhcoop says:


    I feel like crappy doodoo. That is all.

    PM, you are right. I think I’d be looking for a new doc.

  4. Legal Eagle says:

    You are absolutely right, Parrotmom. I sure do hope you can get in quickly. And Coop, I’m sorry your chest is ailing you and hope you get it cleared up real quick.

    Easy Rider, I hope your breaks and scrapes continue to heal without giving you any trouble in the process.

    I led the Disney parade this morning wearing my Winnie The Pooh flannel shirt and walking Lupe and Hoodlum, listening to the birds sing and watching the butterflies float.

  5. parrotmom says:

    LegalE What a beautiful image you planted in my brain :)

    Marshall you may have overslept, but didn’t it feel good?

    Getting oil changed in truck, filled up from a guarter of tank of gas, only $51.00 dollares att 3.25 a gallon.

  6. Ann Onimous says:

    Good morning, all you bright and happy people! (looks around, hears crickets)

    PM: Man, we understand. If for any reason we have to miss an appointment with the endo, it takes forever to get back in. I agree on the new doctor idea. We’re praying for you and PD.

    Coop and AW: hope you’re both better real soon.

    OB: Read your blog entry about the accident. OUCH! Glad you’re mostly all right: take care of yourself. PQ is probably taking really good care of you. :)

    No plans for today: kids have study guides to do for Monday and Tuesday, and LilO has some extra credit work she wants to do. She wants to make her A an A+. Tomorrow is the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi’s Walk for Diabetes at the Farm Bureau site. Today will be busy even though we’re not leaving the house.

  7. parrotmom says:

    Hello AnnO, Have fun at the walk tomorrow. Have a happy and good fun day at the house.

  8. Legal Eagle says:

    I finished Davis Bunn’s “Imposter” last night and started on “Heartland.” I would highly recommend his books to anyone. Imposter was great. He gets your attention on the first page and when you finish the book, you feel like you have lost friends by having nothing else to read about them.

  9. Molly says:

    Hello. PM, sorry about your dr problems. I highly recommend my neuro and will be glad to give you his name if you want it. Wait times in his office are often ridiculous, but I always saw him on the day I was supposed to.

    Coop, sorry you feel bad.

    Kiddo and I walked in the “Memory Walk” for Alzheimer’s this morning. We had fun. Now she’s working on the homecoming float. It’s taking shape and looking good.

  10. Ann Onimous says:

    Next month is the LLS Light the Night walk: we’ll be there too.

  11. dhcoop says:

    Now feeling like sleepy doodo crap.

  12. Mrs. H says:

    Lesson filed for future reference: Don’t put small children in a wedding and DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT adorning said children with jingle bell bracelets!!

  13. OldBopper says:

    LOL! on the jingle bell bracelets. i’m with you about young children in weddings. when we married the maid of honor and the best man carried the rings and not on little pillows. i think our daughter is going to use her nephews as ring bearers. i hope she doesn’t get disappointed when they start saying they are bored.

  14. OldBopper says:

    y’all, my accident last sunday did minimal damage to the rider and the bike. i blogged about it and included some pictures. you can get to it at this link;

  15. Airwolf says:

    Great, power is out for no obvious reason! Whole town is dark!!

  16. Barb says:

    PM, that is just not right that PD has to wait another month to see the doctor!!
    Coop, sorry you feel doodoo crap!!
    OB, my back was okay enough for me to go to work today, but now the sciatic nerve is acting up, but only a little bit more than usual after a day of work. I”m sorry you are having more problems from your wreck, but we are all really glad you are still here to write about it!!
    AW, sorry you gashed your arm!

  17. Airwolf says:

    We have homecoming at church in the morning and a big pot luck afterward. No evening service!

    Goodnight friends!

  18. Ann Onimous says:

    We’re not going to the walk tomorrow. I don’t understand this: people from our church let their youth go to a Christian concert out of town, and our kids are coming up on 9 week exams. LilO had so much homework piled on her Friday: she’s been working all day and still hasn’t finished, which is why we’re not walking tomorrow. Didn’t those kids have homework, too? When are they supposed to do it? Am I weird for keeping my kids home to do homework instead of letting them gallavant off to a concert?

  19. Airwolf says:


    Off to church homecoming shortly! Hauling food is always a hassle.

    I hope all our sick and injured are better today. My arm is looking a little better.

  20. OldBopper says:

    mawnin’. up since about 3 am. not easy to sleep these days. i think i have found a solution. we have an old soft sofa in the basement where i take naps. its soft enough to allow me to lay on my good side without putting pressure on the aching side.

    congrats to the bad news bears on a nifty win last night. y’all have bragging rights for at least a week.

    pq has left for church. i have problems putting shoes on and i moan and groan in an uncivil manner so it’s best that i stay at home. sometimes with just a slight arm or body move i get a momentary sharp pain. then i might blurt out something that would put me on the prayer list for something more than health.

    reminds me of what i told a good friend who was hurrying to get in church. i saw him and said come on in we’ve been waiting for a sinner to show up. now we can get started.

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