Halloween Free-For-All

BOO! What’s up with you?  Have a great day.

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40 Responses to Halloween Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Lot’s of little gremlins out tonight. Sure am glad cause that big old bag of candy looks mighty enticing.

    Wishing all of you a happy drive to work today! Smile and wave a lot.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good chilly Monday on my side of J’town. I hope everyone has a great day and watch out for the little ones this evening. The kittie girls if they stirred during the night I was asleep. I left the room to take my shower and they didn’t come a running. I hope it is warmer later in the week.

    I didn’t dress up for today ( mine comes natural) but I am wearing a shirt with a really pretty looking Jack-o-lantern on it today.

    Happy Halloween :)

  3. dhcoop says:

    BOO to you, too! Mornin!

    Headed to work. It’s a bit chilly!

  4. blues4you says:

    Good morning. It’s 06:50 on my sun dial.

    Thanks for the kind words yesterday cardinal. You’re a very special lady. Enjoy your vacation.

    Welcome to the circus Jennifer. I hope you like cats and crazy people. There’s plenty of both around here.

  5. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends. Cold as kraut outside. Well not really but pretty cool. I hope everyone has a fun Halloween.

  6. OldBopper says:

    AW, we do the same. Always buy candy we like in case we have to eat the leftovers. Some years we get a ton of kids and some years we don’t.

    Jennifer it’s ok if you have a dog instead of cats but be forewarned our cats usually chase the dogs. :~) JK.

  7. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a great halloween.

    I hope we have lots of kids tonight… we got tons of candy and don’t need it. I did get my house back together for the most part after M’s party… We survived.. kids had a good time.

  8. Molly says:

    Mornin. And brrrr. Had a good weekend. Kiddo wanted to go to the 6A Marching Band Competition in Clinton Saturday. So, we went and sat on metal bleachers for 8 hours or so. It was COLD, especially after dark. By the time it was over, it was 42 degrees outside.
    Jennifer…welcome. I am a dog person too. You won’t find any cats at my house.

  9. msblondie says:

    Nothing like a Monday morning and your boss returning from a trip overseas … bring you his laptop and says “HELP! It no longer works.” Of course he didn’t run his back up prior to leaving or while gone. But the “mircle worker” I am, have the machine functioning again… now running virus scanner, malware scanner, backups, and updates on it. Job as an IT manager is never dull.

  10. Mrs. H says:

    Molly, IT managers are like wizards. I know just enough to be dangerous (IT manager’s nightmare!!)

    Amazingly enough, after Em decided she wanted to be Sherlock Holmes for the band party tomorrow night, we actually found a deerstalker cap at Party City!! How often does THAT happen? And I learned to tie a bow tie so that El could be a nerd on stage for our Fall Family Experience last night. Em was a princes ballerina with a white tutu (over her jeans) and pink feather boa and feathered tiara.

    • Molly says:

      MsBlondie is the IT manager, not me. I used to know enough to be dangerous, but computers have evolved past my knowledge. I now know enough to know I don’t know anything.

  11. Barb says:

    Morning everyone.

  12. OldBopper says:

    I’ve been perplexed over a motorcycle issue for several months now. I purchased a Cobra lightbar (think two additional lights on the front) only to find it will not fit if I have a Memphis Fats windshield. I have looked for solutions on the web and really have not found any. I was at a motorcycle shop last week and talked to a guy about it and he said it shouldn’t be a problem. So I removed the existing running lights and the windshield and mounted the light bar. Then I put the windshield back on only to find that, while it will fit, the windshield hits the back of one of the lights which isn’t good. This morning I had about decided to take it to the shop I visited the other day and a solution dawned on me. Headed to the hardware store shortly for some stuff and hope it will work.

  13. dhcoop says:

    I’m about to fix me a chicken sandwich with the last of the rotel chicken. YUM

  14. Airwolf says:

    I’ve been clearing my house (outside) of spiders and webs. Anyone need some, got plenty to spare.

  15. Molly says:

    I saw a sign posted on Grants Ferry encouraging Rankin County voters to write in Grumpy Farmer for RCSD Superintendent. I believe I will. I have refused for years to vote for the current holder of that position. I’ll write in Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Kiddo, or even “Anybody BUT him!” Kiddo got my vote in the primaries. Mr. Farmer will get it next week. He appears to be the only one of the bunch to have any sense at all.

  16. msblondie says:

    Well slowly getting my boss’s machine back working.. not real sure what is happening.. one those mysterious things… but something seems to always happen when he travels.. and he did at least bring me a whole computer to work with and not pieces.

    Molly understand about the write in during the election. I am will doing the same thing for Sheriff here in Hinds County.. I feel those being put on the ballot are not qualified and have already proved they should not be in leadership positions.

  17. Mrs. H says:

    I have finally finished that horrible book I was reading. As soon as I read the last page, I went to John Grisham’s “Ford County Stories” (also on my Kindle) and read one of those just to get the bad taste out of my head (mixed metaphors, I know…..)

    From what I can find so far, it’s getting good reviews. Maybe they are all her personal friends, being supportive, just like all of you would be if I wrote a book.

  18. dhcoop says:

    Just got a call from Baby Girl. She got the results of her tests and it is definitely a torn tendon. She’s going to see an orthopedist Wednesday. She’s hoping she won’t have to have surgery, but I don’t know if she can avoid it. It’s not just a tear, it is completely torn apart. Anyone know anything about tendons?

  19. Molly says:

    Clucky, I finally caught up on yesterday’s FFA. Congrats to the band on their win. I think it is FANTASTIC that they have the community support to welcome them home like that. NWR’s band gets no community or school support, and not a whole lot of parental support. Of course, they have never won a competition, but still. A little encouragement would be nice.
    DeSoto Central won the 6A championship again, and it is a well deserved win! They are fantastic! They put on a real theatrical show and I love. Last year’s show was better, in my opinion, but this show still blew everybody out of the water, or stadium as the case may be. They really get community and parental support. They brought at least 300 parents and friends along to cheer them on. They had a LONG drive, but really showed their spirit. Some dyed their hair purple (school color) and some boys had “Jags” shaved into their hair. Many painted their faces to match the color guard faces — half black, half white. And I think all were wearing a band shirt.

  20. OldBopper says:

    Solved the light bar problem. Now I need to find somebody who knows how to configure the wires. The instructions are not very clear.

    Just back from a ride to Pelahatchie on old 80 and back via Shiloh Road. Nice ride.

    Don’t really know much about tendons except that they hurt and take a long time to mend. Hope she gets relief soon.

    Since we’ve already voted, we ought not to have election commercials on our tv, don’t cha think?

  21. Legal Eagle says:

    Happy Halloween! What a day it’s been! I donned my ho wig again and we went to a Halloween costume contest/bingo/pizza party at the Brandon Senior Senior. When we got home around 3:00 p.m., our dog began yelping every time we touched her so I got on the phone and found a vet who would work with us (poor and old) and treat her. She got a shot and some steroids and muscle relaxers and he wants to see her again in a week. We just got home from all that. We haven’t had any trick or treaters in years and I am glad to be out of that ho wig for another year. (You can see that lovely sight on Facebook.)

  22. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. We have had about 10 trick a treaters so far.

  23. dhcoop says:


    Well, poo. The Sonic in CS didn’t have the 50 cent corndogs! I refused to buy one for 1.49, knowing I could buy a whole box for a couple of bucks at Dollar General. Didn’t stop to buy any because I thought I was late for my weekly DWTS date with Mom, but then found a Shrek show on till 7:30. Oh well…no corndog for me tonight!

  24. OldBopper says:

    Slooooow Trick or Treating night. We’ve only had eight. Some years its ten times that. Lots of candy to eat if they don’t show up. Anybody coming by in the next half hour will get a couple hand fulls of candy.

  25. msblondie says:

    wow.. i have had a lot of trick or treaters.. I have one exlarge bag of candy left and a bunch of suckers we got for the little ones.

    I posted a pic of my crew up on fb. they are quiet a sight

    the moo is about to have a fit.. he has barked more tonight than he did all of saturday night. D is hiding.. Moo has scared him soo.

  26. Mrs. H says:

    We got our VERY FIRST Trick-or-Treater since we moved up here 14 years ago.
    It was…. ahem…. (are you ready for the theme song?)
    Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna, Batman! Batman! Batman!
    a.k.a. Dillon from around the corner (his mom introduced him) He looked about 10 years tall (couldn’t see his face under the mask!) I told him, “Sorry, only girls here and they’re all a few years older than you.”

  27. parrotmom says:

    I had about 25 total. Still have some candy left the Milk Duds are rather chewy, but good.

  28. parrotmom says:

    nite, nite everyone!!

  29. dhcoop says:

    I didn’t even bother buying candy. I knew I wouldn’t see one. And I didn’t need the candy.

    I cannot BELIEVE, (well, I guess I should), that the failure of a non-celebrity wannabe’s marriage of 72 days, that netted her, oh, just a FEW MILLION dollars, is making headlines!! Give me a BREAK!! Who gives even a LITTLE crap about Kim whatshernames divorce?!? I guess all those people that gave a crap about her gazillion dollar wedding SEVENTY-TWO DAYS ago!! Ok… hopping off my soap box now… Must go turn the tv channel.

    Time to settle in for the evening. Porch light is off because I don’t want to attract any late goblins…

    Love to all!

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