Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great day!

And remember to thank a Veteran.

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49 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Good morning! Planning to eat lunch at Olive Garden. They are offering a free meal for veterans. Will get there early trying to avoid the crowds. PQ will be at an Episcopal women’s conference through Saturday.

    I am so thankful for the way our country is honoring veterans today. That wasn’t the case when we returned home from Viet Nam. God bless the USA.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      Thanks for the heads up, OB. That’s BE’s favorite spot, but I haven’t heard anything on TV or seen anything in the paper this year about any of the restaurants doing anything for Veterans Day.

  2. blues4you says:

    Good morning.

    To all the veterans on this blog, and the lurkers:

    Thank you for your dedication, your courage, and your service.

  3. dhcoop says:


    Thank you to all Veterans. I truly appreciate you.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    THANK YOU VETERANS! We would not have the freedoms we have if it were not for you!

    Everyone have a great day!

  5. Clucky says:

    Thank you, Veterans!!!

    To anyone in the Magee area, we are having a Blood Drive at Tyson on Industrial Park Rd, across from the Sportsplex. PLEASE DONATE!!

  6. Barb says:

    To all our veterans, thank you so much and God bless you!

  7. parrotmom says:

    Thank you to all of our Veteran’s I so appreciate your time served to protct our freedom as Americans.

  8. parrotmom says:

    I appreciate all the prayers for PD and myself. I am back again asking for more. PD has had some complications i don’t believe from the surgery on Wednesday. He is in ICU in critical condition. He was having breathing issues and the front of his neck swelled and aspirated at some point in time . His children are here and we are just waiting

    • OldBopper says:

      Prayers ascending. ((((PM & PD))))

    • Marshall Ramsey says:

      You know you have my prayers. If there is anything we can do, let us know.

    • cardinallady says:

      Oh Dear God, you insist that we come again and again to ask You for your divine guidance and help. How I thank you that parrotmom knows from WHOM her help comes. God You are the great physician, I pray that you will intervene and bring that swelling down and give the doctors wisdom to know what is going on with her husband. Please draw that family to Your great heart and give them the comfort and peace they need in this hour. We thank You and praise You for being the all knowing all wise God in EVERY circumstance. In Jesus’ precious and holy name. AMEN (incidentally, it’s 9:36 a.m.)

    • msblondie says:

      You know yout got them dear.

  9. Airwolf says:

    Prayers PD and PM!

  10. dhcoop says:

    Oh my! Praying for sure!

  11. cardinallady says:

    Morning. Gotta get a Toyota story written as much as possible before I scurry out to our Veterans day parade. Talk later. It’s good to see everybody.

    Airwolf, Old Bopper and any other veterans on this site or lurking about … thanks … it seems so small … but I know our great nation would have long gone to the enemy without you obeying God’s will to keep us free.

  12. blues4you says:

    Oh my…prayers for PD and parrotmom.

  13. Airwolf says:

    Rep. Donnie Bell of Fulton switches to Republican Party

  14. parrotmom says:

    Thanks all.

  15. Legal Eagle says:

    We need to sit down somewhere this weekend and talk in person. A group hug would do wonders for us all.

  16. Molly says:

    Prayers for PD and PM!!
    Happy Veterans’ Day to the vets out there. I married an Air Force man. He put in 21 years altogether – 4 active duty and 17 in the Air National Guard. He has to work on this holiday meant for him. Irritates him every year. I’m working, too, but I’m not a veteran.
    I am taking off early, though. Been working a lot of long hours. So I’m gonna go buy groceries and then get ready to go the NWR football game. Round 1 Playoffs against Southaven.
    (I started typing this HOURS ago and just now got to finish it. Been THAT kind of day!)

    • CornPop says:

      I’m right with your husband, Molly! I didn’t put in near as many years in service as he did, but I’m an Air Force veteran, as well, and am having to work. Matter of fact, I think I’m safe in saying that I’m the only military veteran in my whole company and have had to work every year since it’s nver been recognized as a holiday here. I am very vocal about it every year, too…just irritates the stew out of me! Orville is an Air Force veteran, too, and has the day off (that’s how we met – in USAF) so I started grumbling early this morning.

      • Airwolf says:

        Thank you and Orville for your service! I tried to thank you earlier on FB but it wouldn’t cooperate.

        • CornPop says:

          And thank YOU, too, AW!

          And, OB, and anyone else that has served in the military!

          I’m PROUD to be an American where at least I know I’m free…

      • OldBopper says:

        Wow Cornpop! I had forgotten about your service. How nice.

        Went to Olive Garden for my veterans appreciation lunch. When I left, the manager gave me a $10 gift certificate toward my next visit. So, a free lunch and $10. I’m thankful.

        • Airwolf says:

          I didn’t go to any of the free meals since they are 22 miles away! Caught the program at the high school and snacks.

          I do shop at Lowes year round. They give a 10% discount to active and retired everyday!

  17. parrotmom says:

    All we know for now is he is a very sick man. There is a lot to be concerned about. One is blood clots, he cannot be put on blood thinner yet due to the drain from the surgical site.

  18. GrammarGirl says:

    PM, I’m so sorry. I feel helpless, but if there is anything I can do, please let me know. I will do my best to get it done!

  19. OldBopper says:

    PM, still praying. If you need anything, just yell and I’ll come running.

  20. Mrs. H says:

    I just got a call from the eldest. She has a fiance!!
    He gave her the ring in front of the Chapel of Memories on campus at MSU. :)

  21. msblondie says:

    well as they say it is 5 0’clock somewhere… here today.. i am gone. everyone have a great evening.. i will pop in over the weekend.

    PM, you and PD are in my prayers.

  22. dhcoop says:


    Congrats to the eldest! That is great news.

    Anxiously awaiting news from PM. I hope everything is okay.

  23. dhcoop says:

    PM just called. PD is still being kept sedated in ICU, but is showing a little bit of improvement. Prognosis is still questionable, but she is being optomistic. His kids are there, as well as some other family, so she is going to go home for a while. She told them she would cook them chili, and has now decided she has lost her mind! LOL! She’s expecting all of them to be staying at her house this weekend and until PD gets better. They’ll be taking shifts at the hospital. She doesn’t know when she’ll be able to check in, but wanted me to let y’all know what was going on. She appreciates all of the prayers and support.

  24. Barb says:

    Coop, please let PM know they are in my prayers.

    Mrs. H, congrats on your happy news!

  25. OldBopper says:

    Mrs H, congratulations on the good news! We have a wedding planned for April 14 next year. They just bought a house the first of the month. He will be moving in and she is moving most of the stuff out of her condo to the house. They are planning to rent out the condo after the wedding.

    Coop, thanks for the update on PD.

  26. parrotmom says:

    Good evening I enjoyed my chili so much!!!! My mind and body are so tired. I was trying to tell someone about a movie and ended up talking percentages. I think it is time to give it up. I wished I had not ate that small 2nd bowl

    Coop thanks for passing along my info. I could not have worded it any better myself.

  27. Barb says:

    Good morning!

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