Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning. Hope you have a great day!

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21 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Good morning! Slept late again.

    Was planning to take a long, long ride today, but plans have been modified.

    I hope all of you are doing as well as can be. More later.

  2. Molly says:

    Mornin. I’m fighting the crud. Throat hurts, congestion in my chest, voice is gravelly. Gonna be a fun day. Coworker called me early this morning to say she was too sleepy to come in, so I’ve got it to myself. Yep, gonna be a fun day. That’s ok — I can handle it! Lunch time today = nap time.

  3. Mrs. H says:

    Em got a cookbook from the FSIL: “Hello, Cupcake”

    yesterday she went to the store to get supplies! Today, I brought with me a pastel yellow cupcake that looks remarkably like a petit four. That girl can bake!

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang!.. brrr..

    hope everyone has a great day!

  5. dhcoop says:


    Trying hard to get past the crud. At least my truck is still running.

    Going to take tomorrow off to take Big Sis to the airport and send her to the other side of the earth. I’m sure going to miss her. :(

    • cardinallady says:

      Coop, I know it is going to be tough to tell your sister goodbye. I’m sure you have memories in your treasure house to bring out and remember during these long winter nights or hot summer days.

  6. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends! Seems like the crud is running rampant. My bride is still fighting it but better.

    I’ve got to pay my city and county land taxes today! That’ll make a hole!!

  7. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Brrr indeed. Even a red bird shakes in her claws this morning. But, as with the balmy Mississippi we have, it is going to warm up nicely today. Will probably feel like spring before it’s done.

  8. OldBopper says:

    The Iranians have made threats to close the tight shipping lane that much mid-east oil is shipped through. So the speculators jumped our price 12 cents a gallon. ^*#$@!!

  9. OldBopper says:

    Dang, didn’t know I would be a blog killer. Just finished a 50+ mile ride. Quite nice.

  10. msblondie says:

    wrapping things up so I can get out of here in a few. long day but productive. just about have everything ready for a test run i gotta do tomorrow. if it works the new year will start off nicely for me.

    everyone have a good evening.

  11. parrotmom says:

    Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening all wrapped into one. I don’t think I ever had a moment to call mine today. Still running it is tough being the only one around sometimes. My six hours at work was productive, but not up to speed. Maybe once PD makes it to rehab (whenever that is) things can slow down for me to get a breath of air.

    Maybe I will have a chance to check in later.

  12. OldBopper says:

    Boule and I will head out in the morning for northeast Mississippi. Plan to zigzag from Brandon to Corinth. Then on Friday leave Corinth going through the middle part on our way back to Brandon. I think I will cover 20 to 22 counties in the process. That will put me over halfway through my goal of riding in all 82 Mississippi Counties. I’ll take a picture or two and send them through Facebook. Probably won’t get a chance to visit with our friends in the area as we are on a mission to make as much territory as possible in the time allowed.

  13. parrotmom says:

    Safe travels OB. Pending on when you start out it maybe rather chilly. I found my ice scraper in the laundry room this evening. No fun having to scrape ice Ina hospital parking lot :(

    I hope all our I’ll friends and family are feeling better.

    Good nite everyone.

  14. dhcoop says:


    Helping Big Sis get packed up for her trip back to camel-land tomorrow. Hate to see her go…

  15. OldBopper says:

    AW, plan to enter the county traveling east on 78, then cutting north on 371 to the Trace then north on 25 to 72 into Corinth. Will I be close? BTW, how is the Suzuki/Kawaski dealer in Tupelo? I need a luggage rack.

    I’ll call you before I get to Tupelo.

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