Saturday Free-For-All

Hope you are having a good day.  My dog, Banjo, nearly died a couple of times this morning and is in poor-to-guarded condition as I type. His diabetes got out of control, causing what is called DKA and pancreatitis. I’ve known people with pancreatitis and know that is a very painful condition.

But he’s a fighter.

I have been at the emergency vet all night.  I came home to put money in the bank (to pay for all of this and our house payment) and then will go back down to whisper into his year some more.  He’s more than a dog. He has been my friend for a long time.  When others lied to me, he listened. You can’t beat that.

Sorry this is late.

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42 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. blues4you says:


    Hope Banjo pulls through, Boss. Thoughts are with you.

    Got up early for a saturday and went to The Pig for a couple of items around 07:00. Watched the balloons in Canton for little while. The flying pig is kinda neat.

    Gimme a heads up in the morning, OB. You might be in line for some vittles. Any one else headin’ up this way please stop in. I’m sure there will be plenty for everybody. Seriously, stop by if your in the neighborhood.

    Be careful in the heat folks.

  2. Legal Eagle says:

    MR, don’t worry for one second about getting Saturday’s FFA up late. Bless Banjo’s heart. We are all thinking of you and understand completely what it’s like to have a family member so sick.

  3. Airwolf says:

    Morning! MR I know how close we are to our pets/friends. My little Pepper is having trouble too. He had an anal sac rupture and burst this morning. Google it I won’t try to explain! So we’ve had some vet time also! He’s resting now and wearing a baby diaper. I hope at stops draining soon.

    Stay out of the heat and sun if possible!

  4. Clucky says:

    Oh no, so sorry to hear of Banjo’s latest nightmare. I know he’s your best buddy. He’s kinda like the MRBA mascot. I think I speak for all of us when I say we love him too and are praying for his recovery.

    I learned how to use a wet tile saw last night and started cutting tile for the floors in “that God-forsaken money pit/bathroom next door. We scored a portable a/c-heater at dirt cheap a few months ago (over $400 at Lowes-we paid $110!) and hooked it up in their living room to try to have a cooler work area. It is doing an AMAZING job of cooling half the house. There’s no way I could work in the heat, period. It’s 1222, and already 97• by our outside thermometer in the shade.

    Aww, Mr Fab just played “I Wanna Grow Old With You” by Adam Sandler from “The Wedding Singer.” What a sweetie :)

    Prayers for Banjo ascending and family. Y’all stay hydrated and as cool as possible in this heat. It’s not fit for humans. Would love to go to the pool, but I’d be a piece of bacon in a hurry.


  5. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon 12:40. Mowed my backyard before 10:00. Acturally cranked the weedeater and did some, but then it started acting up. Then I started seeing black ane decided it was good enough. Just had my mexican chicken quesadilia first one in about a month and am stuffed. I feel a siesta coming on.

    Marshall still keeping you and Banjo in my prayers. I hate that such a good friend and companion is in such serious condition. I know it isn’t looking good but God will see you both through it. Love and hugs.

  6. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon! Once again we are without children in the house. Love for them to visit and love for them to go home.

    Blues, if you have my number, please text me yours. I know I had it but can’t seem to locate it anywhere on my phone.

    Prayers for Banjo and family. I know it’s hard to deal with.

    It’s HOT but I am so thankful for electricity. Best bang for the buck I know of.

  7. Airwolf says:

    My SIL (Lineman) just got the call to pack up, get his truck and head to WV. Seventy percent are without power. He was told to be prepared to stay 2=4 weeks.

  8. parrotmom says:

    I haven’t been to FB in awhile any updates on Banjo?

  9. Clucky says:

    He’s hanging in there. Still serious, in ICU. Yes, there is such a thing as pet ICU.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      A few years ago, we were at one emergency vet’s office turning in some real little baby birds whose next had fallen and the mother left them. We had been hand feeding them crickets for a couple of days and got them in good shape so the Wildlife Department would take them.

  10. Mrs. H says:

    I sang at a funeral this morning. It was for the mother of a lady that I used to work with. It was one of those services that you don’t mind attending. Her husband passed away 10 years ago. She had 6 great grandchildren. One of her grandsons is a preacher and her only granddaughter married a preacher, too. He preached the funeral. His name is John Brock and his father’s name is also John Brock. John the elder grew up next door to my dad from their 4th grade year. He had fond memories of my granddad and my great uncle, who taught him Sunday School when he was young. The service was absolutely wonderful. Everyone should have a preacher in the family to do funerals. He was able to tell some great stories about the lady’s life.

    In other news, we have knocked out a wall in our bedroom. :)

  11. Old bopper says:

    Using my new Iphone. Think I am going to like it. The fist call came from Blues.

  12. parrotmom says:

    I really like my iphone OB. You may be the one that can help me or either MrsH I have some old record vinyl albums that I want to get to CD’s. Any suggestions. I have looked at several things the phonographs with USB hookups the reviews or 50/50.

  13. parrotmom says:

    Did you keep the same ph number?

  14. Clucky says:

    If I never have to cut a piece of tile again in my lifetime, that would suit me just fine.

    I wish MR would let us know how the pup is doing. My heart goes out to Marshall and family.

  15. parrotmom says:

    Clucky I too learned how to cut tile. It wasn’t so bad but the up and down and trying to put the tile on the walls was the worst. PD did the majority but when it came to a few of the specialty cuts it became my job. The walls frustrated the crap out of him. The tile would start sliding down or the mud would fall off. LOL!! he had a time, but he did a good job.

  16. Barb says:

    Sorry to hear about Banjo. Prayers for him and his family.

  17. OldBopper says:

    Yes Legal, I have made copies. Need to get your’ s back to you. PM, I kept the same telephone number.

    AW, I think I agree. It’s still too early for a full evaluation but so far it has done tasks with ease.

  18. Clucky says:

    OB, FYI, iPhone won’t run Adobe Flash player. My only complaint.

    I’m wide awake at 530am. I hope Banjo is out of the woods.

  19. Mrs. H says:

    PM, we use our old turntable (purchased back in the 70’s) but run the signal through an audio interface that Mr. H purchased to use with his E.W.I. (electronic wind instrument). You might check to see if the equipment you use to convert movies to DVDs has the capability to connect to a regular turntable (if you have one). If you have to buy a turntable anyway, you might get the one with USB anyway.

  20. parrotmom says:

    I have several turntables and they all play. They all would have to be wired with RCA adapters. My Matrox cable that I used for analog input quit working when I purchased my Dell computer in 2009. The PC person that I talked with new it had to be compatible, but could never make it work.

  21. parrotmom says:

    I wonder what the work is on Banjo?

  22. parrotmom says:

    Oh! good Sunday morning at 7:22 am.

  23. OldBopper says:

    Been to church, been to Sam’s Club, now home. PM, I think the program “Real Player” has the ability to record from a turntable and remove hissing sounds. I have heard music done with that program and it sounded good.

    Hope Banjo is better.

  24. Clucky says:

    MR just posted a pic of Banjo on twitter-he’s doing better!


  25. Barb says:

    So gladanjo is dong bette!

  26. parrotmom says:

    Welcome back Barb. You have missed.

  27. Airwolf says:

    Hey folks! Went to church, then picked Mom up and tool her to the Meadows to be with Daddy.

    I’m glad Banjo is doing better. My Pepper is much better today. Having to give him antibiotics.

    PM I think Windows Media Player will record for you. You just have to select your input source.

  28. dhcoop says:


    Been having a good weekend with the sisters.

    Glad to hear Banjo is doing better. Hope he continues to improve.

    Good to see you, Barb!

  29. Barb says:

    Great to be back! I have missed you all so much!!

  30. Old Bopper says:

    HEY BARB!!!!! Good to see you back. We missed you.

    Good news on Banjo.

    Had a great visit with Blues and Bully Duck this afternoon. He’s cooking up a storm. Has ribs, chicken, ham, and deer sausage in the smoker.

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