Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you’re having a great day so far.  Busy here — and what a blessing that is. Let’s have a great day and make the most of the gift we’ve been given.

Taken this morning at the Ross Barnett Reservoir (in between rain showers).

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18 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning!! Marshall one of the advantages of rising earlier. To watch the world wake up and see all its Glory. That is a spectacular picture.
    I al so after about 4 miles or so God decided you needed a shower. What a sense of humor.

    Hooe everyone made it safely to work and enjoy your day.

  2. dhcoop says:


    Big Sis is coming home in 4 days!!!! WOOHOO!!!

  3. cardinallady says:

    MOrning! I didn’t wake up until long after the other cardinals. It’s a cloudy morning here, but mild.
    Hey coop! I understand your excitement. I have to wait about 25 more days to see my brother though. I haven’t seen him in two and a half years. He has been in Alaska. He is getting mustered out of the Army. Finally. But he will be HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!

  4. Airwolf says:

    Present and busy outside!

  5. cardinallady says:

    Yall be careful there in Brandon and Jackson. Batton down the hatches and don’t get blown away! We are having this LOVELY sunshine to heat up the atmosphere so we can have some great thunderstorms tonight. Ain’t that special?

  6. Clucky says:

    I’ve had my EMG (ow!) now at Dr. Hottie’s office! *wink* PM.

    I’ll be busy with some sewing when I find the right fabric. So far, today’s been pretty good-in spite of the intermittent monsoon-like rain. I’ve managed to drive between storms.

    Love y’all

  7. Clucky says:

    Waiting…been in here an hour and a half. REALLY, folks? I could have had a nap..

  8. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon. We’ve had a little rain and lots of clouds. Looks like it is over for us. Been cleaning the basement and still have a long way to go.

  9. Molly says:

    Hey! Been busy at work today. Good thing, too. With this dreary weather, I would be snoozing at my desk if I didn’t have so much to do. It has rained on and off all day. Sun was shining bright when I left for lunch, and it was coming a downpour on the way back from lunch. Haven’t seen any more sun, but have seen lots of rain.

  10. parrotmom says:

    I hop Clucky was finally seen by the doc and is home or heading home.

    Molly I had watched the sun come and go too, but since lunch just clouds. Hope fever tone has safe travels home.

  11. parrotmom says:

    I hope that Clucky didn’t “hop” Lol!!!!

    Evening everyone.

  12. dhcoop says:


    Card, I can’t even imagine not seeing a sibling for 2 and a half years!! It’s hard enough just going a few months for us. I know you will be happy to have him home!!

    Watched the DWTS pre-finale (finale is tomorrow night) and the final three are awesome. I’m still rooting for Shawn, but I’m also now hoping Melissa might get it.

    Hope all went well for the Cluckster today. Maybe she’ll give us an update later.

    Really looking forward to seeing my Big Sis Friday!!!

  13. Msblondie says:

    Here.. The crud decided to visit us.. Over most of but the cough is wanting to linger making my voice rough…. Not good when your on the phone all day.

    Vaporizor nd vapor rub time.. I am kicking the crud to the curb.

  14. Mrs. H says:

    This is going to be a piranha week for me. Getting a new month of children’s Sunday School stuff ready, the bulletin, the dreaded newsletter to mail out, the payroll for the preschool teachers. However, on a bright note, the newsletter has been through an overhaul: the church calendar is now embedded rather than printed separately and stuffed in, cleaner lines for announcements. I’m pleased :) (however, this being an imperfect world, I’m sure someone with take issue with some of the changes!)

    I’ll try to check in later.

  15. Clucky says:

    As soon as I hit send on that earlier post, the dr walked in. Good news on that front!

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