Yes, Joyce Carol Oates, we read

Joyce Carol Oates is a much better writer than I am. She’s much smarter than I am, too. But dang, she sure wrote a stupid Tweet.

Carl Rollyson (who I am sure is thrilled to be part of this poop storm) tweeted a photo of a Faulkner banner in the Mississippi State University library. Ms. Oates, who was apparently feeling her oats, retweeted it with this gem of a insult: “So funny! If Mississippians read, Faulkner would be banned.”


I know she was commenting on the current flap over the Biloxi School Districts mind-numbing decision to yank the Harper Lee’s classic novel “To Kill A Mockingbird” from their curriculum because, wait for it, “it made people feel uncomfortable.”  I’m 100% in Ms. Oates’ corner if she’s stunned at the ridiculousness of that decision. The only way a brain can grow is to feel uncomfortable. I personally feel uncomfortable if kids aren’t exposed to great literature. And “To Kill A Mockingbird” is as good as it gets.

The problem is, Ms. Oates didn’t focus on just that decision. She picked up a several-mile-wide brush and painted every single person in Mississippi as an illiterate ignoramus.

So funny! Not.

It’s not the first time we’ve heard Mississippi jokes. Yes, we wear shoes. Yes, we have electricity. Yes, we have indoor plumbing (well, maybe not at deer camp). Ha ha ha ha ha.  And yes, we have problems. Big problems.  We’re last in many of the good lists and first in the some of the bad ones.  I’ll even boldly say that we sometimes deserve a joke or two.

But not this one.  She went for rotten, low-hanging fruit. And it stinks.

The irony of the tweet for me is that I just got through interviewing Mississippi’s wonderful poet laureate Beth Ann Fennelly for an upcoming episode of my Mississippi Public Broadcasting TV show, Conversations. We had just spent the better part of 30 minutes talking about Mississippi’s literary tradition and why we both chose to live here.  We agreed that this a land of great stories and great storytellers.  And c’mon, the last time checked, William Faulkner was FROM Mississippi. So we know at least one person from Mississippi could read.  Eudora Welty, Richard Wright, Richard Ford, Greg Illes, John Grisham, Tennessee Williams — oh, you know, all our famous authors could read, too.  Heck, even I can read.  My kids can read. My dog, well, no, she can’t read.  And as Ms. Oates found out on her Twitter account, hundreds of Mississippians who responded to her tweet can read, too.  They read her tweet after all.

I doubt she’ll be having a booksigning at Lemuria or Square Books anytime soon. But if she did, she’d also find out we have two of the finest independent bookstores in the country here, too.  They’d have closed years ago if we couldn’t read. Maybe she should come to the Mississippi Book Festival next year. She might be surprised.

Social media is a funny beast. It can be your best friend and then in the time it takes to hit “send”, can maul you like a pack of rabid nutria.  There is no editor. No filter. No second chance when you screw up. Yes, you can delete your offending tweet, but someone will be there to take a screen shot.

Ms. Oates walked up to a Twitter hornet nest, took a cheap shot and now is facing the wrath of ticked off Mississippians. If her phone is lighting up, she earned it.

Many times, when I hear a Mississippi joke, I shrug my shoulders and think. “Yeah, we had that one coming.” Not this time. I’ve lived here long enough to know a cheap shot when I see it.  And this was a cheap shot.

Joyce Carol Oates is a brilliant writer. We’re better than her tweet. And so is she.


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When the world turns pink.

It doesn’t take pink fountains, ribbons, t-shirts or even a special month to make me aware of breast cancer. I have my own set of scars from the disease (even though I’ve never had it.) Forty years ago, I remember my mother crying and yelling as I hid in my closet. I guess that was when she was diagnosed. I didn’t ask her. We didn’t talk about it much. I was just a kid who was scared he was going to lose his mother.

When I see the pink water shooting out of the fountains of Thalia Mara Hall, I joke that either Mr. Bubble met an ugly demise or Jackson’s water has gone from bad to worse. But those jokes aren’t out of lack of sensitivity. No, they’re because my stomach drops when I think of those dark days. It’s a fear I’ll never forget. Old scars burn this time of year.

Yet I’m very grateful for the pink fountains — and the ribbons, races, marches and the t-shirts that we see today. I’m grateful for the support groups and the research money being thrown at this horrible disease. I’m thankful that women don’t have to fight this battle alone. It was a different world back in the 1970s. No one talked about it publicly back then. And I think it drove my mother a little bit crazy.

The good news is that her cancer didn’t spread — she was blessed with another 40 years. This year, according to the American Cancer Society, 40,610 women won’t get that opportunity. They won’t get to see their kids grow up. They won’t be allowed to chase their dreams. They won’t escape a horrible disease’s grasp. There will be 257,710 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 63,410 cases of carinoma in situ (in place). But on the bright side, there will be 3.1 million survivors like my mother. She was blessed and given the gift of another four decades to live. She heard those three words and lived.

A few years ago, I heard those three words, too. Mine wasn’t breast cancer, but I still understand the fear caused by your own body trying to kill you. (Melanoma, Class of 2001). I understand the anxiety that threatens to derail your spirit. I understand the confusion when hospital and doctor bills pile up. Here’s a little advice for you if you do hear those three words. Here’s a way to have H.O.P.E.:

H — is for humor. Learn to laugh at the thing that scares you the most, which in this case is cancer. Watch comedians. Make bad jokes about your scars (I do.) If you’re laughing, you’re not crying. It helps lower your anxiety.

O — Opportunity to serve. This is the chance for you to pay your blessing forward. Get out there and help others who are walking the same journey as you are. WJSU-FM general manager Gina Carter-Simmers, diagnosed with Stage 3, breast cancer, has done just that by putting together the Beauty of Cancer Photo Exihibit at the Mississippi Museum of Art. Twenty-eight breast cancer thrivers (they are more than just survivors) are featured in a powerful photo series that empowered them and anyone who sees the exhibit. By helping others, you end up helping yourself. Did I mention anything about lowered anxiety?

P — Physical well-being. You have to take care of your own body and mind. If your body can’t fight, all the drugs and doctors in the world won’t help. You need strength. Believe me, you’ll need strength and, of course, a way to reduce anxiety.

E — Educate yourself. You NEED to be able to talk to your doctor intelligently. Otherwise, your visits to your doctor will sound like Charlie Brown’s parents, “Wah Wah Wah Wah Cancer Wah Wah.” Your doctors are good people but they are busy. You need to be part of the team. Learning about your situation and being engaged makes you a better patient. And it will also reduce anxiety. Knowledge truly is power.

Tonight, as I walk past Mr. Bubble’s fountain, I’ll think of my mother, my friends and everyone who has had to battle this damn disease. And then I’ll say a prayer for a cure. The pain is too real. It’s time for it to stop so the scars can heal.

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How Now Pretty Cow: The tale of a Pretty Cow Judge


She was smartly dressed as she stared at me with her big brown eyes. I blushed a little, trying to stay out of her way. The kid who was with her was cute, too. I smiled at them as they passed. I could feel a few drops of nervous perspiration on my forehead.

She was pretty. Very pretty.

Who was I to judge? Well, actually, I was a judge. She was a cow and was part of the Pretty Cow Contest at the Mississippi State Fair. I put down my scores on the sheet as the next contestant moooved my way.

The Mississippi State Extension Service puts on the annual Pretty Cow contest to promote the dairy industry — so all the cows’ costumes have a milk theme. I looked at the kid and grinned. She smiled back nervously as she kept her pretty cow calm.

“Good Cow.”

The bovine beauty parade continued.

The next cow wore a sign with the slogan, “Make Milk Great Again.” The young man leading her looked like Donald Trump might have 65 years ago. Orange hair. Red tie. Suit. Once again, I wrote down my scores (I think that cow got fourth — although the Russians said it really won). Another cow came up to me without a costume (a naked cow!). She was being led by the cutest little kid in a Holstein cow outfit. Or maybe it was a dog costume. I don’t know. All I know is he was so sweet my teeth nearly rotted. He got an Honorable Mention. Then there was a cow with a baseball hat. One in fairy wings. One as a soda fountain.

There was nothing cheesy about these cows.

People often ask me, “what experience do you have judging bovine beauty?” I usually make a bad joke or deflect — but truthfully, not much (I’m a child of the suburbs who once milked Rosebud the cow on a field trip). Most of my cow judging acumen is from years of on-the-job-training. But as trivial as the job may seem, it’s one I take seriously. Being a Pretty Cow Contest judge is at the top of my resume above being a two-time Pulitzer Finalist. It’s a major perk for a minor celebrity.

Up next: Two astronauts with boxes on their heads led out a cow with a space shuttle on her back. She shot me a look. It didn’t take a cow whisperer to know she was annoyed. The weather was hot and her patience meter had obviously run out. She bucked a little but the kids tugged on her lead and quickly got her under control. The other judges and I wrote our scores down as she toured the ring.
Then all heifer broke loose.

The space shuttle cow had had enough. She bucked out of her costume and kicked backwards. The kids remained calm and wisely released her lead (as opposed to being drug to Gluckstadt). She sped around the ring, JUMPED the gate and ran out of the arena into the pens area. “Holy Cow!” I thought as I scrambled to get out of the way. Thankfully no one got hurt. It was the first issue I’ve seen in over a decade and a half of cow judging. I am not convinced a cow can jump over the moon.

I quipped, “Houston, we have a problem.”
(I milked it for all it was worth.)

A few minutes later, space shuttle cow had calmed down (no mad-cow jokes here, cattle folks take that sort of thing seriously.) The kids and their mom led her back into the ring so she could receive her well-deserved first-place prize. Later, the mom said that she was normally a calm cow but that she was starting to go in heat. I nodded politely. It was more than I needed to know.

The other judges and I handed out the ribbons. (I can feel the looks of the kids and the cows burning through me. Did I make a good decision?) As much as I hate the fact that anyone had to lose, I was proud of them for having the courage to walk out into the ring and compete. It’s their big moment and mine, too.

We live in a homogeneous word where everything looks the same on our screens. Maybe that’s why I like the Pretty Cow Contest so much. It’s kids, their parents and their cows. It’s sawdust and cow patties. It’s winning and losing. It’s real life.

It’s udderly Mississippi.

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Friday the 13th: My “lucky” day

Today’s Friday the 13th. I had a black cat run out in front of me — and when he saw me, he ran back the other direction in fear. I’ve never been a “lucky” guy. But then again, I also believe that you mostly make your own luck. Maybe I’m just lazy. I don’t know.

I did win some aluminum coat hangers at an Alcoa retiree picnic while playing bingo once. I guess I was lucky then. I didn’t win the Pulitzer the two times I was a Finalist — although I was going up against really great competition. That goes back to me making my own luck. Slot machines are money vacuums for me. I have never won the lottery (you haven’t either). I’d be happy to get two numbers. I guess the fact that three doctors missed my melanoma means I am lucky to still be here, although I contribute that to a God moment.

I have a purpose now.

Sometimes I feel unlucky. I grew up in the 1970’s being a Tennessee and Braves fan. But both eventually won championships. I grew up and figured I have no control over sporting events.

I’m lucky to still get to draw cartoons. But I that involves making my own luck, too. I know I’m lucky you’re there to read them. Thank you.

So today, I won’t push my luck (except for having two speeches back to back 66 miles apart). I won’t walk under any ladders and I’ll hold onto my lucky rabbit’s foot (the rabbit was VERY unlucky.)

So happy Friday 13th! May you the luck be with you.

P.S. I am very lucky Amy agreed to marry me. And I’m very very lucky we have three great boys. But I give Amy the credit on both counts.

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The Siren Song

My phone dings, beckoning me with its electronic siren song. I, being properly trained like one of Pavlov’s mutts, immediately pick it up. There’s knowledge to be had after all. And my phone is ready to share.

I quickly open Twitter.  The world is at my thumb.

First tweet: The head of the Senate Foreign Relations committee said that President was treating his office like “a reality show.”  And that his reckless threats could cause World War III.

World War III? Well that’s bad. I remember being terrified that the Soviets would nuke us.  The show “The Day After,” in the 1980’s gave me nightmares. The President’s comments about North Korea are bringing them back.  Next tweet: He vows to relatiate against the head of the Senate Foreign Relations committee. Maybe Bob Corker will get nuked.

I continue to scroll. California is on fire again.  Firestorms that move faster than cars are wiping out whole neighborhoods and are continuing to grow.  I remember a firestorm when I lived in San Diego. It was scary as hell — no it was hell.

OK, phone, you’re not cheering me up.

Next tweet: Puerto Rico is still struggling to get back on the grid.  Note to self, donate to local charity that is helping people on the island —  I still remember what it was like on the Mississippi Gulf Coast after Katrina.  At least Nate didn’t flatten the coast.

Dang. The news is a bit overwhelming today. Maybe entertainment news from Hollywood will cheer me up.  Nothing like a little fluff to lighten the day.

Harvey Weinstein is trending. I flip through a few tweets. Oh.  Yuck. I know — you’re innocent until proven guilty — but the accusations are really disgusting. And now the dominos are starting to fall with more people are coming out against him. He’s lost his job as the head of his own company.  Being creepy and abusing power seems to a non-partisan trait. Allegedly, of course. But still — absolutely horrible. Time to move on.

A new Star Wars trailer! Luke Skywalker was my hero growing up. What? He’s old and grumpy!?! NO!!!!!  I feel your pain Luke.

Maybe I see some sporting news to cheer me up.  It’s a politics-free zone, right?

ESPN’s Jemele Hill has been suspended for some anti-Jerry Jones tweets.  Twitter is hazardous to your professional health.   Maybe I need to go to Facebook to see what’s on my friends’ minds. I could use some nice pictures of kids and cat videos.  Instead I find a series of political rants about football.  Yes son, when I was a kid, we just argued about the game, not the pregame. My hair immediately hurts.I quickly turn off Facebook. My anxiety level rises like the surge flowing through a casino parking garage.

My phone dings again. It’s calling to me again like, “You want more?” I hold it in my hand looking at it.

No, I don’t.

We can’t control the news we read day in and day out. But we can control how we react to it.  I wish I could make politicians be rational. I wish I could stop fires and hurricanes. I wish I could make the world sane. But wishing doesn’t change things.  Taking action in the world where you live does.  I can focus my effort in helping my community be a better place.

My phone dinged yet again.  I put it in the drawer.

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And they lived happily ever after

Once upon a time in mass of land between New Orleans and Mobile, there was a beautiful kingdom. And in that kingdom were majestic oaks, beautiful homes, tall hotels and floating casinos. Brown water tickled the white sand. Barrier islands stood guard off in the distance, protecting the brown sound fromthe sea beyond. It was a casual land, filled with joy, song, food and family — a paradise in its own Southern way.

The beautiful kingdom had been ravaged by storms over the years. Each time the wind, rain and waves roared in from the sea, the people would rebuild.  Several generations had grown up by the sea. The evil wind Camille had struck the kingdom, but once again, it had rebuilt. Gentle breezes and waves lapped at the shoreline as tall lighthouse stood guard.

All was good.

One hot August day, dark clouds built to the south. The soothsayer Cantore had warned the people they should leave and that their kingdom would never be same. Some heeded his warning. But others, who had survived the evil wind Camille, chose to stay.  It was a decision they’d soon regret.

The evil wind Katrina nearly spanned the width of the Gulf. It’s vast arms spun around a tightly wound eye.  Soon it was a five on the evilness scale and headed directly for the beautiful kingdom on the mass of land.  Katrina didn’t just rake the kingdom with its wind, though. Instead it picked up the sea and dumped in on top of the buildings and people.  Soon the surge covered and destroyed everything within sight of the sea.  Homes were reduced to kindling. Floating casinos were dumped onto where the homes had been. When the sea withdrew, death blanked the coastline for ninety miles.

All that remained standing were a few oaks, tall hotels and one solitary lighthouse. The beautiful kingdom fell quiet as a tomb.

After the citizens buried their dead and removed the debris, they sat down and decided how they would rebuild.  “Taller!” They cried. “Back from the sea!” They demanded. Volunteers volunteered. Codes were strengthened. Businesses slowly returned. Casinos were built upon the land. The scarred land slowly healed.  Casinos reopened and the houses of waffle popped up like mushrooms all along the coast, signaling the kingdom’s rebirth.

Twelves years later, the sky to the south darkened again. The evil wind Nate roared quickly from Mexico toward the beautiful kingdom, hoping to catch it off guard. Although not as powerful as Katrina, Nate knew what Katrina had done to cause the most damage. “I’ll send the waves crashing across the shore,” he cackled as he planned his assault upon the people.  Once again, the soothsayer Cantore, joined by his partner Seidel, warned the citizens to leave.  Orderly evacuations began. As the sky darkened, Nate spun up and prepared to crush the kingdom with his waves.

But something was different this time. The buildings were high above the surge. The ones that were lower were stronger. Nate spat wave after wave at the coastline. Nothing budged. He blew his hurricane-force winds at the homes and the trees. Damage was minimal.  As Nate lost his will and exited stage right into Alabama, he looked back in frustration. The citizens were all ready repairing the damage.  Linemen were restoring electricity. MDOT was cleaning up the debris along the highway of 90.  Casinos, gas stations and grocery stores reopened.  The resilient people of the land in mass once again how strong they really were.

Nate had planned on destroying the beautiful kingdom. But because of the lessons learned from the evil wind Katrina, Nate had failed.

And thanks to planning, they all lived happily ever after.

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Show me the Heart: A lesson from Jerry Maguire

Last night, Amy, my family and I watched the movie Jerry Maguire. Written by Cameron Crowe and staring about every famous person from the 1990s, Jerry Maguire is the story of a sports agent (Tom Cruise) who, after suffering a mild breakdown, comes up with a new philosophy of doing business. His middle-of-the-night, 24-page mission statement said basically this: Less clients, less money and more personal attention. Of course, being the 1990’s and being professional sports, he was fired. He lost all his clients but one, Cardinals receiver Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding, Jr. in his Oscar-winning performance). Anyway, if you want to know all the details, it is a worthy rental. It features sharp writing, good acting, a strong soundtrack and cool 1990 technology (huge cell phone, clunky laptop and a trip to a copy shop to hand out his mission statement instead of just emailing it.).

You’ll also find out a human head weighs eight pounds.

But there was one scene that really jumped out at me. It was when Jerry Maguire confronts Tidwell about why he is not more successful. Here’s what he had to say:

Jerry Maguire to Rod Tidwell: “All right, I’ll tell you why you don’t have your ten million dollars. Right now, you are a paycheck player. You play with your head, not your heart. In your personal life, heart. But when you get on the field it’s all about what you didn’t get. Who’s to blame. Who won through the pass. Who’s got the contract you don’t. Who’s not giving you your love. You know what, that is not what inspires people. That is not what inspires people! Shut up! Play the game, play it from your heart. And you know what, I’ll show you the kwan. And that’s the truth, man! That’s the truth. Can you handle it? It’s just a question between friends, you know. Oh, and when they call you ‘shrimp,’ I’m the one who defends you!”

That hit me like a lightning bolt from the sky. How many times have we done a job for the money? Or worried what someone else is getting that you aren’t? We focus on how unfair something is or how we don’t want to be working hard. But we don’t lead with our heart. Are we sullen, unwilling to try new things or uncooperative? Are we unwilling to change?

I’d post the link to the scene but it has a little bit of profanity in it. But honestly, it’s worth you seeking out on YouTube. Like Jerry McGuire’s mentor Dicky Fox would say, “If this (points to heart) is empty, this (points to head) doesn’t matter.”

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An Open Letter to Tropical Storm Nate

Dear Tropical Storm Nate,

I just saw your updated travel itinerary and it looks like you’re dropping by here for a visit — as in, “we’re under a Jim Cantore Warning!”

Not good.

I know, I know — your plans could change at the last minute but the cone of uncertainty seems pretty certain. Mississippi has a big “kick me Nate” sign on its back. You’re the biggest test the Gulf Coast has faced since your evil great grandmother Katrina kicked us in the teeth.

You’re not welcome here.

Nate, I knew Katrina and you’re no Katrina — and I hope you stay that way. But I know that there is a threat that you could get delusions of grandeur and grow strong. Warm water is your fuel and the Gulf is as warm as pee in a hot tub.

Did I mention you’re not welcome here?

I will take some basic precautions to get ready for you. The Big K was 12 years ago, but I still have a very fresh memory of my trees doing the hula. And no power when it is hot really sucks. That wasn’t much fun.

I know it is October, but I am not ready for any trick or treaters. If you come to my house, I’m giving you a rock.

I’m not panicking Nate. I’m just getting ready for your visit.

So take your time. No better yet, go to Hell. We don’t want you here.


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Prove a Mayan wrong

The world was supposed to end on my birthday. You know — the Mayans and their calendar. December 21, 2012 to be exact.

Kaput. Kaboom!

Obviously, it didn’t. We’re still here complaining on Facebook about the world. But you have to wonder — did the Mayans mean something else? It seems like everything is out of synch. Like someone took a plugwire off existence’s engine. We’re sputtering and backfiring. The world seems to be getting coarser and meaner.

Of course, the world has always been coarse and mean. World War 2 wasn’t exactly a bucket of chuckles. And the Black Plague. I could fill the page with moments in history that are worse than what we’re going through right now.

So why does’ it seem so bad? Here are a few of my thoughts.

There are more of us. The earth’s population has exploded. If you don’t believe me, drive in Atlanta at rush hour. There has to be a billion people on I-285. We’re crowded and we’re up in each others’ grills.

We are now better connected. People have always gotten cancer, had heart attacks, been in car wrecks and suffered other horrible calamities. We now have a voyeur’s front row seat. Facebook allows us to be connected — for better or worse. We know what people are going through. That can be good — and it can also wear us out.

The Internet has disrupted so many of our institutions. Historians will look back and find the times we live in to be as epic of a change as say the Industrial Revolution. Media, music and video have all been affected and are having to reinvent themselves on the fly. People get their information from different sources. Fake news is real and I’m not talking about news a politician doesn’t like. People can now bask safely in news bubbles; it’s a mental comfort zone if you will.

So many of our institutions have failed us. Look back to 2008. The banks failed. The long-standing tradition of buying a home and having it be your financial nest egg failed. Churches have had scandals. Government is, well, government. Monied interests are getting heard as the middle class dies out with a silent scream.

A lot of us (me included at times) did not learn good coping skills growing up. Our grandparents ate dirt and fought a World War. We complain on Facebook (in Facebook’s defense, we also post great pictures of puppies and kitties.)

Whew, I know — not exactly a perky post. I’m sorry. But here is the thing. WE can make a difference. My family has had to face some things that frankly, I’d have preferred not to deal with. But while I can’t control that, I can control how I react to everything. It’s hard to get up and run when you’ve been knocked down. But that’s what life is about. Next time you walk down the sidewalk, take a close look at the weed that has punched its way through the concrete. The will to live is strong in us. We have to set it free.

Change is hard. I know. I’m having to change even as I write this. But if we remember there is something bigger than us out there, that this isn’t always about ourselves, that we can help others and receive what we need — well, that change will seem less frightening.

Oh yeah, and for Godsakes, laugh. And love. At the end of the day, that’s the ultimate cure for it all.

Just go out and prove a Mayan wrong, OK?

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The New Abnormal

Before the U2 concert in New Orleans, a sea of people swarmed around the Superdome. The large crowd pushed its way toward the entrances and security. It was humanity’s version of a kicked-over ant hill — men, women and children alike buzzed around with excitement. The lines for security had cause choke points, causing people to spill out on the plaza.

I got an uneasy feeling.  What if someone started shooting?  It was a classic soft target.

If it had just been me, I probably wouldn’t’ have had my Spideysense go off. But my family was there. I was reponsible for their safety, not just my own.  I looked around and tried to concoct an escape plan. Once I thought I had one, I closed my eyes, took a breath and eased into the security line.  We, of course, made it home safely.

A week later, Amy (my beautiful bride) and I were sitting in Thalia Mara Hall, waiting for the band The Avett Brothers to play.  Once again, my mind got the best of me as I scoped out the room for escape routes.  There was an exit to my left.  It would be the easiest way out. But what if there was a second shooter waiting outside? Once again, I took a deep breath, calmed myself and enjoyed an amazing show.  And yes, we once again made it home safely.

Sunday night in Las Vegas, 59 concert goers (at this writing) did not make it home safely.  A crazed lunatic decided to lock himself into his 32nd-floor Mandalay Bay hotel room with a cache of weapons that would be envy of a small army.  He began to fire his automatic weapons into a sea of humanity who had just began to enjoy a Jason Aldean concert.  With a sickening rat-tat-tat-tat that sounded more like Afghanistan than America, the slaughter began.  Over 20,000 people found themselves sitting ducks in a killing field.  On Monday, I listened to so many survivors tell their death-defying stories. One thing they had common, there was a randomness to their survival.  To the front of them, a woman would be shot in the head. Next to them, a man in the back. Panic ensued as blood soaked the ground that had previously been a place of joy and entertainment.

To quote Bernie Taulpin and Elton John, “It’s funny how one insect could damage so much grain.”

According to an article in Business Insider, your odds of dying in a mass shooting (four or more dying) are 1 in 15,325.  Those are normally very good odds (you risk a 1 and 7 change of dying of heart disease)  But mass shootings are happening more often. And they are getting more brutal.  Our repeated “Thoughts and prayers” are turning into thoughts of “what I would do if someone starting shooting?” and prayers pleading “please let me survive”

We can’t sit at home because of a handful of shooters. But we now have to do like I did at the concerts.  We look around. We assess the threat. We make escape plans in our heads. We teach our children what to do in case of a shooting like we were taught “stop, drop and roll”for fire safely. Do we run or do we shelter in place? Our lives have changed forever.

We now sit in a public place and wonder if some nut will start firing.

It’s the new abnormal.

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