What went through my mind during this morning’s run

This is the crap I thought about while running this morning:

Love really isn’t like money. When you invest money, you expect a return. And when you give away money, you have less of it. When you invest your heart, you should expect nothing in return. And when you give it away, it does nothing but grow.

(As my right leg and back hurt) I really need to stretch more.

The biggest lie people tell is “I’m fine.”

This shirt really needs to be burned. It stinks.

People are so afraid right now.

That pothole was the size of a bus.

What am I going to draw about today?

Have I only gone a mile? Damn.

We live our lives one feeling to the next. There’s nothing logical about our brains.

This humidity is like a wet wool blanket.

People are all self-medicating one way or another. Some drink. Some shop. Some eat chocolate. We’re all trying to fill a God-shaped hole in one form or fashion.

I’m glad it is dark. I bet I look really stupid.

What can I do to be a better husband and father?

I really like this song.

Almost done with the run.

(As I gave at a couple of stars through the clouds). We really are insignificant in the scheme of things.

It’s dark. I hope the alligator isn’t on the bank again.

I’m grateful for another day.

I’m getting too old for this $%^#.

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In a peaceful Soybean Field

The victims of the KC-130 crash just traveled through town on their way to the airbase and then to their final resting places. People lined the route, some had American flags. We don’t know all of their identities yet, but the pictures I’ve seen so far made me think of America– or at least the best of America. Each was accomplished and each looked like our country. You see that when there are multiple casualties. All the headshots represent every geographic region, color, gender and religious affiliation. They are as different as our country is vast. But what they have in common are their uniforms — and the pledge to defend our nation. They wake every morning knowing there are risks. They willingly take them. When they take their oath, they write a blank check to our country. Sometimes that check is cashed — whether it is in an accident or in combat.

The 15 Marines and one Navy sailor got on that plane Monday just like they got on planes nearly every day. They didn’t think they’d face tragedy. They just woke up and did their jobs. That’s what they did — and that’s what we do.

A peaceful soybean field in the Delta was where their lives ended. As they head home, I say Godspeed. Thank you for your service. And may peace be with your families.

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Five things exercise has taught me.

My 5th-grade Target teacher (what they called the gifted program back in the day) told us that experiments allow us to simulate conditions in the real world in a controlled environment. For some reason, that popped into my head this morning as I worked out. I think it’s because my one-hour bootcamp is my daily experiment for daily life. It allows me to test myself and my philosophies. It gives a morning “gut check” to see what I’m made of and how much will I possess. Some days, the results aren’t that great. But I can always come back the next day and try something different. I can get stronger both mentally AND physically.

Here are a five things I’ve learned from my morning experiment that help me get through the tough times:

1. Stay in the moment. When you going through a particularly rough exercise, you don’t look down the field at another station. You don’t think about the last one. You focus on what you are doing at that particular second and try to do the very best you can. When your mind wanders (What will I eat today? Why is my wife mad at me? Will I make deadline today? I about puked at that last station!) you lose focus and make mistakes. The past doesn’t matter. The future doesn’t matter. You focus on the now.

2. Break every exercise into small sections. That makes it easier to survive when it gets really tough. Think, “I can do this for another minute,” instead of “I can’t do this for another hour.” I’ve survived many of crappy days that way. The other day, I was about to pass out while pushing tackling dummies down the football field. I kept telling myself “I can make if five more yards.” I was right. If I had said, ” I can’t do this,” I’d have been right too.

3. Everyone around you is in pain too. Everyone around you is going through something. Focus on helping them and it will help you get through your pain, too.

4. Don’t allow mistakes to rattle you. I used to be the king of allowing screw-ups to yank my chain. Now, I breathe deeply, listen to the coach (if I am being called out) and try to do better. You just keep moving past the error — not reliving it.

5. How to work through fatigue. I used to be a bear when I got tired. Now I am tired most all the time — I don’t have the option of being a bear anymore. By the end of 12 weeks of grinding it at 5 a.m., your body and mind are very exhausted. But you learn you can push past both pain and fatigue. My back hurts today. There were a couple of times I thought, “I can sneak out and head home early.” But then I thought, “I made it this far, I can make it 20 more minutes.” And I did.

There are more, of course, but those are the ones that popped into my head this morning.

How has exercise helped you?

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Dear Dad,

Dear Dad,

First of all, I know there is no Internet where you are, so you won’t be reading this. Some may say being in a place where there is no Internet truly is heaven, but I digress. No, I am writing this because you’re on my mind right now. And the Internet always wants to know what’s on your mind.

I miss you. No big surprise there. About this time last year, we said goodbye to you. You were surrounded by your kids, were at peace and passed on your 59th wedding anniversary.

You went out your way.

We made sure mother was taken care of until she died. You’d have wanted that. The past year has allowed me to have a much deeper understanding of the man you were. What did I find out? Even though we wear the same shoe size, I have big shoes to fill.

Your biggest strength? I don’t think I’ve ever met a man who loved his family more. When dementia stripped so much from you, you’d still light up when you saw us walk into the room. All that terrible disease did was expose who you really were.

You also had a wicked sense of humor and a gift of quietly helping others. You also protected us from things that we didn’t understand until recently.

A good dad will do that.

On this one-year anniversary of your death, I’m thinking of you. And I want the whole world to know you were a great Dad. And that your kids miss you very much.

My best memory? Ten years ago today as we celebrated your 50th annivesary in Destin. You were playing like a little kid with my boys in the surf. They loved their Papa Dave.

And so do I.

Proud to be your son,


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An update on Tropical Cyclone DumpAFlood

Potential Tropical Cyclone DumpAFlood is pushing its way toward the Louisiana Coast. Now I admit, there is a little bit of me that still has Katrina flashbacks, but DumpAFlood ain’t Katrina. But don’t let your guard down totally. It will be moist (a word I only use for brownies and Mississippi humidity). In fact, there is a good chance our neighbors to the South will see dangerous, flooding rain. That’s what the weather folks are saying.

Now, I know some of you are as skeptical about meteorologists as you are the Moon Landing and Elvis’ death. But all the computer models (as opposed to super models) have Louisiana in DumpAFlood’s cross hairs. You’re probably thinking, well cartoon boy, that means it ain’t hitting us. Ah, o contraire. The right side of a tropical system is the moist side (see, I used it again). That means it will be like being under a tongue in Mississippi. And the Gulf of Mexico is about to get dumped down on our heads.

Flooding is serious #$%. So stay weather aware. (I lived through a stalled tropical system dumping 25 inches on Conroe, Texas. That wasn’t a bucket of chuckles.)

Me? I’m stocking up on Little Debbie’s and toilet paper. Oh wait, this isn’t a snowstorm. Crap. I guess I’ll just get my rain boots ready and prepare for the storm.

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The New White Sneakers: A Father’s Day Story

In my closet, I have a pair of white sneakers. They’re practically new but I’ll never wear them. I gave them to my dad last Father’s Day.

It was the last time I saw him conscious.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. My family and I walked into the memory care home and Dad wasn’t in his usual place by the fireplace. (He became cold-natured as his dementia took over). Dad was a greeter and always liked to say hello to anyone who came into the building. As the disease progressed, it stripped him down to his true essence — he loved people. And he loved his family. Normally he’d see us walk in and would smile from ear to ear. But not on that day. He was back in one of the far off rooms by himself.

I knew something was wrong.

He looked frailer than usual. His arm was bandaged from a fall (dementia makes you unstable as the disease progresses). When he woke up from his snooze, he had a disturbed look on his face.

“Hey Dave, (I called him Dave in case he didn’t remember I was his son — although he knew me that day) what’s going on?”

“I have to pay your tuition, don’t I?”

I hugged him and said, “No, I came to tell you I got a scholarship — you never have to pay my tuition again!”

He smiled and became visually relieved. But he was tired. I did not know it at the time, but his kidneys were beginning to fail (which caused his death). We presented him his gift and he perked up a little.

“Happy Father’s Day, Dad!”

We took off his old, worn out tennis shoes and put the new ones on his feet. They were a little big but were comfortable. He seemed pleased. My youngest son entertained him and we visited for a while.

As we left, he followed along behind us, shuffling in his new shoes as he pushed his walker. I still remember the sight of him standing at the doorway, waving and wearing his bright white shoes.

He died two weeks later. My sisters and I were holding his hand as he drew his last gasping breath.

My dad and I had a unique relationship. He played basketball and baseball. I didn’t. He worked on cars, I didn’t. I played football and drew pictures. We argued about politics occasionally and trust me, I know where I get my stubbornness (and temper) from. But I never doubted the man loved me. And I knew for a fact he was very, very proud of me. He taught me how to love my own sons. That’s what a father is supposed to do.

He also had to endure some things I did not know about until the very end of his life. He was incredibly loving to my mom even when that could be a challenge. I better understand the man now that he has died; however, I regret that it took me so long. I moved away in 1993 and didn’t see him but a few days a year after that. Now I pray I see him again someday so I can be nicer to him. And more understanding.

Until then, I have his shoes. Not sure I can fill them. But they’ll remind me of how much he loved his family — and how I should love my family.

I gave him shoes. He gave me his love and taught me how to love mine. In the end, that’s the ultimate Father’s Day gift of all.

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The Giant Black Time Machine

It was like a giant black time machine. As the Grumman TBM Avenger rolled to a stop outside of the hanger, a warrior from the past carefully was extracted from its cockpit. That warrior, Dean Boyers, wasn’t as spry physically as he was during World War 2 — but mentally, he was as sharp as a tack. He walked away from the plane with a confidence that even Top Gun’s Maverick lacked.

He had once flown a plane like this once. And he had flown it well.

At 95, Lt. Boyers is not only sharp, he’s a masterful storyteller. He began his speech by looking into the eyes of his radioman’s daughter. His voice choked as he spoke of her late father. Eyes moistened as the hanger got suddenly dusty. He then began telling us about his service, his friendship and respect for his crew and began talking about his late friend, Lt. Guy Brown (we were there to remember his life and death) The Avenger, owned and restored by John Mosley, is painted like Vicksburg’s Brown’s plane. That plane was hit by antiaircraft fire over Japan and broke in half. He and his crew lost their lives a week before the end of the war. Three more faces in a list of thousands of fallen Americans.

Their plane was number 96. Lt. Boyer’s was 95.

Lt. Boyers spoke of their missions. How they had figured out that if they came in low, the Japanese anti-aircraft gunners had less time to shoot at them — and that the shells would explode thousands of feet above them. He spoke how they’d party, tell jokes and do everything they could to relieve the stress of the war. He said to pay for those parties, a pilot would be charged a quarter every time their plane’s giant radial engines would backfire. It could be a pretty hefty sum. He then told us how he told his crew if they’d take care of the back part of the plane, he’d get them home safely.

He did.

It’s easy to view him as a warrior and hero. But he’s also just a man. A man asked to do an impossible job. And like the millions of Americans who served back then, he did it well.

Time has smiled on Lt. Boyer. He has lived a long, fruitful life. I’m grateful I was able to shake his hand today.

As we left the hanger, I looked over at the giant black time machine one last time. Recently revived from being a museum piece, it had done its job well.

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Airplane Line Art

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The Plane

I drew a picture of an airplane yesterday. Not for a client. Not because I had to. No, I drew it because I wanted to.

Sometimes you have to reconnect with the joy of your craft. Mine is drawing.

I’ve struggled with it as of late. Seven years ago, I lost faith in it. Last year, a concussion stunted my creativity. This year, the death of my parents left my mental canvas blank.

Some days I felt like I was losing my talent. It was a slog to get my work done — and in my opinion, it showed.

So I sat down and just drew the plane I loved as a child — the F4U Corsair, a U.S. Navy and Marine fighter aircraft from World War 2. I wanted to see if I still could.

I could.

I felt joy. There was no deadline. No pressure. Just pen stroke after pen stroke. And I’m happy with the result.

My brain is fine. My heart is fine. The joy of my craft is fine, too. When you’re given a gift from God, the best thank you note in the world is to use that gift. I needed that reminder. It’s a healthy use of your energy and time.

Art is a life raft in a increasing turbulent sea. It will save you when everything else is crashing around you.

One pen stroke at a time.

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The graduation

Today I had the honor of being the commencement speaker at East Webster High School. It was a packed house in their newly rebuilt (and fortified) gymnasium. (A EF-3 tornado destroyed much of the school in 2011 — the gym is now also a storm shelter). The students marched in. I spoke first. The valedictorian and salutatorian gave their speeches (they both did great). Then all 59 students got a diploma. The principal announced they were officially graduates and hats flew into the air.

Students took pictures with each other and their parents and then would scatter into the wind like dandelion seeds.

A chapter of their lives has now closed.

My own graduation was 31 (ahem) years ago. I don’t remember much about it (I was sober, honest). But what I do remember is what I noticed today — It ended so fast. I remember walking away from the civic center, saying goodbye to people I had known most of my life and never seeing many of them again. We had worked so hard for so long and it was over before you could say, “diploma.”

It was almost anticlimactic.

I looked at the faces of the young men and women today and was very proud of them. I also felt the pride of the people in the stands who had helped them get to this day. I watched at the end as people hugged and posed for pictures. And as walked out of the gym to head home, I said “Godspeed” under my breath.

I hope they have a grand and joyous adventure.

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