Little tiny forts made of blocks of fear

People will fight you to the death to protect their own inadequacies and failures. And yes, I have a plank in my eye on this one. We all live in a dangerous place called a comfort zone and will build little forts to defend it (with great tenacity). Little forts built with blocks of fear. But forces outside of our control will destroy our forts. Or worse, the world will just pass us by.

A personal challenge for myself is to admit my own shortcomings and attack them head on, like a sailor daring to challenge the surf. My discomfort will be how I know I’m on the the right course. I pray for courage and energy to raise my sails and move forward.

I once knew someone who thought she was someone she wasn’t. She ended up alienating herself from even those who loved her the most because she was so determined to protect a false self-image. I’m not sure what caused her pain and broken self-esteem, but it ended up destroying her in the end.

She died alone defending her fort.

Instead, she should have used her great talent to sail into the open sea. The tragedy is that she truly could have been even greater than she thought she was — if she had just taken action.

She taught me a powerful lesson. I must check the plank in my eye and pull it out with all my strength.

It’s time to blow up my fort, move out of my comfort zone and set sail. I must make my journey one of serving those I love. Yes, I might get seasick. I might even wreck my ship. But it will be an adventure. That’s what what life should be all about.

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A message for us all

“People are like oranges. You can tell what’s inside of them when they are squeezed.” Unknown

My favorite tweet from yesterday was from CNN’s Bill Weir. As his boat sailed past the owner of the Caribbean Club (scene of Bogey and Bacall’s “Key Largo”), he yelled out,

“You’re going to be back open?”

The owner, walking on his boat amongst debris, replied confidently, “We’re open right now buddy, absolutely. Anybody needs anything, come to the Caribbean club. We can take care of you. Also — all this stuff? It’s just material sh*t as long as everyone is alright. We can fix all of this stuff.”

At that point, Capt. Bam Bam (who was driving Weir’s boat) chimed in, “We’re going to rebuild and this sh*t ain’t going to keep us down for a minute.”

There wasn’t any victim-mentality going on there. They just got throat-punched by Irma’s wrath and were standing tall. No bitching. No whining. Just a determination to get to work and get life back online.

I learned more about how to handle a crisis in that 22-second clip than I have my whole life.

Nothing but respect.

Now I’m ready to vacation in the Keys and stop into the Caribbean Club. They can take care of you. And apparently, themselves.

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The Lesson of 9/11

College freshmen don’t remember 9/11.

I know, mind-blowing, isn’t it?

Sixteen years is a long time ago — but those of us who do remember it have burning scars today. I look at my “United We Stand” cartoon and see it yellowing and crumbling around the edges. It’s easy to say, “But Marshall, we’re not like that anymore.”

Maybe. Lord knows you can read social media and believe that. There are some yahoos who are screaming we’re headed toward a second civil war.

But I will say this: The lessons learned after 9/11 apply today.

The same courage first responders demonstrated on 9/11 was seen after Katrina. We’ve recently watched it in Houston after Hurricane Harvey. Florida is experiencing that now, too.

Strangers are helping strangers.

Sure, it sucks that it takes a disaster for us to realize we’re all in the same boat together. Yet we do come around. Yeah, there are a few a-holes who loot and scam the system. And yes, it is sexy to focus on them. But overall, we do the right thing. That gives me a glimmer of hope.

9/11 was horrible. But we came together as a country for a brief moment. That appeals to the cynic in me. And it gives me strength to cry BS when someone tries to divide us based on fear.

Never forget. But if you do, remember — when things get bad, we get good.

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The lesson of September 10, 2001

Sixteen years ago today, men and women prepared for the next day. Lunches were packed, work was completed, clothes were laid out, bags were packed and calendars were checked. Teeth were brushed, kisses given and stories read. It was a normal night before yet another normal day.

As we know, September 11, 2001 wasn’t a normal day.

While tomorrow is a day of remembrance, tonight should be one of reflection. Tomorrow isn’t a given. We get so caught up in our routines that we forget that sometimes.

Tonight we will pack lunches, complete work, lay out clothes, pack bags and check calendars. We’ll brush our teeth, give kisses and read goodnight stories. Tomorrow will be another normal day — if we are lucky.

Live in the moment. Celebrate the now. Take nothing for granted.

That is the lesson of September 10, 2001.

May we never forget.

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Sixteen years ago


Last year, my family went to New York City. As we were heading out to the Statue of Liberty, I noticed the view looked very familiar. I lifted my phone and quickly snapped a photo. I then Googled my cartoon from 9/11 and realized why it looked so familiar. I remember seeing that view on the TV as the smoke billowed up over Manhattan. As we climbed the statue, I met one of the park rangers who was there on 9/11. He told me of the shock, horror and fear they felt as they watched Hell unfold right before their eyes. They also feared that they were going to be the next target. He also remembered my cartoon and thanked me for drawing it.

Later that afternoon, I took my older two sons to the 9/11 Memorial and I wept. Years of pent up emotions poured out of me. I had never really been able to process what I had seen. My sons, one who was a baby when it happen and the other who wasn’t born, didn’t quite understand.

I pray they never have to.

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There but for the grace of God go we

Watching the coverage of the horrific flooding in Houston is tough. But it also should be a reminder it has happened here in Jackson. The 1979 Easter Flood swamped Northeast Jackson, out Lakeland Drive and Downtown. Twenty-five inches of rain fell upstream near Louisville, Mississippi. A wall of water barreled down the Pearl toward the sea.

It crested in Jackson at 43.28 feet (flood stage is 28) resulting in $1.5 billion (in today’s dollars) of damage.

It will happen again. And with all the development our Lakeland Drive, it will be more catastrophic.

We watch the tragedy in Houston and know that it could just as easily be us.

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A dozen years ago today…

Twelve years ago at this moment, the Mississippi Gulf Coast was being erased by Katrina’s wrath. It was an era before social media, so here in Jackson, we weren’t totally aware of the devastation crashing ashore. Winds started picking up here and by noon, the storm was hitting the middle of the state. Power and trees went down. As I drove home at 1 p.m., two trees nearly crushed my car and an interstate sign flew off its posts toward me. A trip that normally takes me 30 minutes took an hour longer than that. We soon saw the apocalypse on the Coast. Casinos were on land and on homes. Death stung the senses. Landmarks were either rubble or swept out to sea. Anyone or any agency with a plan saw it washed away, too. Nightfall saw darkness, silence (except for hissing gas lines and an occasional cry for help) and misery. The cavalry wasn’t coming. Neighbor helped neighbor. The titanic task of recovery began.

The Biloxi lighthouse survived the storm and became a beacon of hope. I’ve never seen the scope of destruction I saw on the Coast. I pray I never do again.

This morning, we are watching an equally biblical disaster drown our friends in Texas and parts of Louisiana. Like every hurricane, Harvey came in with its own mix of lethality. With Katrina, it was storm surge and some wind. With Harvey, it will be primarily known for over four FEET of rain. Houston is swamped. Only 15% of the people there have flood insurance. America’s fourth largest city has been driven to its knees — and onto its rooftops.

Katrina survivors have a knot in their stomachs. They know the hell the Harvey survivors are about to go through. Red tape, cleanup and mental distress will wear the victims down.

I read someone trying to say one storm was worse than the other. That’s ridiculous. Every disaster is horrific if you are affected. Even if you have an EF-0 tornado rip your home’s roof off, your life has been altered. But there ARE common echoes between the storms. Good people helping friends and neighbors in need. Good people coming from hundreds of miles away to help just because it is the right thing to do. Good people making a horrible situation a little bit better.

Twelve years ago today, we experienced that in Mississippi. We were slapped up the side of our heads by Hell’s fury. But we made it through together.


Just like we are watching on our TVs this morning in Houston.


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12 weeks. Twenty pounds to lose. A new bootcamp begins!

Today started another 12-week Paul Lacoste bootcamp session. For one hour beginning at 5 a.m., I burned 839 active calories and 1005 calories total. (Yes, I thought I was going to vomit a couple of times). My weight? Well, I’m starting the session at a portly 223 lbs. My goal weight is 205. It will be tough but I can do it. And I will — for four days a week for 12 weeks. (I will run the other three days).

I have 47 more workouts to reach my goal!

I’m in pretty good shape now — My blood pressure was 110/60. My resting heart rate is 50. Most of my weight is in muscle (except for a little bit of a gut.) I’m also cleaning up my diet. One of my weaknesses is that being part of the 4 a.m. Wake-Up Club means I’m also in the 9 a.m. Fall-Asleep-At-My-Desk Club, too. I will occasionally eat something sweet for cheap energy. That will have to cease this to reach my goal. (I picked the wrong decade to give up caffeine).

Soon we will be joined by doctors from Baptist, St. Dominic’s and UMMC. They will have a friendly completion to see which team can get into the best shape. My doctors can absolutely smoke me when it comes to running — I will run 14 miles with my cardiologist and he’ll look at me and say, “You passed your stress test!” I like getting health information from a healthy doctor!

I’ll tell my story here and the stories of some of the docs that I come across. I enjoy the bootcamp not only for the challenge but also the camaraderie. Friends inspire and push friends.

About the time the bootcamp ends, I’ll be bumping up on my 50th birthday (115 days from now). What I do for my health now will make a difference when I am 75 or 80. It’s not how long you live but how well you live. My goal is truly live until croak.

I didn’t croak this morning, though. And that is a good thing.

So it’s time to get this started…


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Texas-Sized Rain: My memory of 1994’s Texas flood

Sunday, October 16, 1994.

It was the weekend of the Conroe Cajun Catfish Festival. My wife and I walked around downtown Conroe, Texas wondering if it was going to rain the festival out. The remnants of Pacific Hurricane Rosa had crossed Mexico and was heading toward Houston, Texas. Copious amounts of rain was predicted.

We had no idea about what was about to hit us.

Our new home sat on a small bluff near the San Jacinto River. The land had not flooded during the 1973 flood of record — so we knew we’d be safe. And as a bonus, we did not have to buy flood insurance. Sure, part of the neighborhood had flooded back then and there was a flood plain behind us. But what were the odds? As the rain began to fall, we went to bed not worried at all.

I remember the sound of how hard the rain came down. I’ve slept through a tornado and a police raid (don’t ask) but the beating on the roof woke me up. Dawn had revealed a disaster in the making. My neighbors and I went to go check the road out of our neighborhood. Water covered it — We were flooded in. And the small creek that ran behind our house gave us even more ominous news.

It was flowing backwards.

The San Jacinto was rising.

Upstream was Lake Conroe, a lake very similar to the Reservoir. Later that morning, as the rain continued to pound us, there was fear that the dam would fail. Flood gates were thrown open. The river went from three to 33 feet in less than six hours. Evacuations had begun.

We left about five that afternoon. We put our belongings on shelves and on bricks and left our cars and home behind. Amy had our dog in her arms. I had our cat in a carrier. In the hour that it took us to get to the school bus, it rained five inches.

Our wet cat meowed miserably. I felt his pain.

The storm wasn’t moving and ended up dropping over 25 inches of rain on the area in less than two days. The river claimed homes all around us. We got out because we could take our pets. They told us that if we had to rescue us by boat, they wouldn’t have allowed us to bring them. That evening, we ended up in a church. Then my boss Chris Eddings and his family took us in until the water went down a few days later.

I remember the smell. My neighbors having to gut their homes. The fire ant balls floating in the flood waters. The dead animals floating by. I remember the snakes in my yard. I mourned as a body of an elderly man was found behind my house. I hated the sound of rain for years.

The water came a couple of feet from our home. We were blessed. But today, we live on a hill above the dam. We learned our lesson and also the lesson taught by the Jackson Easter Flood of 1979. If we flood, an ark will be sailing through our neighborhood.

As I sit here this morning watching Hurricane Harvey head toward Texas, I pray for my friends there. It is supposed to stall and once again douse Southeast Texas with copious amounts of rain. Memories are flooding back to me and I’m getting a knot in my stomach.

God bless Texas. They are going to need all the help they can get.

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A close encounter of the fur kind

It was five-dark-thirty this morning as I ran across the small bridge over the cove. The faint smell of skunk burned my nose. My senses were on alert — I was in no mood to meet Pepe LePew. Then something moved out of the corner of my eye. It was black! It was small! It had to be a….

I reversed direction quickly and bolted to safety.

But I had to make sure. So I quietly walked back toward the bridge. I saw the movement again but kept my distance. It was the small, black creature again. My heart rate raced — I had just missed being sprayed by a skunk!

Then I heard a meow.

It was a subtle reminder that our brains are liars and create stories on very few facts. I laughed, told Pepe’s girlfriend to tell him hello and I ran home (while looking for skunks.)

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