Living like Rickles

Don Rickles lived a long and fruitful life.

Let me repeat that last sentence with emphasis: Don Rickles LIVED a long and fruitful life.

The caustic comedian had another side to him when the cameras were off. He was a loyal husband, father and friend. And he was relevant until the day he died. His appearances on talk shows were funny. His stories about Frank Sinatra were hilarious. But he didn’t live in the past. He was truly planted in the present.

I have a big birthday this year. I’ve watched my own parents age and struggle at the end of their lives. Looking for role models to emulate for the rest of my life is important (Whether it be one day or 40 more years). So here you go. (Let’s call it the Don Rickles plan.)

1. Find humor in life.
2. Be a good father, husband and friend.
3. Live life in the moment (but tell funny stories about the past).
4. Be relevant until the very end.

Works for me, you hockey puck.

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Good intentions and possums

Not the possum in the story. And yes, I know it is opossum, but I didn’t feel like buying a vowel.

Last night, the last 100 yards before my subdivision entrance was like driving through a petting zoo. First there were four does standing on the side of the road munching on grass. I used the Jedi Mind Trick on them (You don’t want to die today. I don’t want to die to day) to keep them from running out in front of me. It worked.

Then there was Mr. Possum. When I first saw him I thought, “He’s mighty big for a dead possum.” Then I realized he was alive and the middle of the road, munching on something dead. “Oh the irony,” I thought. Add to it the freakiness of actually seeing a live possum. I can count on one hand the number of alive possums I’ve seen in the middle of the road in my life.

I slowed down. (I was feeling charitable — I’ve nearly been squished a couple of times this year, so I wanted to pay my blessing forward.) Mr. Possum reacted to my car and started to run right under my wheel. I now know why so many of his kind don’t make it to the other side of the road.

I stopped. He stopped. And then he turned around and ran back into the woods to safety.

I felt a little relieved when I finally got home. I didn’t really feel like taking a life — even if it was a not-very bright possum.

This morning, I went on a run up the same road. It was dark and I once again saw something in the middle of the road. And yes, it was Mr. Possum once again. But this time, Mr. Possum was dead as a sack of rocks. It seems that I had just delayed the inevitable. I saluted my friend and moved on, careful not to meet a car and suffer his fate. And then I came to this conclusion:

The road to my house is paved with good intentions and dead possums.

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A Weighty Problem

Just read how Jackson is the most obese city in America. We’re #1 with gravy. Before I make any more jokes, though, I realize this is VERY serious business. Diabetes, heart disease, increasing risk of cancer are just a few of the side effects of being overweight. It’s a tough battle. Trust me, I know. I am a little over 6’1″ and weigh 215 pounds. I could very easily weigh 250. And I have weighed that before (I was miserable). My appetitive would gladly take me back there again (but I remember how miserable I was). It’s a tough battle. I self-medicate with food. I love food. I could eat until I exploded. And I live in a state with great food!

I exercise in some form six to seven days a week. I do it for mental and physical reasons. Exercise is just one component to staying healthy. But it’s an important one. I am 49 and am in good health. It’s a direct result of me getting up and crushing it in the morning. The 4 a.m. Wake-Up Club isn’t just because I have insomnia. I make fitness a daily commitment.

I’m sure I could take a pill and lose the weight. But I prefer the hard way. Good health is a holistic thing and the hard way gets you there more effectively. Exercise has great side effects, too. Did I mention I exercise for mental reasons, too?

I write this because today Congress is voting on a replacement for ObamaCare. The bottom line is this: No matter what happens, insurance is not going to get cheaper or better. I’ve watched my family’s plan’s cost soar and the coverage drop over the past 15 years. Co-pays and deductibles are shooting through the roof! Gone are the days of abusing your health and being able to walk into the doctor’s office for little money. We’re going to have to go Ben Franklin on this (a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.)

And in Mississippi, that’s a challenge. We have food deserts and exercise can be tough when you’re working two jobs and your neighborhood isn’t conducive for it. Sometimes Fast Food is the cheap and quick option for a family after a long day at work. Inexpensive processed food is chocked full of sugar. It seems overwhelming!

But the good news is that you don’t have to run a marathon to get healthy. You can start off by walking. Take baby steps when it comes to eating. Cut portions. Make better choices. It’s just up to you. We’re going to have to work harder at taking care of our own health.

My friend is a cardiologist. We were running one weekend and both agreed we lived in the perfect place for both of our careers.

I’d prefer for both of us to be bored.

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Trying to Reason with Pollen Season

When I was a kid, I had food allergies out the…um, ear. I couldn’t eat chocolate, drink orange juice, drink whole milk — being a kid sucked. Then one day, I grew out of them. Hallelujah, pass the Hersheys.

Then at the age of 18, I started to suffer from seasonal allergies. Back then, the best medicines you had to take were basically related to anesthesia drugs. The trees would copulate and I’d walk around in a yellow-crusted fog for three months. And then fall asleep standing up.

For a brief two-year-stint, I moved to San Diego, California. Whatever it is that makes my nose turn into Mt. St. Helens, apparently doesn’t grow out there. I was sneeze-free and it was grand.

Then I moved back here. The yellow-encrusted fog returned.

Highly paid researchers soon came out with what are known as second-generation antihistamines. I could take a Claritin and I’d feel human again — and still have enough energy to function. Unfortunately though, my snot-shields started to weaken. This year Claritin failed me totally. I’m now trying three different options. Hopefully one of them will make pollen season nothing to sneeze at.

P.S. As an added bonus, my food allergies are starting to reappear. But there’s no way I’ll give up chocolate. Oh Hell no. Well, maybe I will mostly. I’m cutting back on sugar, too. Being an adult is hard. I’ve given up about everything but air for Lent. I’d like to give up sneezing. I’ll report back in a few days if I do.

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The Land of Peace

Bloody pond.

It’s like someone redecorated Hell. Budding trees, blooming flowers and singing birds masked the death that occurred there so long ago. Killing grounds are now beautiful meadows and forests. Grass and trees sway silently in the wind, like sentinels guarding a dark family secret. A small Methodist church named for the Hebrew phrase “Land of Peace” gave name to the place. That peace was shattered on a warm spring day so long ago. Peach blossoms and bodies fell to the ground for two days, changing this country’s history forever.

Last Saturday was a beautiful day at Shiloh National Military Park. Just like it was 155 years ago.

On April 6-7, 1862, 23,746 Americans , from the North and the South, lay bleeding on those 6,000 acres — more casualties than in any U.S. War up until that point had seen combined. Many of those men died. Most were scarred forever. It was the moment when both sides realized the Civil War was going to be a horrific, bloody affair. You never truly understand history until what you’ve read is underneath your feet. Walking on a battlefield is a sacred moment.

I’ve read about this battle for years. Shelby Foote and Winston Groom both wrote eloquently about the carnage. I thought I understood it. I didn’t. Seeing the battlefield is different. More powerful. One friend said in a comment that we need VR glasses to understand truly the Hell that went on that day. Being there is a close second. Seeing gravestones stretch to the Tennessee River and mass graves drive home a powerful message.

As if death wanted seconds, Shiloh saw violence once again on October 14, 1909 when a powerful tornado wiped the landscape (and much of the park infrastructure). That horrific storm took another seven lives (and wounded 33 more) that October day. Yet few scars from it or the war remain today.

Time has healed the landscape’s wounds. Time still has some more work to do on our country’s scars. It’s easy to forget history’s powerful lessons. I knelt down and felt the cool, clear waters of Bloody Pond as a reminder.

Shiloh Military Park is an emotional trip. I’m glad I had a chance to see it first hand.

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Microwave spies

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It’s the Little Things

Andy Andrews is one of the funniest people I’ve met (well, I’ve met him via an interview and some e-mail conversations). He’s also one the most observant people I’ve come across as well. Andy is an author, speaker and stand-up comedian. He’s also a dad, husband and friend to many. But Andy has been touched by tragedy (losing his parents waaay too early in life) and was homeless, too. In fact, for a while, he lived under a pier in the Gulf Shores/Orange Beach area. Like Anakin Skywalker, he has every reason to hate sand.

Thankfully, though, Andy didn’t become Darth Vader.

Andy instead became a noticer (a term that he uses in a couple of his books.) He has a knack at seeing the the little things that most of us miss.

Of course, his new book just happens to be called The Little Things: Why You Really SHOULD Sweat the Small Stuff (Thomas Nelson Press). It’s a good, solid book and quick read. And it’s one that will leave you with moments when you go, “Oh yeah.”

One of the stories in the book is about a trip he and his wife made to visit friends for a dinner engagement. At the end of his street (he now lives six miles from the pier he used to live under), he had a choice of turning West or East (straight would have been a seafood dinner in the Gulf). He and his wife Polly longed to turn West because the sun was starting to put on a spectacular show. But they had to turn east. Polly began taking pictures as they drove — each one more spectacular as the other. At one point, she said, “I bet you saw lots of beautiful sunsets when you lived under the pier.” Andy got quiet. A very painful nerve had been hit. After a few minutes and a few more questions from her, he told her, “I don’t remember the sun ever being this beautiful.” They eventually pulled over and looked at the spectacular photos. One was intriguing — it was of their car mirror. But in the mirror, there was a perfect shot of the setting sun. Polly hadn’t seen that when she took the picture. And at that moment, Andy realized the sunsets had been beautiful when he was homeless. But back then, night meant fear. He completely missed the beauty of the moment.

I didn’t do Andy’s story justice (he’s a much better storyteller). But I got his message loud and clear. We go through life blind to our blessings. I have told the story of my year as a custodian so many times here — but I’ll be honest, I never saw the beauty of that experience until AFTER I had left.

It’s the little things folks. You have to learn to see them, find them and cherish them. Otherwise we’re like water bugs and are skimming along the surface of our lives. And I think of how many beautiful things I’ve missed because I was afraid, too.

Thanks Andy. Once again, you taught me to see life in a better way.

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Doing things out of love

My son recently spent a little time down at the Mississippi Capitol. He and his older brother are politically aware (wonder how that happened) and I enjoy their views on the world. One morning, while we were driving to the Capitol, he was telling me a devotional he attended one morning before the Session gaveled in. The speaker, giving a message every politician should hear, said that we should do things out of love, not fear and greed. My son and I talked about that for a few moments and I told him about some examples of people I know who do both. Then we went through the Chick-fil-a drive-thru to get his breakfast. There is one particular lady who always is kind and friendly when you pull up to get your food. That day wasn’t an exception and as we pulled away, I smiled and told her to stay out of trouble. She laughed and we did, too. It was a bright spot of the day.

My son then said, “She always does things out of love.” I smiled and nodded. And was glad he had the wisdom to recognize it.

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At what point will you quit?

At what point will you quit?

It’s something we really don’t know until we are pushed to the wall. Some people let go nearly immediately. Yet others possess an iron will. They fight on even in the face of insane odds. I’ve had friends who have stared a terminal cancer diagnosis in the face and laughed. They fought until the end and lived every second — and in most of the cases lived way longer than the doctors said they would. They had grit. I’ve had friends who have lost their jobs and just shrugged their shoulders. They now have even better jobs. They also had grit.

I get up at 4 a.m. for a 5 a.m. bootcamp for a reason. Trust me, there are other workout options out there — most aren’t as brutal on my body and soul. Paul Lacoste’s workouts are tough. Very tough. In fact, I didn’t like the program the first time I did it. Some mornings I even dreaded it. Why?

My mind wasn’t right.

Forgive me for sounding like Cool Hand Luke and my high school football coach John Paty, but it’s true. I was tired. I was sore. I was hurt. My attitude sucked.

What I didn’t realize was that PLS was more than a physical workout. It’s also a mental one. There are many times I want to quit. But I don’t. Today, on the last station, we were doing six inches with our legs while pushing weights to the sky. More core was sore. I was tired. I hurt. I wanted to quit.

But I didn’t.

I want you to understand something — I am not the greatest athlete in the world. I’m not even the best athlete in my line. But what I do from 5 a.m. until 6 a.m. carries me through the day. I’ve had some stuff happen this past year that would have crippled the old me. Now I know I have resilience and will. Every morning I train my mind. I practice not quitting.

Paul Lacoste talks about the “Next Level.” That’s the next level for me. Pushing through the pain and exhaustion that life can throw at you. It’s living on purpose.

I now know at what point I will quit. And it’s a long way off.

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Getting Your Mind Right

Mental mistakes. I made a ton of mental mistakes this morning. I guess my mind is on other things. But I screwed up a couple of times royally during my workout.


I don’t see or hear well while I train. We have loud music playing and I’m sans glasses when I workout. It’s why I don’t usually volunteer to be first. I kind of have to watch the person closest to me. But the #1 source of mistakes is when my mind floats off to something else. It could be something I have to do that day, a crisis I’m managing or even the next exercise. That’s when stuff starts going wrong — when I lose focus.

Doing a boot camp outside during the winter at 5 a.m is just as much about mental training as it is about physical training. Why? For a couple of reasons.

1. You have to learn to get your mind out of the way for your body to achieve. It’s a real skill set to be able to compartmentalize pain. I’m getting better at it. It’s how I got through my marathon with leg cramps. It’s how I kept drawing when my dad died.

2. You learn quickly to live in the moment. The past is past. The future is, well, in the future. All we have is that second. And when you train, you learn to focus on what you are doing. How many times do we daydream during the day. Focus.

I didn’t have a lot of focus this morning. But I was able to keep correcting myself and keep pushing forward. Now to do that for the rest of my day.

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