Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great day!

I intend to!

Tennessee River at sunrise.

Tennessee River at sunrise.

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25 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. blues4you says:

    It’s 10 after 7:00. Y’all better get up or you’ll be late for work!

  2. parrotmom says:

    Morning Blues, I’m up and at work. I think the only good thing today is it is pay day and pizza is in the menu for lunch. I made it 5 days no raccoons un the attic. I just knew the rain would gave brought one back, but no this cold did this morning :(

  3. parrotmom says:

    Hope you all have a great day. MrsH I hope the are able to help you find the list files from 2006 and others.

  4. dhcoop says:


    I’m here!

  5. msblonide says:

    morning…. i need coffee.. lots to do this morning.

  6. Airwolf says:

    Morning glories as my Grandfather used to say!

    We lost our friend yesterday morning! She was 54! Seems to be heart aches all around. This beautiful sunshine makes it much better even tho it is cold.

    I noticed my roses beginning to show life. Spring is around the corner if only winter would release it feeble grip.

    MrsH I hope you can restore your files.

    • Molly says:

      Sorry about your friend, AW. 54 is awfully young!
      My grandfather also said “Morning glories.” Haven’t heard that in a long time.
      I saw some buttercups springing up in a neighbor’s yard. Bet they won’t like this weekend’s temps.

      • Airwolf says:

        We have buttercups bloomed out both here and at the farm. they started blooming about 3 weeks ago. Our hawthors are in full bloom also.I hope this cold snap doesn’t kill the blooms.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      I posted a picture on FB of an iris I have that was blooming on February 18th. I have another one in full bloom now and another bud that will be open soon.

  7. Molly says:

    AH-CHOO! Uh, I mean – Mornin. Can’t seem to stop sneezing today. Pollen count must be up.
    I cooked breakfast, lunch and supper before 7:30 this morning. Hubby’s overtime is going to be the death of me! I never would have made it as a single mom. I have utmost respect for them and all they do!
    Supper was easy today, though. Just having tacos tonight. But meat is cooked and seasoned, just needs to be reheated. Tomato is chopped. Lettuce is torn. Cheese is grated (well, it came that way so I guess I can’t take credit for that). Yesterday, I cooked chicken in the crockpot — also easy. Don’t know what I’ll do for tomorrow night.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Prayers for your friends family AW. Mighty young.

  9. Clumsy says:

    Jxn bound to see Dr Hotty with a Body. ;)

  10. parrotmom says:

    Marshall, I love the cartoon today to welcome the First Lady and Rachel Ray. “All u can eat FRIED Buffet!”

  11. Clutzy says:

    Well, Dr K had to leave so I had to reschedule. I love Dr. Fred’s office being in the same building. I’m in a room awaiting trigger point injections. So grateful they let me slip in for these when I’m in the big city.

  12. Clutzy says:

    Just caught up with Mon-Tues FFA. LOL @ “Outer Banks.” I’ve always wanted to visit the Outer Banks, Tybee Island, Savannah, etc. I know books make normal places seem so grand, but really..I would love to live somewhere with culture!

    Yesterday, I rode with a fellow band mom to see our kids perform their concert for state contest. It was breathtaking! Sadly, I synced my iPhone last night and managed to lose the videos I made of each performance. Broke my heart :(

    AW, my dad (stepdad, but Daddy to me!) died at 52 from lung cancer. I’m sitting here waiting for my injections and reading their Chantix literature. I’ve seen too many take it and develop road rage, well-rage in general along with suicidal thoughts. I spoke about 2 packs a week. I have quit cold turkey before, and even now I can go a full day without smoking. It’s my security blanket, I guess. I really need to kick the habit, then get Mr. Fab to do the same. He smokes at least 2 packs/day. His job gets more and more stressful every day.

    I’ll be driving my buddy Tom to Baptist for radiation on Friday. I apologize for my little car, but he gets the biggest kick out of riding in it. :)

    Thing 2 was laid off from Lazy Boy a few weeks ago, but sent me a text earlier that he got a job. YAY!! Love that boy. And Thing 1 too. He is still jobless (since before Christmas); he realized he would never pass a class working 50+ hours a week. School is going much better this semester.

    Mamaw (that I asked for prayers Fri. Night) is still in the hospital. She has pneumonia, and is still very sick. She’s the glue that holds that family together. I plan to see her tonight. I’m so blessed that I’m still part of the family. Please remember her in prayer. Thank you so much.

    OB, I may need to come spend a few hours with PQ to learn how to use this serger. After the 5th time of threading it (and it takes me 30 minutes, easily), I finally threw in the towel. Things that used to come naturally are now a struggle, and hands on is about the only way I can learn anymore.

    Y’all with the new 4S’s-I LOVE SIRI. M has way too much fun playing with it!

    Y’all enjoy this GLORIOUS DAY! I’ve been on a K-Love kick, and it never fails to amaze me how uplifted I feel when I pay attention to the songs. Today’s message is:
    Galatians 6:9-10
    New International Version (NIV)
    9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

    Love all of you so much.

  13. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon. Just put on a pot of coffee if anyone wants some. Baby it’s COOOLLLDDD out there when the wind blows. I’ve been pulling tear sheets for our contest. Gotta get back at it. Just wanted to say HI!!!

  14. Legal Eagle says:

    It was cold but when I got in the car to go to my game, I had to turn the air conditioner on.

    BE is cleaning the big freezer and defrosting it, so I’m trying to stay out of his way.

  15. Legal Eagle says:

    I have Swiss steak coooking and I’m munching the chicken livers I already cooked. BE has gone to bed already, so I guess I’m going to have to stay up all night to get the Swiss steak cool enough to put in the refrigerator.

  16. dhcoop says:


    AW, I’m sorry about the loss of your friend. Hugs, dear.

    I saw some amazing traffic backups on the way home today, but, fortunately, didn’t get in it since I’m a frontage road girl. I was happily traveling south on the frontage road looking at all the crap backed up on the interstate.

    Hope you are all enjoying your evening.

  17. cardinallady says:

    Flitting through. Cardinal son came home this afternoon and will be here tonight. I had a surprise for him when he got here.

    Cardinalson+new iphone4=happy happy happy

    and mama got in a hug. Of course now he has to fire my phone up.

  18. Clucky says:

    I posted 2 times above, but since I changed my name to be silly,”my comment is awaiting moderation.”

  19. Clucky says:

    Oh great. Both were just deleted.

  20. Clucky says:

    I have your approval!!! SQUEEEE!!!

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