Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! Looks another beautiful Mississippi day!  Looking forward to April 20th.

laid off

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16 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. Molly says:

    Mornin. First twice in one week. Wow!

  2. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks!

  3. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

  4. Clucky says:

    Mornin’. I think I’ll start setting bear traps around my bed to catch whoever is beating me during the night.

  5. cardinallady says:

    Mornin’! Flitting through. God is good – all the time.
    Clucky bless your heart. You’d think your dogs would keep the monsters scared off huh? Hope you can find something to relieve that morning pain.

    I’ve gotta get rid of the ache in my arm muscles. Because my dear son has already informed me that he “has my hammer.” We are both getting excited about going south.

    44 days ’til April 20. :) :) :) :) I will most likely come down on Friday and spend the night as ususal. And since Easter will be behind me I may just take an extra day and head to the deep southland afterward. I feel the ocean calling me.

  6. parrotmom says:

    Morning to you all. Have a lovely day.

  7. Clucky says:

    A gulf breeze would be nice, CL…

  8. Legal Eagle says:

    Coop, would you like to do a Facebook page for the MRBA pick-a-nick this year, or would you like for me to do it?

    I had to run up to the senior center to get luncheon tickets for this month and they have started a book club. The selection for next month is Angela’s Ashes. I have to go back in about an hour and a half cause I have 20 people coming to play bridge at 1:00 p.m.

  9. parrotmom says:

    Hey folks it’s 6:30 pm and what is going on?

  10. OldBopper says:

    Y’all know that I’m pretty easy to please as regards frozen dinners. I really am. But I did something this evening that I vowed not to do again a couple of years ago. I bought a Marie Callender Chicken/corn chowder pot pie. Now I’ve tried that brand of pot pies before and rated them as a waste of money. I am here to tell you they are still a waste of money. That’s my humble opinion. I did manage to eat it, but I don’t think I’ll do it again.

    Went for a ride this afternoon and enjoyed it. Plan to ride again tomorrow. Washed Boule this afternoon too. Gonna wax and shine the boy tomorrow and put him on the market. I need to get rid of him before the pollen gets too strong. I do have a cover, but I wanted to use it for Bleuz. Just in case, I did buy a tarp that I could use for Bleuz until Boule is sold.

    PQ has tried to call me twice from Panama. I’ve missed both calls but she does leave a nice voice mail. Maybe next time.

    Took some home made sugar cookies to the Capitol today. They complimented me by scarfing up all 18 dozen like hungry beasts. I’m glad they liked them.

  11. LegalEagle says:

    On, your comment about PQ’s messages tickled my funny bone. A lawyer once said, when asked about a certain young lady, that she gave good phone.

  12. LegalEagle says:

    Friday,March 8, 2013….first!

  13. LegalEagle says:

    Oh, by the way, I invited our mayor to our 5th annual pick-a-nick, goat roping, frog jumping extravaganza. Does anyone know of anyone who would like to get married in April?

  14. msblondie says:

    happy friday morning!

  15. parrotmom says:

    9:20 am on Friday. Have a great day. LeagalE think I’ll pass on the marriage thing in April.

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