Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! It’s back to work day! Hope you’re having a great day.


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17 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. Molly says:

    First?? Happy Monday!

  2. Airwolf says:

    Welcome home MR. I hope you had a great week with your family!

    The yellow plague has struck! Pollen is everywhere!

  3. parrotmom says:

    Morning everyone!

    I had an interesting find last night. A box with my day’s pins and medals in it from his time in service 1952-54. I had probably seen them in the past 12 plus years just did not give much thought to them. In the box below the cardboard wrapped in tissue was a medal dated 1945. My dad would have been 16, but it turned out it was given for years to service men that were stationed in Germany for more than 30 days. It was a medal for occupation of Germany. This I had never seen. I also found that one pin was for expert for the Carbine.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! Been busy already which is good. 2 early days this week and early all next week.. we are short handed for the next couple of weeks as a coworker is out. but this ok.

    The pollen has struck and stuck.. the parking lot this morning looked like yellow snow dusting you could see the tire tracks from cars pulling it.. you know it is heavy. I held my breath coming from car into building (just a few steps for me) so not to breath as much.

    Everyone have a great day!

  5. Molly says:

    Interesting finds, indeed, PM. Mom found a lot of neat stuff in her uncle’s belongings after he died. He was a POW in the Phillipines during WWII.

    Rained a little at my house overnight. Not much — just enough to disturb the smooth coating of pollen on the car. Supposed to get a decent rain tonight, so there should be yellow puddles at the end of the driveway in the morning, and maybe the car will look a little more blue and a little less yellow. Kiddo was smart — she got a gold car. Pollen doesn’t show up much at all on it.

  6. Airwolf says:

    Bear is 11 years old today! He’s been my shadow since birth! He’s been wearing my dog tags for over a year. I purchased him a set of tags with his info on them. OB they even have a P38 with them!

  7. cardinallady says:

    Flitting through. Raining Wind blowing. Stormy. Got more on the way. I’m going to work in some lunch between this.

  8. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon. Wow, Bear with a P38. Hope he doesn’t have to use it often.

    Got back from B’Ham early yesterday afternoon. Good ride but my rear end was sore. The Ultimate seat just ain’t as good as a Mustang seat. I did adjust the backrest some and maybe that will help. I’ll find out on the next 200 mile trip.

    PQ is in McComb. Her Dad is having hernia surgery tomorrow. My Sister is in Arkansas as Mom is having a pacemaker put in tomorrow. I’m here babysitting cats and the Legislature. I’m having dental fillings tomorrow and a root canal the day after.

    Molly, I like it that you were “first”. There was a time on this site that several tried to be “first”. But we couldn’t be until the Boss posted. Of course there was a time when we would have 100 posts in a day, but Clucky “retired” and that put an end to it. She doesn’t have time these days. ;~))

    With the pine pollen I’m having to cover the bikes for sure. I’ve learned to use my leaf blower to blow off the pollen before removing the cover. I used to try to hose it off but then I had a wet mess with pollen mixed in.

    I wish MDOT would quit giving me weather alerts. They have warned me five times that we are under a severe thunderstorm warning. Now what the heck am I supposed to do about it? They need to stick to reporting accidents and work areas.

    Later folks.

  9. Airwolf says:

    We have a lot of storm damage here in town. Trees on houses and across roads. Rambette is processing claims as fast as she can work! No injuries that I’m aware of. I have to go check the farm, FIL house and Mom’s! Fingers crossed!

  10. dhcoop says:


    What a day!! The hail pretty much took out every window at the office I was at today. Original glass from the 1800s. Makes me sad. Horrific sounds while it was breaking. I am glad no one was hurt.

    Happy Birthday to Bear!

  11. Clucky says:

    Coop, I take it you were at the office I visited? That does just break your heart.

    Thanks for the ribbing OB. I miss the good old days when a “normal” day didn’t take me 3 days to recover. I gotta get busy around here; Thing 2 is in a band now, and their first gig is this coming Sat. Nite in NOLA!! He also bought a new SWEET Peavey bass guitar last week. I’m really hoping we can make the trip!

    What’s on the menu for the picnic?

  12. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning. 6:17 a.m.
    I had to admit defeat. I can’t do someone’s taxes because I just can’t get the free software to figure out his timber sales and I’m afraid I’ll do it wrong. I think this year he’s going to have to take it to someone who can put it where it needs to go. This depresses me.

  13. Mrs. H says:

    I could have sworn that I posted something here about the new desk that Mr. H built for me. Alas, I suppose not. There is, however, a picture posted on my FB page now.

  14. Clucky says:

    Woohoo!! Will have to check that out :)

  15. Clucky says:

    And yes, it’s around 645am and I’m awake. Y’all don’t have a heart attack!

    OB, glad you got a giggle out of my fb post last night. No sense in trying to deny it at this point!!!

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