Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! The good news is that that weather will be better today than yesterday. I noticed the company cars in The Clarion-Ledger parking lot were pretty dinged up form yesterday’s hailstorm.

Here’s a beautiful scene of Jackson City Hall this morning. It’s one of the advantages to coming to work at 6 a.m. The city is beautiful in the dark.

photo copy 4

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14 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. Clucky says:


    Ha-just kidding. MrsH beat me to it as we started on the tail end of the Monday FFA.

    Y’all did have some crazy weather yesterday. The pictures of the cloud formation with the bright green looked like a tornado. I know the hail was bad, but a tornado would have been devastating.

  2. blues4you says:

    stumbles in/nods hey/gets coffee/goes to work

  3. GrammarGirl says:

    The hail hit about halfway through my commute home. It was very, very scary. I don’t know how it’s possible, but all my windows are intact and I only have one very small dent in my hood. I never want to do that again.

  4. parrotmom says:

    Morning sunshines! MrsH the desk is beautiful. Hope you all have a great day.

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! i think i got by with just a few little dings on my hood.

    everyone have a good day.

  6. Molly says:

    Mornin. No hail damage at my house. In fact,we saw very little hail. A friend of Kiddo’s lives on El Dorado Rd (back behind Dogwood Festival) and his car was totaled. I saw pictures. Front and back window gone, hole in sun roof, massive dents (craters, really) in the hood. He lives maybe 5 miles from us. Apparently, it just went around our house. No complaints here. Mom had baseball size hail at her house in Clinton. She’s got some roof damage. Car was in garage so it is fine.
    OB, I was thinking a couple of days ago about how we used to always have 100+ comments. Now a dozen is a good day.

  7. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks! Beautiful cool morning on my hill.

    Rambette is continuing to file claims. We didn’t have any damage on our property but some trees fell on the country club land that joins us. The hail was the size of tennis balls in some places!

    Enjoy the sun while we await the locust swarm :-/

  8. GrammarGirl says:

    Maybe a “question of the day” will help get the ball rolling. Nothing to cause hurt feelings or major controversies; just something to get us talking. Here’s one for today–what is the best city in the world and why? Go!

    (Oh, and feel free to change the question. I’m not personally invested in it–just saw it on another site. I haven’t traveled widely so my answer will not be very “cultured” anyway.)

  9. Molly says:

    I haven’t traveled enough to answer that question, either. I would be more inclined to name a small town than a big city. I like the slower pace of life. I particularly like small college towns. One of my favorites is Berea, Kentucky. It is near Lexington, but still fairly rural. It is a very pretty area with all the rolling hills and horse farms. They have all you need within easy driving. And it is just a nice, quiet town where it is easy to feel at home. Plus, they actually have seasons — 4 of them! And each season is is a season unto itself — no summer days popping up in December.

    Now, if I had traveled outside of the US, such as to Greece or Italy, I might have a totally different answer. But I have only TV, movies and pictures to attest to the beauty of those parts of the world and no first-hand knowledge.

  10. cardinallady says:

    Red wings here. Just had to get the paper to bed and send an email to our prayer leader since I won’t be at ladies prayer. Had to send my thoughts. I stumbled upon two great spurgeon sermons in the process … can’t WAIT to get home and read them.

    Hey, don’t worry about numbers. It doesn’t matter how many are here, just WHO (Jesus) is here.

  11. cardinallady says:

    GG to answer your question: The most interesting place I’ve visited is where my grandma’s first cousin lives, Mayfield, Kentucky. I wanted to go there with my grandma, but she moved to the Highway of Holiness before we could do that.

    I think she likes her present situation better, so I’ll not call her back from there. My sister and I went to Mayfield one June and enjoyed every minute of it. Fields of tobacco were everywhere and we went to a couple of graveyards hunting up relatives. I could do that permanently if someone would pay me.

  12. GrammarGirl says:

    Sounds like I need to visit Kentucky. . .

    Mine is not a city, more like a region–the area of North Georgia from Blue Ridge to Hiawassee is special to me in many ways. It reminds me of a time when life was simpler. Spectacular beauty and lots and lots of memories.

  13. OldBopper says:

    GG, I’m like you. I’d love to live around Destin-Panama City area. My favorite cities in the U.S. are Annapolis, Maryland and San Diego, California.

    PQ’s Dad came through with flying colors. My Mom is still awaiting results of heart catheter. They are keeping her overnight which makes me believe she will get a pacemaker in the next day or two.

    Beautiful weather if you can stand the pine pollen.

  14. Clucky says:

    I really loved my trips to northwest North Carolina. Beautiful country. Wilkesboro is a neat town. I’m also fond of OB’s Mama’s town. Annapolis is AMAZING; I wish I’d had more time to spend there. I do love our Gulf Coast as well. I can’t name just one!! Sacramento, CA, is beautiful too.

    Today is 3 years since Mom died.

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