Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope all is well (or more well than my cold)


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17 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Hope you feel better soon, Marshall! It’s taken mine a couple of weeks to run its course.

    Looks like we are in for a wet, turning cold day. Awesome (not)

    Y’all have a good one!

  2. parrotmom says:

    Morning everyone. Hoping you feel better soon Marshall. Hope Mrs Ramsey is getting better as well.
    How rveryone makes it to safely and before the rains come through.

  3. Molly says:

    Mornin. It’s nice to be able to communicate. Sure do miss my Internet at home. Kiddo said she feels like she’s living on Little House on the Prairie. New modem is supposed to be delivered today. Then I get to figure out how to hook it up.

  4. parrotmom says:

    I live the description by Kiddo. Molly a suggestion on the modem have both side by side or one in top of the other. Unplug one wire at a time and plug into corresponding hole. When I did mine the back was the same order.
    Good luck on getting kiddo back to her real world.

    • Molly says:

      That’s what I was thinking, PM. I was going to just unplug one at a time and plug into the new modem, and then move to the next one. Shouldn’t be difficult.

  5. Mrs. H says:

    It’s amazing how much we depend on technology without even realizing it until it’s not available. And not all technology ‘languages’ are the same!

    Em wanted me to print out a paper yesterday morning and even though I have Word on my MacBook, it’s not laid out exactly the same. I couldn’t figure out how to make the required page numbers we added at the last minute align to the right. And as it was time for her to leave for school, I didn’t have time to explore. Why she waits until she’s ready to go to get me to do this stuff, I don’t know!! I have now discovered there is a separate formatting drop-down rather than all those little buttons at the top that I’m used to.

    Oh, we were out of touch yesterday. Mr. H’s grandmother’s baby brother (age 75) passed away on Sunday morning and the funeral was in Raleigh yesterday afternoon. We drove Mr. H’s mother up there. Even though this man was her uncle, she was 3 weeks older than him. They were much more like twins!

  6. dwb810 says:

    Good Morning Everyone! Okay, I am crying uncle. The past two weeks have been challenging. Apparently I can not walk and blink at the same time. I was walking up to the back steps and …. face meet stairs. Holy Moly, what is next – maybe I will fall out of my chair, walk into a wall. Bright side – no broken bones, no loose teeth, no stiches so just the very colorful bruising everywhere. Can’t say things are boring.

    Anyway, still raining here but is supossed to be sunshine this afternoon, you know after the snow flurries are gone. I refuse to put a coat on in April. I will just be cold.

    Mrs. H, sorry to hear of the loss in your family.

    Hope everyone’s day is awesome, I am going to make mine awesome. You know when given limes – make MARGARITAS.

  7. dwb810 says:

    “supposed” snarky I can’t type

  8. cardinallady says:

    Morning! DWB ‘bless your soul chile’ [you have to be southern to understand why I wrote it like that] I do hope you get out from under that mirror you must have broken.

    We had a glorious birthday party for my sister Kirsten yesterday. She was 33. I remember the day she was born. I was 19. Yes I’m more like her mother than her sister. She is my little princess.

  9. parrotmom says:

    MrsH it is strange how some families are like that in age. PD was 10 years younger than his aunt and her firs child was born 10 years after PD.

    CLady I bet you were a good little momma to your sister.

    DWB I think we are going to need to find you some bubble wrap like we did with Clucky, although she complained so much about hot flashes that the wrap slid right off of her. Glad you are only sporting a multiple colored bruise and no broken bones or stitches.

  10. Molly says:

    I HAVE INTERNET!!!!!!!

  11. parrotmom says:

    You will be the best thing singed sliced bread in the eyes of Kiddo! Enjoy it for that split second.

  12. Molly says:

    There are some age differences like that in my family. My grandmother had uncles and aunts several years her junior. One of my grandmother’s first cousins is just a few years older than ME. My great grandfather was the oldest of 12, and his youngest brother was 30 years younger than him.

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    I HAVE INTERNET TOO! After a week, hopefully Comcast got it right this time.

    Shorts yesterday and whole pants and a long sleeved shirt today. Marshall, somehow having a old in warm weather always me feel worse than having one in the winter time.

    DWB, you should have come to the pick-a-nick so Cardinallady could have done a laying on of hands or something. We could have all joined in.

  14. Old Bopper says:

    Evening! DWB, I agree you need some bubble wrap. Bless your little pea picking heart.

    Had an interesting email today offering to buy Boule outright. It was in broken English and the person wants to send me payment via PayPal and have his shipper pick it up.

    I told him I need his full name, address and telephone number so we can discuss the details and that I don’t take PayPal but will welcome his money order. Once I have the money order in hand, I’ll release the motorcycle for shipment.

    Don’t think I will hear from him again. There’s a scam there. They send a PayPal payment, pick up the bike and have it shipped to another address than that of the buyer. Then they tell PayPal they never received the item. PayPal will take action against me to recover the money even if I have confirmation of shipping and his request to have it shipped to that address.

    Here’s some language from his message, “your asking price is quite reasonable
    and affordable considering others I’ve seen lately, I’ll take it, so I
    agree with the price.I will be paying through PayPal and I have my
    freighters/mover agent that will come for the pick up after payments
    has been made.”

    “Due to work I won’t be able to call you and
    inspect it, because I am busy, but I am much please with the
    description of the merchandise and I believe I can trust you with

    “Kindly send me your PayPal email address and your name including your
    phone# or send me money request so i can pay you right away also
    PayPal charges is on me, I insisted on PayPal because I don’t have
    access to my bank account online but i have it attached to my paypal
    account as I don’t have internet banking.”

    Uh, don’t think so. Send me that money order.

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