Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have an amazing week. I know I’ve got a great one planned.


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12 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. msblondie says:

    morning gang!
    looks like it is going to be a nice day out!

    I have a busy week ahead. M comes home this week for the summer. It is hard to believe her first year of college is over.

    everyone have a great week.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Morning everyone, beautiful day now that the fig has burned off. MsB seems like it was just January. I know the older I get the faster the months go by.

    Clucky you need to remember your meds. Are all nurses bad patients? Still praying for your friend and his family.

    Everyone enjoy your day and keep being the special person you are.

  3. cardinallady says:

    Morning! *peering around* everybody’s gone but us birds. Oh Hi Ms Blondie!

    I’m flying through. Busy myself like everybody else. I just can’t get STARTED this morning. Only one more day after today and MAY starts!!! YES!! They honored Cardinal Son and the sophomores at Northeast Friday. It was a great day. Mama scurried up there and was beside her son on the field. He has one more semester after this one and then he will be fledging from the nest. He is awesome!

    How are all my dear friends today? It is a beeeaaauuutttiiifffuuulll day here today. I was able to get the chicken house cleaned out last Saturday and boy did it ever need it! I put fresh grass in the bottom and it smells much better. Turned it over this morning to keep the fertilize settling to the ground. We did a little bit of re-arranging in the pen and made things a little more cofortable for the chickens, not that they noticed except that I put the nesting box inside and they acutally used it! YES. Well one of them, the others lay outside the pen and I put hay in their layng places too. At least I know where they are.

  4. Clucky says:

    Sick girl (Chicklette) is home again today. Kid has horrible sinuses :/ Today, Mr. Fab has an appt with a surgeon; the gallbladder HAS to come out.

    It’s really weird to wake up and discover I’m the only one that actually feels pretty good, for a change! Taking my BP med last night really helped. Aaaand I feel like a bonehead.

    Historically, medical professionals do make the worst patients.

  5. parrotmom says:

    Clucky glad you are doing better today.

    CLady I yelped when a worm surprised me while pulling weeds, you go girl with chickens and snake. I was raised a tomboy and I can work hard outside, but some critters just stop me in my tracks.

  6. Clucky says:

    Amen, PM!!

  7. OldBopper says:

    News flash…Boule has a new home. Sold him this morning to a local man.

    It’s a beautiful day outside. M

  8. OldBopper says:

    OK, didn’t get to finish. Beautiful day outside. Probably won’t cut grass until the ground dries a little. Hope everybody gets to enjoy the day at least for a short while outside.

  9. Mrs. H says:

    I’ve been busy this weekend with prom prep and senior portraits. Em found out today that she’s 3rd in her class and Who’s Who Most Intellectual!! Woo Hoo!!

    Now tonight we pour through 300 pictures to find the perfect one. Then we order invitations with that pic (and maybe a few others) on it.

  10. Clucky says:

    Your girls are beautiful. So loved their prom pics!

    I’m feeling pretty good today! I went with Mr Fab to his appt today. The gallbladder is coming out!

  11. pncpnthr says:

    How do I convert a Word file to a photo? I’m collecting pictures for a project at work & someone emailed photos in Word format. I can’t get it to change, or rather, I don’t know how…Can someone help?

  12. Msblondie says:

    I will try to get you some instructions on Tuesday. It isn’t very hard.

    Worked tonight on a couple of my knitting projects. It just relaxes me so much.

    Everyone have a good night need to get sleeping need to be at work early in the morning.

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