I used to think that the parent/child relationship was cut and dried: I am on this earth to teach my sons. But the older I get, the more I learn from them. Having children has been a wonderfully educational experience for me. I’ve learned patience and the importance (and power) of thinking of others first. But my oldest son taught me something quite profound this week.
My wife and I have been picking him up in the afternoon from school from Algebra study and review sessions. The state test is coming up and he’s working hard to prepare for it. My son is in seventh grade and has over a 100 average in it. I thought to myself,”The kid has a 100 average in Algebra. Why does he need to go to the study sessions?”
And then it occurred to me. His work ethic, his going to those study sessions is WHY he has a 100% average.
Once again, my son taught me. And I had to smile.
Yep. Aren’t they encouraging and convicting a the same time?
I never had my own children, but I believe it’s true. Words from a song bAck in the 70’s said, “in their beauty and their trusting, they will teach us to be free!”