Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! It’s another great week full of great opportunities. Make the most of it.


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24 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. blues4you says:

    stumbles through door/hey y’all/makes coffee/goes to work

  2. OldBopper says:

    Aw brrrr! At least the rain has stopped for a few days. Maybe my yard will dry out enough to cut grass tomorrow.

  3. msblondie says:

    morning gang! with OB on hoping the yard dries out.. mine looks like a jungle from all the rain and unable to get in with the lawn mower. I might try to tackle some with the weed eater tonight to get a start on it.

    well everyone have a great day!

  4. dhcoop says:


    I had a great weekend! Saw rose breasted grosbeaks, indigo buntings and fledging hummingbirds!

    I hope everyone has a great day!

  5. cardinallady says:

    Morning. Flitting through. I”m glad blues made the coffee. I sure needed it. Is another May day! Hey there is a light coming in my window. Oh yeah, that’s the sun.

    I can’t complain too much. We had sunshine all morning Saturday. Was perfect for going to our local court square flea market. Then rain moved in Saturday afternoon late and it has pretty much rained ever since. My chickens have requisitioned fins and snorkels.

  6. parrotmom says:

    CLady I hope the fins and snorkels come in before the next rains. We all may be needing some as well as the chickens. My kittie girls have spent the last 3 nights inside. They are even wondering what’s going on with this strange weather.

    Hope you all have a terrific Monday.

  7. CornPop says:

    Hello, from the beautiful city of Houston, TX! Orville and I have been here since Saturday morning visiting our son who lives here now. His birthday is tomorrow and we needed some vacation time, so here we are. Having a great time and the weather couldn’t be better! It’s been in the 70’s (no humidity or rain) with the nights into 50’s…perfect! Sorry to rub it in to those experiencing the cold, rainy weather. Taking him to an exceptional restaurant for his birthday dinner tonight – Fogo De Chao. You should check out the website (we’re not eating lunch today so we can eat tonight): We fly back home to reality tomorrow.

    • parrotmom says:

      PD and I did not get to enjoy that much of Houston. You both Enjoy!!

    • Legal Eagle says:

      OMG, I just went to their website and drooled all over my keyboard. I want to hear all about your experience cause I mostly get my kicks vicariously these days.

  8. Clucky says:

    My friend Tom passed away.

  9. parrotmom says:

    Prayers for Tom’s family and friends. It appears who touched so many lives. Hugs Clucky.

  10. CornPop says:

    Orville and I are so sorry to hear that Tom lost his battle! Prayers are ascending for him, his family and friends!

  11. GrammarGirl says:

    Praying for you Clucky and for Tom and his family. Hate to hear that.

  12. Molly says:

    So sorry, Clucky!

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    I play bridge on Monday’s at Pat’s condo and it’s just 4 of us. It started over a year ago and we play every Monday afternoon from 1:00 to 5:00 or so. I got a call this morning from Pat’s neighbor across the street saying that Pat had called her at 4:00 this morning and thought she had had a heart attack. Turns out once she got to the hospital that she didn’t have a heart attack (although she has had one before), but she has massive blockage and will have to have a bypass. I’m waiting to hear if she already had it or is scheduled to have it. She was head surgical nurse at two different hospitals in Jackson and let’s just say that I can’t imagine her being the ideal patient.

    One of my friends had a stroke a few weeks ago; one moved to Guam; one is in Michigan tending to her husband’s sister for an undetermined length of time; and now one is in the hospital. Not only am I worried about my friends, that has wiped out a whole bridge table full in a month’s time.

  14. Legal Eagle says:

    OK. Y’all please keep me in your prayers tomorrow cause I know I’m going to need them. I have been working at the voting prescincts for state and local elections for a while now and work with some really nice groups of people. Well, I’m working with a new group tomorrow and the manager is a former teacher of one of my sons (and one of my bridge players, I might add). I told her I would see her at 6:30 Tuesday morning and she said, “Oh, no, 6:00 o’clock. We have too much to do to wait until 6:30. I let my people go vote but I don’t let them have a lunch hour, etc., etc.” I finally said, “You know I smoke.” She said, “Not around me.” I said, “Of course, not around you. But I walk out ever couple of hours and have a cigarette.” She thinks she can deal with that. So, I may not get to eat tomorrow, but I will be smoking. Y’all probably need to say a prayer for me to contain any smart a@@ remarks and for the fact that I will be smoking. There’s not a chance that I’ll starve, but I know my tongue is going to be sore from being bitten.

  15. parrotmom says:

    CLady that was a beautiful prayer.

    LE prayers for you friends, glad the one only had some warning signs and not the heart attack.

  16. msblondie says:

    i have been a busy bee since we got home.. hubby mowed the front yard and i weed eated it, cleaned up, then cooked supper, ate, and cleaned up the kitchen all before 8pm. (backyard will be tackled tomorrow after work) i am still vibrating from the weed eater.
    I have to say that is on nice thing getting home before 6pm now.

    with it just primaries tomorrow,i will not be voting.. no one for me to vote for as only 1 for the why i would vote – there for they are automatics on ballot. Now in June that will be a different issue.

    everyone have a great evening.

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