Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! I’ll be off the grid for part of the week spending some time with the family. I’ll post sporadically.


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16 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to you all. Marshall I love this picture of Pip. It’s my ball and if you want it come get me under this chair.

    Well it’s MOnday and time to start a new week at work. Plan to have fun all week long.

  2. blues4you says:

    stumbles through door/thinks about ringing a cowbell(nah, too early)/gets coffee/goes to work

  3. Mrs. H says:

    Greetings, fellow MRBA members. My television watching is all planned for this evening. HailState!!!!! Got my cowbell ready.

  4. Marshall Ramsey says:

    Yes, Pip confuses “fetch” with “chase.” She’s very hard to catch.

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! well back at work.. i sure enjoyed my mini vacation, we had a great time and was needed.

    I think a lot of us will be watching the game tonight. We listened Thursday online to it once we got to the beach. I have post some of our pics on FB.

    Pip sounds like Moo – doesn’t get “fetch and bring back” right. For Moo it is “fetch and keep away”.

    Everyone have a great day!

  6. Molly says:

    Mornin. At least Pip and Moo will go get the ball. My 2 just look at where the ball has been thrown and then look at me like “why did you throw it over there? Can’t you see we are over here?” And then they go on about their day totally ignoring the ball. I found that when you have 2 dogs, they prefer to play with each other rather than with their humans. I guess humans complain too much about being bitten. And we don’t wrestle quite as rough or run as fast or fit under the kitchen chairs during a game of chase. Hmmm…I guess all we are good for is giving them food and providing a nice comfy bed complete with soft blankets for bedtime and a lap for naptime.

  7. parrotmom says:

    Too funny Molly. In the case with a Parrot he throws it the floor and the human picks it up and gives it back. Then redo. The wuffle balls are most fun, because they bounce.

  8. Mrs. H says:

    Coop’s cat fetches. My 2 fight with each other and occasionally find a twist tie or the plastic piece that pulls off the top of a milk jug to bat around the house for 15 minutes. The rest of the day, they are inert.

  9. Clucky says:

    My pups like to play fetch :) the cats love the red dot-we call it kitty crack.

  10. Mrs. H says:

    Mrs. Jones is afraid of the red dot. I have no idea why.

  11. OldBopper says:

    Evening. Pulled for the Bull Dogs this evening. Will do it again tomorrow. I think they had the jitters for the first few innings.

    Cut my grass today. Mower didn’t miss a lick. I know the neighbors are glad.

    The grandsons had a busy day and fell asleep during the ball game. I’m scheduled to have dental surgery in the morning but my dentist said she has to talk with my heart doctor first and has been trying to reach him. If she doesn’t hear from him by 9 am, the surgery will have to be rescheduled.

    Jealous of folks who have been to the sea shore. I’m really ready to smell some sea air and view the waves. We probably won’t make it until late summer. We like it when there are fewer folks on the beach. Crowds just aren’t my thing.

    Looks like the Legislature will be back in special session on Thursday. I’ll be surprised if this is a short special session.

  12. Mrs. H says:

    Stayed up late last night. Probably will again tonight. I’m wearing a Bulldog National Championship shirt today. 2011 WxChallenge team that my eldest was a member of. It’s my Truest Maroon!

  13. OldBopper says:

    Morning. I see where our erudite Governor has called a special session of the Legislature. He said he wouldn’t do it. Now he says the call will not include Medicaid expansion but his call doesn’t preclude that. Yes sir, this guy is a real whiz. Stand by for more consistent stands by the Guv.

  14. msblondie says:

    morning gang! I think a lot of us stayed up cheering on our Home team.

    I hope for a slow day here at the office so I can get out earlier – I have some time I have to take this week or lose it.

    everyone have a great day!

  15. Clucky says:

    Mornin! Like most of you, we cheered on the DAWGS last night and will watch again tonight! There was an awful lot of maroon in that crowd!

  16. Molly says:

    Mornin. I guess I’m the odd man out — I did NOT watch any baseball last night — or any other night of my life. Not a baseball fan. I’ll watch football and some basketball, but that’s it. No other sport interests me in the least. I don’t care about State one way or the other, so there was no incentive there to watch. I guess y’all will have to enjoy it for me.

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