Sunday Free-For-All

Good morning! bout to go for a quick run.


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8 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. blues4you says:

    stumbles in/wheris…oh,I forgot, it’s sunday/y’all say a little prayer for us that gotta work/leaves donuts on counter/goes to work

    Did y’all hear Msblondie say BABY!!?

    She said BABY! Congrats dear!

  2. Airwolf says:

    Happy National Ice Cream Day!!

    Showers here off and on all morning, red flags and the water is rough!

  3. dwb810 says:

    Baby and Ice Cream in 3 post. Great day. MsB, grandbabies are the best congrats!! I miss Blue Bell :(

  4. OldBopper says:

    Ahhhh! National Ice Cream Day! Get you few scoops of your favorite ice cream, sit down in a rocking chair and feel the tension release you from it’s grip. If everybody would do this at one time we would have world peace.

    Went to early church this morning. Cut grass afterwards while all my Baptist neighbors were at Sunday School and Church. About to go pick up grand sons and bring them to our house for the week. We signed them up for the Mississippi Braves Baseball Camp.

    Congratulations MrsBlondie!

  5. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon everyone. Congrats on the new grand a y on the way MsB.

    Today of all days I skipped the usuall milkshake and had a chicken quesadilla for lunch and left over donuts for dessert- thanks Blues ( for the donuts).

    Just had a quick downpour. You all enjoy your evening.

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