MRBA Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great week.

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71 Responses to MRBA Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good Monday morning. Hope you all enjoyed the past week of fallish weather. I fear the humidity will be joining us this week. Hope you all have a wonderful week. Loves, hugs, and prayers.

  2. blues4you says:

    Wanders in/hey ya’ll howzitgoin’/gets coffee/goes to work

    • parrotmom says:

      Hey Blues!!! Good to see you on board. Not sure you’ve been keeping up, but we are going to a weekly FFA. Hope Texas is treating you well?

    • LegalEagle says:

      Do you happen to have that e-mail I sent to you a pretty good while ago with a lot of our recipes on it? If you do and could e-mail it back to me, it would save me from having to wait until I can get some documents off of my old computer. I sent it to you and Coop and I can’t remember who else.

  3. msblondie says:

    morning gang! We got M moved back in at DSU yesterday. IT was awful quiet last night in the house.

    everyone have a great monday!

  4. GrammarGirl says:

    Mornin’ everyone. I hope the rest of my week goes better than this morning. We need to do a better prep job on Sunday nights at my house. Another cup of coffee coming up. . .
    Have a great day!

  5. Clucky says:

    Mornin, y’all! Listened to the Boss on MPB this morning with guest, Wyatt Waters. Great painter, but good musician as well :)

    • blues4you says:

      Dang. I hate I missed that.

      And I’m wearing a Water’s inspired T-shirt from the Krewe of Froth’s St Paddy’s Day parade.

  6. Clucky says:

    I think you can hear it again on the MPB app.

  7. Mrs. H says:

    Em started her first college class this morning: Anthropology. She told me that she disagreed with just about everything the woman said!

    • LegalEagle says:

      That’s probably a real good sign, Mrs. H. Yea, Em, think for yourself. That’s a good thing. Of course, for the exams you will probably have to bluff it and go along with her answers to get a good grade, but at least you know you don’t have to just swallow what she’s saying, hook, line and sinker. Good for you!

  8. parrotmom says:

    MrsH good or bad for disagreeing?

  9. Clucky says:

    Probably good. Quite surprised she’s taking that class as a freshman.

  10. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon stillputting paper to bed. Might leave here earlier this week than last week. Fewer pages to juggle with so I’m just thinking I can get gone by 5:30. YES!!! That’s what I’m talkin about!

  11. Airwolf says:

    Evening folks! Rainy day and Monday got me down today:-)

    I hope your day has been special!

  12. LegalEagle says:

    I got invited to sub for the Flowood bridge group today. I actually had to get up and clothe myself on a Monday! Oh, well, got me out in this beautiful day and into Lakeland traffic!

  13. Molly says:

    Mornin. Kiddo had a job interview yesterday. She finds out today if she got it. She’s keeping the bowling alley job, but they just have her working weekends now. This is an office job doing data entry, scanning documents, etc. and will be for 2 1/2 or 3 hours after school every day. She gets out of school by 1:45 and needs something to keep her busy … and out of clothing stores!

  14. msblondie says:

    Happy Tuesday morning gang! hope everyone has a great day!

  15. parrotmom says:

    Good morning at 10:30. Looks beautiful outside. Enjoy your day:)

  16. cardinallady says:

    Got the paper put to bed one more week. Getting ready for a staff meeting. How is everyone in the MRBA family? Molly I’m glad your kiddo has her a job. I had a friend wanting us to give her daughter something to do, but we don’t do after school typing any more. the computer has taken care of that kind of stuff.

    Blues, glad you stumbled into us for a bit.

    Oh on the home front, I have two new duckies! I brought all seven home that mom hatched along with their mother. After she smothered the fifth one … I took her back to mom. I have this hen with a crippled foot named Clemmie. She is the only hen that has brooded chicks on my hill so I put her in with the ducklings and she has turned into a serrogate mom. I should have done that in the first place. The ducklings are already half as big as she is.

    Reading up on the weather stuff on Wunderground, the weather nerds say that Ferdinand is expected to come off of Africa and form beginning this Friday and the wave after him looks even stronger.

  17. dwb810 says:

    Hello everyone. Nothing of interest to say but “HELLO”. Submitted 2 applications this morning and got a call from a staffing agency. Set up a meeting with staffing agency for the morning. Slow going but not stopping.

  18. parrotmom says:

    Hang in there DWB. It’s going to happen.

  19. LegalEagle says:

    A long time ago I e-mailed several of you the recipe collection so that if anything happened to my computer, we would have some backups. Sure enough, my computer crashed. Then I got it fixed and collected more recipes. Then it crashed again and I got a new computer. I still need to plug the old one in and transfer the recipes that are still on it.

    Bless Blues’ heart. He saved my bacon today. He sent me an e-mail with a lot of our old recipes from 2006 forward and I just got them all posted on our MRBA Recipes Facebook page. I haven’t had anything at all to eat today and after looking at all of those recipes, I am now ravenous! Go take a look at our page and tell me what you think and feel free to contribute to it. I’ve made nearly all of you administrators of that page. If you have any trouble posting to it though, just post here and I will transfer it.

    • dwb810 says:

      LegalEagle, you were the busy one! I saw the recipe from “JustjoGA” and it made me sad that she was gone and happy that we were blessed with her advice and love. Thank you for posting a memory as that is what family recipes are all about. You are a great keeper of our garden (people). Wonderful, beautiful colors, amazing shapes and sizes all make our garden the best there is. Your work is not overlooked or underappreciated.

      Thank you

      • dwb810 says:

        One question LE, can anyone post a recipe to the FB page or do I need to send this to you for posting.

        • LegalEagle says:

          I made a lot of you administrators of the page. I must admit that between the MRBA avatars and the real names on Facebook, I tend to get confused easily. If you will private message me on Facebook and tell me that you are dwb810, I will make sure I have the right real name connected and check to see if I made you an administrator and if I didn’t, I can do it then.

          Is that about as clear as mud?

      • LegalEagle says:

        Thank you! I enjoy doing it and it keeps me from actually having to get in the kitchen, The keeper and poster of the recipes doesn’t have time to cook.

  20. parrotmom says:

    Happy Wednesday!! Hope your day is as special as you all are.

  21. Mrs. H says:

    I had the strangest dream last night. I was in a marching band competition. There were random assignments from the judges that we had to incorporate into our halftime show. Ours was to use a giant chalkboard and have someone graphically illustrate the show. The band was performing “Sleigh Ride” on the field while I was drawing huge snow flakes on the board in time with the music.

    Now tell me: how well does a chalk board illustration work in a football stadium?

  22. msblondie says:

    It is HUMP DAY! Morning gang! hope everyone has a great day!

    I am waiting to hear from the Mobile glass people, my windshield was hit by something very hard and cracked the window, the heat made it run before I saw it, and now the lines have met and a piece is close to falling out. Not a feeling I like. I have an appointment schedule for today. so hope they make it.

  23. Molly says:

    Mornin. I am taking the afternoon off today. YAY! Kiddo has to go for a drug test for the new job. Since she’s not yet 18, she apparently has to have her mommy hold her hand while she pees in a cup. She also needs some various and sundry things for school….book for required reading, shirt to decorate for pep rally, etc. So, I’ll just take the whole afternoon to do things with her.

    • Mrs. H says:

      have fun, Molly. I’ve spent quite a bit of one-on-one time with El since Em went back to school. I get to be her chauffeur until she gets her license. She did volunteer to be first behind the wheel in Driver’s Ed this week! My days may be numbered.

  24. cardinallady says:

    Flying through. Trying to learn how to post to our website at work or rather how to unpost pictures that have been running at the head since JUNE. It has been fun, though. I’ve been communicating with a guy that did work for us, he has agreed to do some work now and he lives in NORTH CAROLINA. Wouldn’t it be great to live hundreds of miles away and still work for your company? No inside drama. No worrying about somebody leaving. Just you, yourself and your computer.

    • Clucky says:

      I would love that, CLady.

      I’m about to tell y’all something..
      I’m applying for a job. At Family Dollar. No, it’s not “beneath me”..I’ve wiped many a backside-NOTHING is beneath me.
      I’m scared I’ll be overqualified, or not what they need to “fill a quota.”
      (Yes those do exist.)

      Why not nursing? Siiiiiiigh.
      My body can’t take it anymore. Neither can my mind. I get overwhelmed very easily, and confused. I could never live with myself
      If that confusion caused harm to a patient. I know, I could work one shift a week and make as much as I could at a dollar store in a week. It’s a job.

      • Mrs. H says:

        Clucky, my eldest works for a company that realizes that the job market is tight. They know her degree isn’t in their field, but they are wise enough to see that someone with intelligence and education is an asset to their company. It’s too bad that all employers can’t understand that.

      • dwb810 says:

        I COMPLETELY understand. I have applied at Pandora, Kohl’s, Dress Barn, Coldwater Creek, Bed Bath and Beyond just to mention a few. Not my profession at all. I have not done retail since my divorce over 13 years ago.

  25. parrotmom says:

    Clucky good luck. No it’s not what you trained to do, but it will give you back some normalcy of sorts.

    Molly I chuckled about the holding your child’s hand. Enjoy these times you have.

    MrsH you’re in your third round and I’m sure each is different than the one before.

    Happy anniversay to Airwolf and Rambett.

  26. parrotmom says:

    CLady working that way could have a nice plus to it. Hope you get it figured out.

    MaB thanks for the reminder. I knew today started off as Hump Day, but this afternoon has felt like Thursday.

  27. LegalEagle says:

    Couldn’t be Thursday or I was playing bridge in the wrong town. Definitely Wednesday, yep definitely Wednesday…

  28. Molly says:

    Mornin. Kiddo passed her drug test. YAY! I don’t have a druggie for a daughter. Hopefully the company will call her today with her start date. I’m thinking they will want her to come in Monday for her first day.
    Good luck with the job, Clucky. Working again will probably be good for you.

  29. parrotmom says:

    Morning, morning. It’s Thursday. Only about two weeks for a visit to the beach. Not sure if my parrot is very excited yet :)

  30. msblondie says:

    happy thursday!

    Clucky I wish you well. The job market is still horrible. I love listening to the talking heads out of Washington saying everything is better now.. I want to live in their fantasy world.

    Molly that is good for Kiddo. M starts her job on Saturday. She really didn’t do an interview, the manager of the store here called the manager up there and said give this girl a job. The local manager wanted her but didn’t have an opening all summer.

    CL – it is nice working at home.but you dont have the interaction with other people as much.

    Everyone have a great day, I need to do some work.

  31. Clucky says:

    So M has a job in Cleveland?

    My fave job in college was work-study at the library. Now..working at the library would be AWESOME.

    My other fave job in college (nursing school) was in Labor & Delivery at Crump Women’s Hospital at The Med in Memphis. The front entrance was right across from LeBonheur Children’s Hospital. I LOVED THAT JOB.

    Thursday already. That went fast.

    • msblondie says:

      Clucky .. Yes M has a job in Cleveland. It is at Vowells Grocery as a cashier. She didn’t qualify for work study and there were no other openings on campus. The grocery is just down the road from campus so it won’t be bad.

  32. Clucky says:

    Oh, MrsH…I was having a dream about…:drumroll please:…BAND CONTEST! LOL

  33. cardinallady says:

    Flying in. Finally at a point that I can collapse for a moment. Spent the morning talking to two women who are WAAAAYYYYY more smarter than me about our Excel by 5 program. Now if I can make it have some coherent sense so that a five year old can understand what I’m writing will be the trick.

    I left that and came to the office to talk to a man who was looking for an ittttty bittty legal ad FROM 10 YEARS ago. But he was so sweet I just couldn’t refuse him. I didn’t find it. Said he’d come back for it in a couple of months when he comes back to town.

    I’m going to interview an art teacher at 2 pm. and then I’m going HOOOOOMMMEEE.

  34. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon! Survived Memphis and Graceland! Had a wonderful time. About to go have lunch with my BIL it’s his birthday!

    Rambettes cousin dropped dead in his home yesterday afternoon! Wasn’t found until early evening. He was in his late 40s!

  35. dhcoop says:


    Can’t believe it’s Thursday, and I’m just now checking in! I tried to catch up (AW so sorry about Rambette’s cousin.).

    So much going on…incredibly busy at work. ..finding myself making excuses, but I don’t want y’all to give up on me… I’ll be back, I promise!

    For old times sake…the porch light is on…

  36. Molly says:

    Mornin. Kiddo went to the Madison Central/Brandon game last night. Got home late. She had to be at NWR early today for a pep rally. She’s dragging. She”ll have a little break right after school and then off to an 8 hour shift at the bowling alley. And she’s coming down with a cold. If I can get her out of bed tomorrow, we may be visiting a doctor in the morning.

  37. msblondie says:

    morning gang! IT IS FRIDAY!

    This has been a long week. everyone have a great day!

  38. Clucky says:

    Molly, if its a cold, a doctor visit will not help. Best to get her some good OTC meds and save that money.
    Matt did not make Collegians -_-…

    • Molly says:

      Both of us respond very well to Advil Cold and Sinus…and thanks to the meth heads, can’t get that without a doctor’s prescription.

      Sorry Matt didn’t make it. :(

  39. Molly says:

    Kiddo is taking a dual credit English comp class this year. She has to have a college textbook no later than this coming Monday. The book at the Hinds CC book store is $135. I found a cheap used copy on eBay. I ordered it over a week ago. It still has not been shipped. Yesterday, I contacted the seller to cancel and ordered from someone else – not on eBay. Since she needs it Monday, I had to pay for overnight shipping. The book costs $0.98 and the expedited shipping is $23.45. That’s a lot of shipping cost for a 98 cent book, but is WAY better than $135! After I ordered it, I got a call from the book company asking if I really meant to pay $23.45 shipping on a 98 cent book or if someone had stolen my identity. I assured her that I ordered it and that was my intent and explained that I had tried to get the book elsewhere and now we are desperate to get it from someone before Monday. She told me that I’m a good mom and she would make sure it was shipped out for Friday delivery. The tracking system tells me it is in Jackson and out for delivery as we speak, and the receipt emailed to me shows they only charged me $6.99 for shipping! If any of you need a used textbook, I highly recommend ordering from They are great!!

  40. parrotmom says:

    Molly glad that the shipping was reduced and that you are getting the book.

    Hope you all have a terrific Friday.

    • Molly says:

      Book arrived a few minutes ago. It is WELL worn…I totally understand why it was 98 cents. But all the pages are there and she will have it in time for Monday’s class. I’m a happy shopper.

  41. Clucky says:

    We live in a VERY small town. There are several required reading books for English. How hard would it be for the school to order these in bulk and sell them all packaged up for much less than they are at BooksAMillion?

  42. GrammarGirl says:

    Clucky, it shouldn’t be that hard at all. My daughter’s required reading books are included in her supply fee and passed out to her like textbooks, but she gets to keep them. I like that much better than having to locate and buy the books myself.

  43. Clucky says:

    Thank you. Also, there aren’t enough textbooks for her classes, so no bringing books home to study.

  44. Molly says:

    Kiddo has not had a textbook of her own in a few years, with a few class exceptions. And we have ALWAYS had to buy her required reading books. Have a couple we need to buy now. I don’t know how people pay for private school — we can’t afford public school! And senior year is EX – PEN – SIVE!

  45. parrotmom says:

    Happy Saturday afternoon!!! hope you are enjoying your so far. Hot outside so staying in.

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