MRBA Free-For-All

Happy Labor Day Week y’all! Hope the weekly format is working ok for you.  Here’s a pic with Keith Thibodeaux (aka Little Ricky from I Love Lucy and the Executive Director of Ballet Magnificat!


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61 Responses to MRBA Free-For-All

  1. Clucky says:

    May this week be better than the last.

  2. dwb810 says:

    Hello Everyone! Here’s to an awesome week. Maybe my mom will get out of the hospital this week. She will go to rehab before going back to her apartment.

  3. Clucky says:

    I cooked meat loaf, macaroni & cheese, fresh peas and biscuits for dinner. YUM.

  4. Clucky says:

    Sixteen Candles is on. Talk about flashbacks..

  5. Molly says:

    Mornin. It is 8:25 and I am alone at work. We’re down to 4 people here now. One is out of town. One is at a doctor appointment. I’m here. The other is unaccounted for. I’m not complaining! I do enjoy the quiet.

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! It was hard getting going this morning. Enjoyed my time off and we had a great time in Atlanta just wished we had more time/money to spend longer.

    The wreck that happened on 49 over the holiday involved children from the McLaurin Schools. The one that died was a friend of my nephew. We need to remember these families. It is going to be hard at the school today.

    Everyone have a great day!

  7. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Beautiful day in my neighborhood!

    My SIL is taking Mom to the Meadows to see Daddy so I caught a break!

    Praying for a better week for our MRBA family.

    OB and PQ seem to be having a great time!

  8. parrotmom says:

    Happy mid tuesday morning. Seems I missed Monday (Labor Day).

    OB and PQ do seem to be having a great time. Others did too on the beach this past week end. My days coming though. It will be different, but looking forward to it.

  9. Clucky says:

    I’m pretty well under reverse isolation til ragweed season is over. Te company that makes Angel Soft will see a bump in profits after the last 7 days I’ve had. I’m a tightwad..I don’t buy boxes of Kleenex.

    • parrotmom says:

      I could donate you a few boxes. PD used tp for years then finally made the switch. I still have several unopen boxes.

  10. Mrs. H says:

    I forgot sunscreen when I mowed grass yesterday. Thank goodness I wasn’t wearing shorts!

  11. parrotmom says:

    I hope your not in too much pain from the sun you did get.

  12. Molly says:

    Mornin. There are 6 buzzards on the roof of my office building. Why doesn’t this give me a warm, fuzzy feeling?

  13. Mrs. H says:

    My youngest, who is not running for student counsel or homecoming maid or anything else, made some brownies to hand out at school this morning. She wants to join the bunch trying to buy votes and say “You don’t have to vote for me, but have a brownie anyway!”

  14. msblondie says:

    morning gang! already a busy one. Allergies have attacked..

    everyone have a great day!

  15. cardinallady says:

    Mornin! Flying through. Yep the busiest two weeks of our life has begun. You see for newspaper people on a weekly basis the week begins on Wednesday and ends on Tuesday.

    We won’t even talk about the amount of work that has to be cranked out of here by a week from Friday. And right up n the middle of it all …our dear coroporate wants us to all get together for lunch, which will eat about four hours out of the day. ….siiiigggghhh …But God is in control. Halleljuah!

    Yall, please pray for our community. A “storm is brewing out at sea” and when it hits … I can’t share details right now but I know it’s coming. Just pray that God will use the storm to create a revival in our community.

    • cluckyrn says:

      CLady, i have “expressed interest” in a production assistant job at our local weekly. It’s Friday and Monday only. They asked for a resume. I sent them one, with a note reminding them that there is little in common between nursing and newspapers, other than deadlines-but that enthusiasm can sometimes overcome lack of experience. We’ll see what happens.

      • cardinallady says:

        As long as you know computers and understand deadlines…. you will enjoy it. You’ll learn a lot about the inner workings of a newspaper.. A lot goes out of our little office, twice to three times more than other newspapers with our number of staff members. I produce all of the community news pages as well as write and take pictures and do most of the special sections. We have two going this week, plus a double truck of homecoming pages.

  16. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon! I spent the morning with one of my neighbors. He is a WWII POW and will be 89 Saturday. I take him out for a long ride about once a month. He’s a walking history book, he talks and I listen. I really enjoy our time together and he enjoys our rides as I never tell him where we’re headed!

    I hope your day is and has been special!

  17. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon folks. AW I bet that is a very interesting ride and one a lot of us would enjoy.
    PRayers CLady, hoping for the best.
    Molly maybe the buzzards are their for one of you owners?

    You all have a great day. I wonder what tomorrow will bring me?

  18. cluckyrn says:

    Checking in. Typing on the laptop for a change; I almost miss the autocorrect on my phone!

    dwb, sorry your mom is still in the hospital. It is very hard being away from family. After this school year, if not before, I expect Poppy to either come here or us go down there. We’ll see. He had a nasty case of bronchitis that turned to pneumonia pretty quick. He’s over it now, but it took him a while. I really wish I could have been two places at once.
    Much like last week.

    Love yall.

  19. parrotmom says:

    South bound and down. Clucky if I see you on the way I will pick you up. You guys have a great day and I’ll check in later.

  20. msblondie says:

    morning gang! everyone have a great day!

  21. Airwolf says:

    Sitting outside enjoying the solitude!

    PM be safe and happy trails!

  22. Clucky says:

    AW, I hope Bill isn’t bouncing off the walls after that cuppa joe.

    Hello! Be careful PM, and enjoy the water.

  23. Mrs. H says:

    What have I done at work today, you ask? I learned how to turn the cricket sound effect off and made 2 beards. Apparently, it makes a difference in whether you have a sound clip labeled as merely audio or a sound effect. Sound effects go until they are finished; audio, you can turn off as needed. The sound of the burning bush was running into my crickets. I can now portray Moses (with the help of a beard) on Sunday morning.

  24. Clucky says:

    MrsH, you do some really cool stuff :)

  25. cardinallady says:

    Coming in for a landing! *tapping on the microphone* Is this on? I had an important announcement this morning and have been flying around like a bird with her head cut off until just now. On to the morning announcement that I’m delivering at 3:07 in the afternoon.

    I have cleaned ALL of my drawers, the ones that are in the wooden chest that is, I cleaned them washed them with Murphy’s oil soap and actually put clothes in them. They have been my paper and junk filing cabinet for we won’t talk about how long. But that’s DONE!

    On with your afternoon. MrsH I’m going to send you a special prayer request in a moment, okay? Love you all!

  26. Mrs. H says:

    A friend of mine was just in a head-on collision with a friend of El’s. Miraculously, the only injury was airbag rash. Please put your cell phone in the glove box. My friend’s car door ended up 30 feet away from her car!

  27. cardinallady says:

    circling back around. Incidentally, I was awol all of yesterday afternoon because we had a homeland security incident here in my little town of Pontotoc.

    This person who has been sending letters out with crazy information in it, escalated his little deal. He sent one full of white powder to one of the business owners and we wound up on the parking lot of this store all afternoon yesterday because our sales rep was in there just after he opened the envelop. All the details are on our website at

  28. dwb810 says:

    Woohoo!! Party time!! Big Al (mom) will be going to the rehab facility today. In the past 3 days, she has had arrhythmia in the early morning hours. Night before last this lasted almost 20 hours. Last night she was clear with no recurrence although she was told she is at high risk for a stroke. She is truly excited about going to rehab because that is one day closer to going home. Thanks guys for all your thoughts and prayers.

  29. Clucky says:

    Prayers up for CardinalLady. She’s now going through the same thing I did last week. God love her. Please send kind words and prayers y’all.

  30. msblondie says:

    morning gang! It is Friday… I think. need more allergy drugs…

  31. cardinallady says:

    flitting through. My Uncle who is two years older than I was killed in an 18 wheeler wreck in Texas yesterday on Highway 77 two hours from Mission. He was almost home.

  32. LegalEagle says:

    Talking to older people is so interesting. We have a 94-year-old man who plays bridge with us and drives himself there. He retired from a company that sold class rings, the same class rings my high school offered. He went to work for the company a year before I graduated so we figured out that I probably bought my class ring from him back in ’61.

    • cardinallady says:

      Lets all sing now

      It’s a small world after all, It’s a small world after all, It’s a small small world

      Now then there’s your brain itch.

  33. dwb810 says:

    Okay, so here is our news. We are on the move again. I really, really, really do NOT want to leave StL but I need to be closer to my mom. We are going to move to Madison, AL just outside Huntsville. I will only be 1 1/2 hours from my mother and not 9 hours. This means I have to leave my precious son but it is what we have to do, The job situation has not worked out as we hoped so if we are going, this is the time. We leave on September 20th or there about. J is transferring with Home Depot. This will also be part time but at least it is a job.

    Peace out StL, I will be back.

  34. Clucky says:

    I really wish I had gone to our game tonight! 54-34! We are 3-0 for the first time in years!!

  35. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon, hot on my hill!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

  36. Airwolf says:

    Where is OB, he fell off the radar!

  37. Clucky says:

    About to watch “The Campaign.” Zak Galafinakis and Will Ferrell. If I don’t laugh, well, I just don’t know.

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