MRBA Free-For-All

It’s time to workout. It’s time to get stronger. It’s time to get better. #mondaymantra. Good morning!


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51 Responses to MRBA Free-For-All

  1. Clucky says:


    Good morning! It was great watching my boys play guitar & banjo (heh) and sing st church last night with their dad. They harmonize very well!

    I assume PM returned from her coastal retreat..and OB & PQ as well.

    Y’all have a good’un!

  2. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a great day!

  3. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Flitting through. Prayers for my sister, parents and aunts as they travel to Mission, Texas today. They started yesterday at 10 a.m. and stopped at 11:30 in Beaumont.

    It’s going to be a long week for dad. Services for Uncle Ricky will be Wednesday.

  4. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning, all. I started out to run 2 miles this morning, but by 1.5, I couldn’t breathe. I think allergies or a cold is coming on. I walked the rest of the way home.

  5. Old Bopper says:

    Well, good afternoon! Got back from Florida on Thursday afternoon, but I think the “vacation” really hit us yesterday. Could hardly stay awake for the ball games. PQ and I both had the drowsies.

    Glad to see that PM and Stormy had a chance to make it to the beach. Sounds like she enjoyed it.

    Smiles and hugs to all!

  6. parrotmom says:

    4:15 pm on Monday. I had an enjoyable time at Orange Beach. Good food and saw some beautiful sunrises, the sunsets were pretty (but only once was I at the best spot), nice waves, and lots of pictures. So glad I finally made myself do something out of the ordinary. Yes, it was different in a lot of ways, but oh so good for the soul.

    OB glad you and PQ enjoyed your corner of the beach and I do believe others are somewhere on a beach this week.

    CLady prayers for your family and safe travels.

    Clucky, I know you were one proud mama last night.

  7. Molly says:

    Mornin…er, afternoon. Been a bit hectic in my little corner of Rankin County, but all is good.
    Kiddo has started her 2nd job. She went in last Thursday but didn’t do much more than fill out paperwork. She’ll be working Monday thru Thursday from whenever she can get there (1:45 or 2:00) until 4:30. That will be 10 hours or so per week. She said it looks like it will be a boring job — I say welcome to the real world.
    We’re going to a college fair at Brandon High School this evening. That should be interesting.
    PM, I’m glad you had a good time at the beach. Did Stormie behave?

  8. parrotmom says:

    Yes. my best parrot behaved. He flew once from the top of his cage to the coffee table. Thankfully he had a good landing. I also had left my phone on the counter where his cage was so he chewed a little bit of the edge of my cover. He was his typical self.

    Good to hear about Kiddo. The new job may be boring, but is likely to change as she gets more used to it.

  9. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope everyone has a great day!

    I feel like a bobble head thanks to all the allergy meds i have been taken just so I can function somewhat. But it is ok. This too shall pass. :)

    It shall be a glorious day!

  10. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon. First day back has been good do far. I am ready to go. My poor parrot being locked up all day :(.

  11. Clucky says:

    If I go missing, y’all can find me under a pile of Kleenex (yes, I sprang for the real thing.) I took 4 Benadryl at 430ish. It hasn’t touched this sneezing. Noooow I remember why I take Singulair!

  12. parrotmom says:

    Good Wednesday morning, woot, woot!!

    Prayers for you that are having allergy junk– Clucky, MsB, and I think MrsH also.

    Everyone enjoy this day and never forget 9-11-01.

  13. Airwolf says:

    Happy hump day!!

  14. msblondie says:

    morning gang! already been a busy morning.

    everyone have a great day!

  15. Molly says:

    Mornin. Pretty day out today. Quiet in the office.
    Kiddo is going to have a long day. She left for school a little before 8 am, and will go straight from school to the new job and straight from the new job to the old job and won’t get home until after 9:30 tonight. The old job usually just puts her on the weekend schedule, so this is the first time she’s done both jobs back-to-back. And, of course, she has a major test in bio-med tomorrow. One of these jobs may have to go.

  16. Molly says:

    I have a new chicken pot pie recipe I need to post on the MRBA Facebook page. It is yummy! I made it twice in one week when I first discovered it a couple of weeks ago…we can’t get enough of it. I made two batches of the chicken/veggie filling Sunday and put one batch in the freezer for later and refrigerated the other until yesterday. Yesterday I cooked it with both a bottom and top crust which made it even better than just having the top crust called for in the recipe. I just had leftovers for lunch. For you cooks out there, you should follow Pioneer Woman Cooks blog, or subscribe to her emails. She has a show on the Food Network on Saturdays, which I have not seen. I’ve been getting some really good recipes from her and then tweaking (not to be confused with twerking) for our taste.

  17. Clucky says:

    Happy 9/11, y’all.

    I applied for a job, y’all. A nursing job even. Please cross your fingers and say a prayer for me.

  18. LegalEagle says:

    Wednesday, or Thursday, at 12:45 am.

    No, I don’t have the hiccups even though it looks like I do.

    Our dearly beloved trailer park owner had the water turned off yesterday from about 10:00 a.m. until after 5:00 p.m. and again for a while last night. I had signed up to play bridge in Brandon today and got ready to take a bath and wash my hair and the D*%&#$& water was off again. I had to call and cancel at the last minute, which I always hate for anyone to do to me on Thursdays. It was off from before 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

    BE went to Morton to help his 80-something-year-old aunt with some chores around her house. I have never needed a bath so bad in my life. I jumped in the tub, got cleaned up and shining like a new penny and took myself to Logan’s for the 2 for $19.99 deal. I like their chicken fried steak with brown gravy, not that dreaded white stuff, and they used to have it on their regular menu, but right now it’s only on the special deal. I ate there and boxed the other meal up for BE when he gets home tomorrow. It was all I could do to save him half of those wonderful fried mushrooms with horseradish sauce, but I was good. I ended up having to box up a lot of mine too because the deal includes appetizer, 2 meals with 2 sides each and dessert.

    Molly, I’m waiting for that chicken pie recipe. That Greek potato salad I invented the other day was really good. I was surprised. And it was even better the next day.

  19. parrotmom says:

    7:55 am Thursday. Good morning world. Hope you all enjoy your day.

  20. msblondie says:

    morning gang! everyone have a great day!

  21. cardinallady says:

    Morning! I was buried in Bodock yesterday. Now off to the next project. But it should be a little lighter. Homecoming maids!

    Plus I hve to send a pink heals story over plus I have to gear up for pink pages all through October plus get the working women stories written, but before all that have to write the best of Pontotoc stories. *siiiigggghhh* September was once my slow month but alas since they moved the Bodock festival to it …. not any more.

  22. Molly says:

    Homecoming maids already? That seems early.
    Kiddo survived her very long day yesterday. The bowling alley closed a little early, so she was home by 9 pm, making her day away from home a mere 13 hours. She was so tired. She collapsed on the couch and I said “How was school?” She said “I don’t even remember school at this point.” Today she had to be at school an hour early to finish up a writing project in English Comp (her college credit course) and then she has her first major exam in Bio-Medical Research. Tomorrow she doesn’t work either job, so I have a feeling she will be falling into bed right after school and I may not see her until sometime Saturday afternoon.

    • msblondie says:

      Molly yeah a lot of homecoming are early this year. Friday night is Terry’s homecoming and next week I know is McLaurin’s. I was shocked at how early they are this year. My car has been asked for for McLaurin’s homecoming for my niece and a friend both are maids.

  23. Airwolf says:

    Morning, still hot and dry up here! We need rain very badly, lawn and plants are suffering!

    I hope your day is extra special!

    Good luck on the job Clucky!

    Where’s Blues btw?

    • Molly says:

      Hot and dry down here, too. I heard there were some showers around Ridgeland Tuesday afternoon, but only got a few clouds out my way. They are hinting at the possibility of showers tomorrow. We’ll see.

  24. parrotmom says:

    Last I heard from Blues he was in Texas.

  25. blues4you says:

    Coming to you LIVE from near Huntsville, TX. Hey folks. No, I’m not in prison but at work.

    Followed the rig from Louisiana to east Texas to here. Haven’t said much lately due to life circumstances and mental fallout, but i’m ok and glad to be here today.

  26. blues4you says:

    it’s about 1:30ish p.m. on my sun-dial 9/12/13

  27. blues4you says:

    Sorry folks, had a post written but it didn’t get past moderation for some reason.

    Followed the rig from Louisiana to east Texas to near Huntsville, Tx. Haven’t said much lately due to life circumstances and the resulting mental fall-out but I’m ok and proud to be here today.

  28. Molly says:

    Glad to hear from you Blues…and that you survived those life circumstances. We had some of those in our family this summer, too. Not fun.

  29. Clucky says:

    Howdy. I have an abscessed tooth-my first! It’s right up there with kidney stones…o.O. At least with kidney stones, you CAN eat and drink. Just yesterday I said I needed to lose some weight. This is NOT what I had intended.

    Hey Blues, been missing ya.

    No rain here either, in spite of leaving the top down on my car over a week. Sigh..

  30. parrotmom says:

    Hey Blues, glad you checked in. So sorry for the ruff time. Laughing at AW’s comment about keeping your chin up—easier to hit :)

    Clucky dear that is no way to lose weight. Sorry about the pain.

  31. parrotmom says:

    Happy Friday the 13th. Hope you all have a great day.

  32. msblondie says:

    Happy Friday! everyone have a great day!

  33. Clucky says:

    Hopefully, my first Football Friday!! The cool snap should kick in before kick off, and I can’t wait!! We are wait, what? FOUR AND OHHHHHH!!!
    Can’t wait to see baby girl swinging that flag on the field!!

    Tooth woke me up, along with it’s buddies, pain and FEVER. Amoxicillin and Excedrin are having none of THAT foolishness (Thank you, Lord!), and I’m trying to get up n’at ’em this morning.

    Y’all have a good Friday the 13th! My black cats and I ain’t worried about the date :)

  34. blues4you says:

    stumbles in/wipes sweat/whew, it’s hot out/swipes gatorade from co-worker/goes back to work

  35. parrotmom says:

    Way to do it Blues. Take care out there in the heat.

    Clucky glad you are doing better.

  36. Legal Eagle says:

    Friday, 9/13/13, 4:18 p.m.

    I’m at the library backing up the cloud on my iphone. I haven’t been able to find but one book so far that I haven’t read already. There is mouse pad at this computer, so I’m chasing the wild mouse. BE is still in Morton helping his aunt and cutting her grass. She’s feeding him stuff like squash and onions, field peas and snaps, etc., so I may never see him again.

    I’m about ready to hoof it back to my car, which I had to park in the north 40 thanks to the idiots who are double and tripled out front. I wish I still had some of those cards that you could stick under somebody’s windshield that lets them know how much you appreciate their courtesy.

    I’m glad you popped in, Blues! And I hope Clucky’s tooth is better, but it’s not going to fix itself.

  37. parrotmom says:

    Sunday 1:35 where is everyone. Watching football and enjoying the weekend apparently. Safe travels to some of you coming back from your vacation. I went to the big town of Pelahatchie yesterday. I had a great time seeing Neil McCoy–a very good entertainer. You all continue to enjoy your day.

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