MRBA Free-For-All

Good morning! I’ll be at Mistletoe Wednesday through Saturday selling Banjo’s Dream! Hope to see you there.


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51 Responses to MRBA Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good Monday morning!!

    Baby it’s cold outside so blessed to have a indoor job. Prayers and Hugs to everyone. Molly I hope your grandmothers celebration of life yesterday was good.

    Clucky I hope Mr. Fab is better so tje test can be done Wednesday.

    Ya’ll have a great day :)

  2. msblondie says:

    Happy Monday morning!

    everyone have a great day!!

  3. cardinallady says:

    Brrrrr! I think even my chickens with their downy underdrawers on were shivering a LITTLE bit this morning. Can y’all believe how many leaves have fallen just in this past week? My ground was practically empty of leaves last week, this morning it is a brown carpet. after this next rainstorm I suspect there will be even more.

    My dear son has been renovating on the house. Ever since we moved in the doors that once went to the outside of the house (converted into an out room or a mud room once upon a time ago) have been in the barn. I’ve kept curtains on these doorways, One is in the kitchen and the other in the living room. He dug the doors out of the barn, sanded them down and has already painted the one for the kitchen red (per mom’s specs) and hung it. Looks AWESOME.

    It is Thanksgiving month. What are you thankful for today? Me? I’m thankful for my sisters. All four of them. We are alive and we love each other. Thank God for mom and dad who taught us this.

  4. parrotmom says:

    Hi CLady and others.

    I can’t just pinpoint one specific thing I
    Am thankful for because I have so many. I guess the best one is:
    I have known Love and have loved others. My parents love, the love I shared with PD, and then the greatest Love of all. God’s LOVE!
    I am truly blessed even when I feel so alone.

  5. Mrs. H says:

    El started driving herself to school his week. I am no longer at the mech of the school calendar!

  6. Clucky says:

    Just in case you missed the news, our little band won state for the 5th straight year! You can see it here: :D

    I worked for a friend yesterday in the baby room at her daycare. My hips and knees have sent me some nasty hate mail throughout the night. I was asleep by 6pm and awake at 3, then rolled over and slept til 7. Still catching up from the weekend!

    Our football team made the playoffs, and will host Puckett Friday night. This will be tough. At halftime, state medals will be passed out to the students-by their parents:)

    • Molly says:

      Congrats on the band competition win…again!
      We were headed up I-55 Saturday morning and saw the bands from Desoto County, Southaven, Tupelo and some others heading south to Clinton for the 6A competition. It was a pretty day for it.

  7. parrotmom says:

    Good morning. Yea!! MrsH for being off the taxi service list and in the reserves.

    Y’all have a great Tuesday.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Clucky sorry for the aches and pains.

    Let’s see you have sporty Hot flash car, MrsH have really cool car, OB has super nice fun car. Hmmmmm? I’m single, semi young? Maybe I need new sporty ride then maybe I find a nice looking fellow to enjoy the ride with me :). Lol!

  9. Old Bopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Well, I finally did it. For over 20 years I’ve wanted a Mazda Miata. Been seriously looking for the past year. Finally found one with everything I want on it at a reasonable price and bought it yesterday. It’s slightly used which makes it affordable. I think I’m going to enjoy it.

    Finally caught up with Clucky and Mr. Fab!

  10. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    everyone have a great day!

  11. Molly says:

    Mornin. Made it back from Tennessee last night. I’m wore slap out, as they would say in the part of TN I was just visiting. Funeral was Sunday afternoon. It was a nice service. They had her looking really pretty. She certainly did not look 101; she never did.
    As long as we were up there and only a half hour drive from where Kiddo plans to go to college, we did her campus visit yesterday. Took a long tour, talked to financial aid, and picked out a dorm. She had already sent in her application, and when we got home last night there was an acceptance letter in the mail. My baby is almost a college student!

  12. Mrs. H says:

    Molly, it’s exciting and scary at the same time.

    OB, is that what it takes to get Prom Queen to go on your outings?

  13. parrotmom says:

    Happy Wednesday morning!

    Happy birthday to Chicklette. Clucky you will survive. She looks do much like you.

    Molly glad you had a safe trip and was able to check out the college for Kiddo while there.

    Hugs and prayers to all.

  14. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    Happy Birthday to Chicklette!

    Everyone have a great day!

  15. Clucky says:

    We’re back at St. D. Hopefully the procedure/test can be done today! He’s not running fever, and has had several days of antibiotics.

    I cannot believe my baby is 15!! She was so pretty this morning, and excited for the day ahead. I love it when she starts off the day happy.

  16. cardinallady says:

    Morning everybody! BEAUTIFUL fall morning! Operation Christmas Child boxes have arrived!!!!! Haleljuah!!! Going to get them set up at our local Christian Book Store now. The lady has a great idea! We are going to put them together and set them up in the shape of a Christmas tree. :) :) :)

    How is everyone doing? Me just excited! Jon called me a hummingbird all afternoon yesterday because I couldn’t get settled down to the ground.

    Happy Birthday to yooooouuuuuuu!! Happpy Birthday to yooooooouuuuuu!
    Happy Birthday deeeaaarrr Chhiiiiicckkklleeeeetttt! Happy Birthday toooooo youuuuuuuuuuuu!

  17. blues4you says:

    Stumbles in/looking like something the cat spit up/

    Cardinal, it sure is good to see you sing happy birfday to someone. Haven’t seen that in a looooooong time….happy birfday to chicklett!

    Motorcycles and fast cars. OB what are you, like, 20 yrs old or somethin’? I’m a little concerned.

  18. parrotmom says:

    Hey Blues, I’m a bit concerned about how awful you look :). You taking care of yourself? Good to see you.

    CLady you so kind.

    Clucky hope the test are done and you are heading home.

  19. Molly says:

    Yuck, Blues! Hope you feel better than you look!
    Happy Birthday to the Chicklette. Time for driver’s permit. Uh-oh!
    Hope Mr. Fab got to do his procedure. The sooner they figure out what’s going on, the sooner they can fix him up!

  20. Clucky says:

    He had his test, now has a full tummy and sleeping like a log :)

    I go back to work wif da bebes in the morning. I can finally move a bit today!! Let’s hope all that stretching and squatting is helping me get in shape! I am in a room with another caregiver; together we have 8 babies-even a set of twins! *melt*

    Not sure if I shared or not, but I was not chosen for the job. My feelings and ego are still quite bruised. She did ask if I would be willing to work part time or prn. Heck yes! She’s supposed to call me back next week so we can work out orientation.

    Chicklette’s boyfriend took her to eat Japanese food in Meridian, so she was happy happy happy when I talked to her. I will pass along the birthday wishes!


  21. parrotmom says:

    Thanks for the update Clucky. Sorry for the job thing but to get your feet wet, prn, may be the best route for now.

  22. Old Bopper says:

    Blues, it is “red”. Actually the better description would be “merlot” as in wine. I named it “Scooter”. Going back up to Memphis on Monday to pick up my little Civic so I can bring it back to sell. It’s a good dependable car if anybody might be interested. Don’t know how much I’ll ask but it should be right at Kelly Blue Book value.

    Took PQ riding this afternoon with the top down. We stopped at Dairy Queen for Blizzards and then back on the road for a while. I think she likes it.

    • Molly says:

      I would like some info on that Civic, OB. Our plan has been to get Kiddo a car next summer, in time for college. She needs a good car that gets great gas mileage. And, she’s had her eye on the Civic for a while now.

  23. msblondie says:

    morning gang! It is my FRIDAY! WOOOHOOO! Taking a mental day tomorrow I will need it with my boss leaving today. Not sure what is going to happen with new person coming in and a buyout going on. I turned down stepping in, but said I would help anyway I could. I just can’t handle the stress of that position anymore. Gotta look after my health now.

    Everyone have a great day!

  24. Molly says:

    Mornin. My cold/sinus mess is still lingering on. I can tell some improvement, but it isn’t going away. Ughhh.
    There’s this little shack in Tennessee that sells the best BBQ in the world! If we are ever within a 50 mile radius, we go there. And…we were there Monday. YUM! The guy makes his own BBQ sauce and it can’t be beat. So, we bought a quart of the sauce while we were there and I have a pork roast going in the crockpot as we speak. Tonight, we will be feasting on pulled pork sandwiches with that yummy BBQ sauce. Kiddo walked by the crockpot this morning and said, “What’s that supposed to be?” and turned up her little nose. I told her, and the turned up nose was replaced with a big grin. Nobody will be late to supper at my house tonight.

  25. msblondie says:

    OK gang I am coming begging for votes – for my niece – All those on Facebook might have seen my post last night and again this morning. She is Miss Teen Brandon.
    This is all on the Miss Magnolia State Facebook page. She is #16 – Sara Jo – in the Miss Teen Section of pictures. YOu can vote for any of the constentants as well. (Click on the pictures to get the info as to name and all)

    We thank you for your support!

  26. dwb810 says:

    Hello Everyone! Interview at 2. Hoping for the best.

  27. parrotmom says:

    Hey everyone’s. Hope all went well for the interview DWB.

  28. Clucky says:

    MB, I hope the interview went well!

    I’m stuffed. We jumped in together and whipped out a fine family supper. I’m full and medicated, so hopefully I can sleep well and hop up raring to go in the morning! I’m really enjoying this little stint. I think tomorrow is the last day, but we’ll see. It’s less than a mile from my house.

    MsBlondie-please take care of yourself!

  29. Cardinallady says:

    *whispering* hope I’m not waking any body up. Just wanted to say hi and good morning

    Blues hope u got all the kitty spit off of you.

    I watched the Billy Graham special tonight. Made me want to get a dvd of one of his crusades and watch it. God has blessed that man. He has indeed been more concerned for the sake of Jesus more than anyone else in our times

    Alright I feel sleep coming on now. Good night or rather good morning. Love u all

  30. parrotmom says:

    Hi ya’ll, Friday has arrived and so did 35 degrees this morning. Enjoy your day and take care.

  31. Molly says:

    Hey! Been quiet in MRBA land today. You know I said no one would be late for supper last night. Well…they didn’t even wait for me to get off work. By 4:30, their tummies were filled and they were happy. At least they left some for me.
    Last night, I got the touched up photos from the photographer that took Kiddo’s senior casuals. I’ll be posting some on FB in a bit. He really does great work!

  32. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon everyone. It’ Saturday about 2:15 pm. I am cold.

    Molly that is too funny about the bbq. I am glad they saved you some. Kiddo’s pics are great.

  33. parrotmom says:

    It’s Sunday or Monday Eve. Hope you all had a terrific day. At 1:00 am 11-11-13 will be 2 years ago that my roller coaster ride began with PD. God has been so good.

  34. Clucky says:

    Sunday night, checking in. A sinus infection has jumped off on me. Chicklette isn’t well either. :/

  35. parrotmom says:

    Happy Veterans Day. Thank all of you for your service.

  36. blue4you says:

    To all the veterans that read this, thank you.

  37. msblondie says:

    Hey gang! Thought I posted earlier — oop :)

    Happy Veterans Day! Thank you for willing to give the ultimate scariface for our Country. All 4 of my grandfather’s served, as well as my Uncle and both father-in-law and ex-father-in-law.

  38. Mrs. H says:

    My dad and Father-in-law were veterans, and my nephew is a future veteran!

  39. Clucky says:


    *grabs a fresh box of Kleenex and disappears*

  40. Molly says:

    Clucky, I feel your pain, hun! It’s been 2 weeks for me and I’m just starting to feel better. Still have a lot of drainage, but I can breathe now.

  41. Clucky says:

    *crawls to PM’s den*
    *grabs another box of Kleenex and a quilt*
    *pops more Alka Seltzer*
    *makes THAT face*
    *crawls back under rock*

  42. Airwolf says:

    Don’t pay the ransom. I’ve been extremely busy!

    I don’t care for cold weather and it’s here. 25 tonight!

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