Inkspots Blog: Using Our Talent

1383751_10153341599530721_1234108193_nImagine you own the richest land in around. You stand on the bluff and see thousands of acres of deep, dark soil that will grow just about any crop imaginable. But you just allow it to lay fallow. Weeds and briars soon take it over.  Land that could help so many others just sits there.

You’d think that was a huge waste, wouldn’t you?

Now, imagine that land is your talent. Say you can sing beautifully. Or are gifted at organization.  What if you are an amazing artist but choose not to use your abilities.   I run into so many people who say, “My brother can draw but doesn’t.”  It may because of fear. It may because of lack of belief.  But like the land,  so many choose not to use what they’ve been given.

That’s a waste, too, wouldn’t you say?

It is. And I know first hand. Because I’ve wasted my talent before.  When I was a custodian, I buried my drawing ability. I thought I wasn’t “good enough,” because I had been rejected.  But when I started drawing again, new opportunities opened up for me.  Just like in the Parable of the Talents, I went from being the servant who was afraid and buried his talent to one who used it.  And we know how that story turned out.

We live in a state with amazing soil — both figuratively and literally. I’ve met some of the most talented people in Mississippi that I’ve ever met — and I’ve lived all around the country. It’s time for us to go out and work our talent fields. It’s time for us to grow new and exciting crops. It’s time for us start to believe in the talents given to us and start using it.

Greatness lies ahead. I believe in the talent of Mississippi. And It’s time for us to use it. And celebrate those who do.


Question: What’s your talent and how can you use it?



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