MRBA Free-For-All


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32 Responses to MRBA Free-For-All

  1. msblondie says:

    happy monday morning!
    I woke sneezing this morning and have yet to stop.

    everyone have a great day and stay warm this week.

  2. Molly says:

    Mornin. I did that yesterday, MsB. I was sneezing before I got out of bed.
    A sweet neighbor of mine died over the weekend. She had a massive stroke 3 weeks ago and when I saw her in the hospital, I had a feeling she wouldn’t make it. Her husband is going to be absolutely lost without her. We met them when Kiddo was about 18 months old and immediately fell in love with them. They are about 80 years old. Never had grandchildren and would have been fantastic grandparents. They always made sure they had Halloween candy for Kiddo and brought her goodies every Christmas. I’ll miss that little lady!
    I’m going to make some small casseroles, etc. that he can put in his freezer and eat whenever he needs them (right now he’s inundated with food from church and other neighbors). I know I’m going to make a chicken spaghetti, veggie soup and some mini meat loaves. Anybody have other ideas on something I can prepare for him? I don’t know of any dietary restrictions, but don’t want to go too spicy.

  3. blues4you says:

    Greetings from casa del rio!

    Bully-duck now has a wireless connection for her new laptop that she got for Christmas.

    She’s a happy quacker! And that’s ALWAYS good.

    I was able to purchase the new laptop by cashing in points from my hotel rewards card. Had $375.00 on a best-buy card. Also had $50.00 on a kroger card. Bought some crablegs and a couple of steaks with that. Will use some more points for wally world cards probably.

    Encouraging e-mail from work that the project we are working on near Huntsville, Tx will continue, so that’s good.

    Starting to shop for a new vehicle. My old jeep only has 306,000 miles on ‘er. Bully-duck’s only has 296,000mi. Sigh.

    Ya’ll play nice. Gotta make a run to “the pig”.

  4. Molly says:

    Hey, Blues. I’m glad you have a happy Duck at your house. Sounds like you’ve gotten your money’s worth out of your vehicles! We drive ours until they wear out, too. Hate to even think about a car payment.
    If I think my neighbor will eat the soup same day I take it to him, I will add some cornbread. I had been thinking about just having freezer meals for him to thaw and eat when he runs out of everything else.

  5. Molly says:

    Mornin. The snow has been pretty coming down. It’s teeny tiny flakes right now, though. My office is not closed, but I have a feeling it will be very quiet. Clients are rescheduling appointments.
    Kiddo was NOT happy that school is out. She got someone to take her shift at work last night so she could study for a big test. And she studied and studied and was ready to get this test over with. Now, she has to wait a couple more days.

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! It was a fun drive in to work.. glad i only have 1 bridge but several hills and lots of red lights. Went up one hill sideways. This is crazy.

    The snow is pretty though. we are watching it fall out our windows. We also watching the crazy drivers on 20. Some are going slow others could careless.

    everyone stay warm and have a great day!

  7. Clucky says:

    Snowing like crazy here! School’s out!

  8. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon. Blues, just get another Jeep. You’ll never be happy with another vehicle. Take it from a former Jeep owner who is now driving a Ford. Or rather wishing she could drive a Ford. Hence, a prayer request. I lost my car key yesterday. It’s too old for the Ford place to make another key so if I don’t find it I’ll have to get a lock smith to make me a new one. sheesh! so this afternoon, I’m not meeting with the folks here at the Progress. I’m going on a search and rescue mission. PLEASE PRAY. Thanks.

  9. msblondie says:

    happy Wednesday folks! the drive in wasn’t as bad this morning for me. but it sure is cold.

    everyone stay warm and have a great day!

  10. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone. Glad to hear those of you that had to drive yesterday made it safely. Back at work today. Now to end this month.

    Blues glad to hear you have a happy quacker at home. Chuckled when I read popcorn. That’s a term we rarely see. Glad someone’s happy.

    Yes cold temps, but so glad the wind quit. You all have a great day.

  11. Molly says:

    Dang it! I typed a long comment and then accidentally deleted it all. I’ll try again…
    We ended up leaving the office before lunch yesterday. There really wasn’t any need to leave weatherwise, but I wasn’t going to argue! I spent the afternoon in the kitchen. I made a big pot of vegetable soup, chocolate chip cookies (a double batch), BBQ chicken in the crockpot, and even dehydrated sweet potato slices for the pups. They LOVE those things! I also worked on college financial paperwork for Kiddo and had a water heater installed. It was a busy, busy day!
    We came in an hour late today, which also wasn’t necessary, but again, I didn’t complain. It should be a quiet work day again, so maybe I can rest up from busy afternoon yesterday.

  12. DWB810 says:

    Hello everyone!! I hope all are defrosting after the snow. Here in Huntsville, AL we had about 45 flakes.

    So about the pic-a-nic. I am really hoping to make it this year as we are living closer. The only conflict I have is the weekend of May 17th. I have to be in StL for a wedding. Other than that we are pretty much open.

  13. parrotmom says:

    Morning folks. We have had seagulls at work for a few weeks now. So funny this morning they are standing and walking ok the ice on the lack. I chuckled as I watched them. Thinking if they could speak. “Hey look at me I can walk on the water”.

    DWB hoping you will be able to make it would love to see you again after all these years.

    Everyone have a good one!

  14. msblondie says:

    morning gang! everyone have a great day!

  15. Clucky says:

    PM, lots of pics of ducks and geese walking on water on the coast.

    Weather has really had me moving slow. Hoping to get my bootay in gear and get some things done.

    A schoolmate now teacher had a mole removed a couple of weeks ago with positive lymph nodes. PET scan today: Stage 3 melanoma.

  16. blues4you says:

    Ice on the channel at the casa del rio this morning. Glads it’s supposed to warm up a little today.

    Headed to Texas today.

    Y’all be good to each other.

  17. parrotmom says:

    Safe travels Blues.

    Clucky prayers for friend

  18. msblondie says:

    HAPPY FRIDAY GANG! Baby L made her debut into this world late last night at 8lb 13oz. and a head full of hair. I will post pics later on FB to show her off. Mom and baby is doing fine.

    One happy grandparent!

  19. cluckyrn says:

    Congratulations, MsBlondie!!

    Really looking forward to the pickanick this year. It’s like a family reunion-but I really like y’all! (LOL)

    I woke up bright and early this Friday morning. Maybe that means a better day! My hips and knees aren’t screaming so that’s a good start. Like our old buddy Susan said yesterday, I sure do hope that taking away our Sudafed has noticably decreased meth in MS, because I sure do need it!

  20. parrotmom says:

    It’s Friday. Enjoy

  21. Clucky says:

    Friday night 1030. Finished House of Cards Season 1. Wow that’s a good show. Can’t wait til 2/14 when the new season premieres.

    I made jambalaya this afternoon. Chicklette came home and ate two helpings. Wow-I made red beans and rice too. We had a fine supper, and had enough for my brother to have dinner with us.

    Tomorrow will be our last day cleaning out Mom’s house. I’m so ready to be done! I hope tomorrow is as productive as today :)

  22. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m just waiting for word from Marshall about his availability in April preferably or May and he has such a hectic schedule I know it’s hard for him to know too far ahead. As soon as I find out when MR is available, I will call the Pearl Parks & Recreation folks and see when Pearl Park is available.

  23. blues4you says:

    Happy Superbowl Sunday from Centerville,Tx!

    It’s 34 degrees and raining here. A fine day to be working outside. I actually feel sorry for the rig hands on a day like today.

    Won’t be able to watch the ballgame tonight thanks to no fox network on the motel tv/cable/satellite. I’m leery of driving the 40 mi or so to Huntsville due to possibilty of ice later on. Oh well. Such is life.

  24. Molly says:

    Mornin. You didn’t miss much of a game last night, Blues. The Broncos never really showed up. There were a few good commercials. Bruno Mars did a good job at halftime, but the Red Hot Chili Peppers should have been left out of it.
    I’m glad the rain has let up today. I think tomorrow is supposed to be a washout, though.
    Looks like a fairly quiet week at work. Fine by me.
    It also appears that co-worker will be moving to Ohio in the very near future. I say “appears” because I never know if there is any truth to what she says. As with everything else with her, I’ll believe it when I see it. “Facts” about the wonderful job her husband has supposedly gotten have already changed from Friday afternoon to this morning.

  25. parrotmom says:

    Good morning all. Happy Monday!!

    Sounds like she took lessons from my sister. I never get the truth from her and it’s always someone taking advantage of them.

  26. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    Molly I am with you on the halftime show. And there were some good commericals.

    We missed most the first quarter though – we has gone to see the baby and take a few things to mom and dad that were needed along with a “birthday present”. I have to say they have been blessed – she will not have to buy clothes for at least the first year it not long. She has been given so many from friends in arrange of sizes – yes most are passdowns but look brand new, also many have never been worn.

    Already a busy morning playing catchup. so I best get back to it.

    Everyone have a great day!

  27. Cardinallady says:

    Pecking in for a minute. It’s 11:13 pm. Realized I haven’t said w word so ce last tues. y’all send a search party out after me next time. Has been a busy week was sick I. Ed Wednesday. On the bright side I fou d my truck key that bad been missing for two days. Or rather my editor found it. Story later I’m tired good night

  28. parrotmom says:

    Good Tuesday morning. Make it a great day!

    Congrats CLady on the key being found.

  29. parrotmom says:

    It’s Monday. Prayers to all that are in the path for the frozen stuff. You all take care.

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