Missed last Friday. Had to go to a friend’s mom’s funeral. Did 900 miles of driving in about 24 hours. That was tiring in its own right. Then I ran 10.5 miles Sunday and a fast 2.5 on Monday.
I was sore today. I was tired today. Snow was incoming.
I worked out anyway.
Paul was in Paul mode and was pushing everyone hard today. He wasn’t going to put up with any slacking and let us know exactly what he thought of slackers. We did our typical six stations. First was circuit (I liked the jump roping best). Then it got tough. We burned our arms out doing various types of pushups. In between, we ran sprints. Then we did an inchworm, bear crawl, pushup combo. We were on the floor a lot. It was the first time I wanted to hit my knees.
But I pushed through it.
The next station was shuffle/sprint/shuffle. Paul was making sure we did exactly what we were supposed to be doing.
It reminds me of our old football drills. There is an importance of making good mental decisions when you are exhausted. Of all the things I do at PLS, that’s the one that is the most useful in the real work. I’m tired most of the time. You have to learn how to think when you are tired. Period.
From there, we went to the treadmill and ran. And then we ended in the weight room.
It was a hard day and I’m tired. I walked around Jackson this morning in the snow taking photos. But I’m grateful for the PLS training.
It’s getting me to the next level.